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Fresh clashes erupt between Azerbaijan, Armenia

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The USA certainly does not support Azerbaijan. Even to this day alone, about 30-40 congressmen and senators have issued a statement condemning and the increase of sanctions against Azerbaijan, while completely ignoring Armenia's violation of the agreement and its attack on the Azerbaijani army. As always, the US foreign affairs spokesman too, directly and only condemned Azerbaijan.

US supports Azeris.

BTC pipeline goes through Azerbaijan and Georgia.

BTC is owned and operated by the following

Only exception that was broken only by Pakistan and only in 2020, not any other muslim country. (This makes Pakistan the only important Muslim country in my side) Pakistan supported Azerbaijan and India supported Armenia. In fact, In:lol:dia provided Armenia with a very serious number of air defense radars and electronic systems. They were largely destroyed during the war. I don't know if the Indians were able to get all of their money from these sales, the last thing I remember was the Armenian public debate about these systems being garbage.

Source? Or was some "i heard it from a guy who knows a guy" talk at the felafel stand where you work?

India supplied just 4 radars(worth a measly $40 million) as opposed to a "serious number" to Armenia, and they were delivered after the war .Orders were placed in March 2020, deliveries started 2021 and the war was over in November 2020, so genius, please tell us how could they have been destroyed in the war before they were delivered?

Not surprisingly, the source of fake news and rumours about Armenia's dissatisfaction with Indian weapons were twitter posts made by defence.pk :lol:

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They could devastate Azerbaijan with ballistic missiles and pound them with the Air Force. Azerbaijan is very small compared to Ukraine.
They could have done that 2 years ago too, they didn't. Doubt it they wanna open another front at this crucial moment.
I am neutral. Why will Azerbaijan attack a territory which isn't her. Armenia has their territory and Azerbaijan is "retaking his internationally territories"? Armenia is Azeri. These can lead a religious war, massacres based on religion.
Simply because might is right.

When Armenians were mighty, they took over Azerbaijanis land through the backing of their Russians buddies.

Now the Russians buddies are mightily taking over others' land, and if Azerbaijanis are strong enough, they should not only take back their own land but take a little bit more from their oppressors.

I mean what the hell Armenia's buddy Russia is gonna say? Azerbaijan is not allowed to take others' land at a time when they(Russians) themselves are taking over others'(Ukraine) lands? Imagine how hypocritical that would be? But then again, world is hypocritical, always been, and always will be. You get strong enough, you find opportunity, you get what is rightfully yours. And you define what is 'rightfully' yours.
I mentioned Iraq,because Saddam too boasted about his strength and army and the fact that he controlled a big part of the world's oil reserves. Just like Iraq,Erdogan portrays Turkey as an invincible,experienced army that neither West nor East dare to attack.

What a stupid post and daydreamer person who compare weak-useless Iraq with regional power Turkiye which was super power in history to rule 44 countries including Greece and Iraq for centuries

Iraq was so weak without defense industry
Full of foreign weapons
Smaller population
Arabs dont know how to fight
Traitor KESNIZANI Organization seized Army , Police , Intelligence for American interests
Shiite İraqis welcomed invasion of Iraq by USA-UK

Turkiye has great defense industry and one of the best in the world
Turkiye has bigger population and warrior nation
Turkiye has great military traditation since 209 BC
Turkiye kicked traitor FETO Organization out of Army , Police , Intelligence
Turks have the best military history with 16 Empires who ruled India , İran , Anatolia , Caucasia , All Middle East , Egypt , North Africa , Greece and all Balkans for centuries

Turkish Army has the best experince of real conflicts since 1990s and now in İraq , Syria , Libya , Azerbaijan , TRNC , Somalia and Qatar

loser Greek again hiding behind France and dreaming about fighting Turkiye which kicked Greeks+French+Armenians in the last war
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Armenia made two major strategic mistakes: it underestimated the relationship between Putin and Erdogan (because behind Aliyev, it is Erdogan), it did not proceed with the purchase of practical and modern weapons.

On the other hand, the Azeris take full advantage of being natural gas producers, which means they have money, they buy modern equipment, they will continue to hit Armenia until they are territorially united with Turkey, that is, they will occupy Armenian territory.
Oh look... another war, this is exactly the world needs, another Freaking WAR.
It's war season. Resources are scarce, population is high, greed is even higher. There are historical rivalries , megalomania, revenge and ambitions. Survival of the fittest, rule of the strongest. You eat or you get eaten.
Armenia made two major strategic mistakes: it underestimated the relationship between Putin and Erdogan (because behind Aliyev, it is Erdogan), it did not proceed with the purchase of practical and modern weapons.

Now Azerbaijan and Turkiye have much stronger military power and political willpower than 1990s

ERDOGAN's Turkiye is not 1990's Turkiye which ruled by puppets who did not give even a Helicopter to Azerbaijan
ERDOGAN's Turkiye is not 1990's Turkiye which was without defense industry
2020's Azerbaijan is not 1990's weak and unarmed Azerbaijan

Most sophisticated Turkish and İsraeli weapons easily crushed old Soviet war concept from ww2

more 2 S300 Air Defense Systems were destroyed by Azerbaijani Bayraktar TB-2 UCAVs

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Excuse me, but Nagorno-Karabakh is part of Azerbaijan, and Armenian separatists backed by Armenia and Russia have been occupying it for years. The problem, as usual, is Russia.
It's war season. Resources are scarce, population is high, greed is even higher. There are historical rivalries , megalomania, revenge and ambitions. Survival of the fittest, rule of the strongest. You eat or you get eaten.
You couldn't have said it better.
They could have done that 2 years ago too, they didn't. Doubt it they wanna open another front at this crucial moment.
They didn't want to. They wanted to teach Armenia a lesson. You see,the previous government had been pro-Russian for decades. Pashinyan came to power in a "revolution" and wanted to take the country more to the West. He played the patriot card and when the war started,he sold NKR and afterwards did little to get POWs back or protect the cultural heritage of Artsakh when Azeris started demolishing monuments,religious sites and houses. He basically downplayed the importance of Sushi and had laws passed that banned criticism and mocking the president.
Excuse me, but Nagorno-Karabakh is part of Azerbaijan, and Armenian separatists backed by Armenia and Russia have been occupying it for years. The problem, as usual, is Russia.
Then I'm sorry,but you don't know history. Nagorno-Karabakh had been Armenian land since the ancient times. It became part of the Sassanid empire in the late 4th century,later independent again. In 1000 A.D. it became a kingdom. Basically,it was ruled by Armenians until the early 19th century. It then became part of the Russian Empire.

Later,when the Bolsheviks took power,they gave it to Azerbaijan SSR with a small part as autonomous oblast.

When the war started in the early '90s,the Soviets actually supported the Azeris at first,before they left.

The Armenians actually re-took their lands,it wasn't the other way around.




The Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast


The Republic of Artsakh (NKR) after the 90s war

Turkiye has great defense industry and one of the best in the world
Turkiye has bigger population and warrior nation
Turkiye has great military traditation since 209 BC
Turkiye kicked traitor FETO Organization out of Army , Police , Intelligence
Turks have the best military history with 16 Empires who ruled India , İran , Anatolia , Caucasia , All Middle East , Egypt , North Africa , Greece and all Balkans for centuries

Turkish Army has the best experince of real conflicts since 1990s and now in İraq , Syria , Libya , Azerbaijan , TRNC , Somalia and Qatar

Oh honey,you're really broken...

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