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Fresh clashes erupt between Azerbaijan, Armenia

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Are they going to war again? Is the Armenian PM gonna leak sensitive info again like last time?
Are they going to war again? Is the Armenian PM gonna leak sensitive info again like last time?
The wanker? Probably yes. He already said 105 Armenian soldiers died.
Armenia was a tiny fortress for their base there. But they didn't expect someone like Pashinyan to take power.
Like you said,this is the best chance they have to strike. Russia is preocuppied in Ukraine,Armenia and NKR lost a big part of their army in the previous war,they have the most incompetent government,Turkey has probably provided Azerbaijan with more weapons and equipment. It's their chance.

Unless of course,some other country decides to stop this. Or the Russians themselvs decide to bomb Azeri bases to pieces and send the Caspian Flotilla to blockade Baku. But they probably don't want to open a second front.
Russia and france are the only ones that could help Armenia. France will have troubles sending supplies. And if it sanctions Azerbaijan, the gas gets cut off from one more source. Not great for Europe this winter.

Russia could just blow the Azeri Bases up, but Turkey could supply massive and massive amount of weapons to both Ukraine and Azerbaijan. I mean it could actively get involved in Ukraine war, even if not openly. Russia does not need a new front, but it might be forced to protect Armenia. It will be inserting to see. But no better chance for Azerbaijan whatever happens. In 10-15 years when russia is a normal country, that certainly will not suit Azerbaijan.
Lol. Did they buy A2A weaponry for their su30 yet?

I guess they probably got some missiles,but then again,they might have lied about that too.

Spot the non-Turkic member in the Pan-Turkic council video-chat. And he's so happy about it.


Russia and france are the only ones that could help Armenia. France will have troubles sending supplies. And if it sanctions Azerbaijan, the gas gets cut off from one more source. Not great for Europe this winter.

Russia could just blow the Azeri Bases up, but Turkey could supply massive and massive amount of weapons to both Ukraine and Azerbaijan. I mean it could actively get involved in Ukraine war, even if not openly. Russia does not need a new front, but it might be forced to protect Armenia. It will be inserting to see. But no better chance for Azerbaijan whatever happens. In 10-15 years when russia is a normal country, that certainly will not suit Azerbaijan.
I wonder if the Russians ask Iran to intervene 🤔
I wonder if the Russians ask Iran to intervene 🤔
That is an option. I think they'd be crazy to. They probably rely on Turkey too much to help them break sanctions. And Turkey could retaliate in Syria. I'd say Arabs are more important to Iran than Armanians. But who knows what Iranians will do. I'm more concerned about russia intervening. I of course think Armenia should honour its promise to supply a corridor to nakchivan or the ceasefire should be torn up.

Tukrkey Azerbaijan ukraine vs russia war is ok too. No better time for it. Because the west/russia/armenia will never restore Azeri territorial integrity and if they want their country back they'll have to fight for it. As we have seen in Ukraine.

Also turkey must secure a corridor to transport weapons to Azerbaijan without any interruption. this is of vital importance for the future Russia/Kazakstan war where the Turkic nations will fight russia. I down know when this war will come but russia will not allow Kazakstan to keep app the Russian inhabited territory and to me its just a matter of time and when it happens Turkey will want to be involved.
I wonder if the Russians ask Iran to intervene 🤔
we are a pacifist not interventionist nation , if Armenia ask us , we teach them how to protect their land , we will provide them with weapons to change the tide of war , we train them , if they need anything we provide , but we don't enter war until we are attacked and if that happen , its us who decide when the war end not the attackers .:-)
Armenia did genocide or Turkey did genocide? We believe on Turkey or Armenia?

At least, this is your lie, US and EU is on Armenian side.

Azerbaijan have strong relations with Israel, so no chance US and NATO take side with Armenia.

Russia is neutral and even she supported Azeris much than Armenian when she forced Armenia to leave Azeri land which Armenia got in 90s era
Genocide allegations are an imperialist lie campaign based on fake photographs and memoirs, unproven claims created by political circles, not commonly academic historical circles. There are decisions in the Swiss Federal Supreme Court and the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights where the said parliaments found these states unjustified and convicted them for genocide denial accusations. As one of the precedent decisions, you can examine the Perinçek case.

Turkish and Ottoman archives are open to all academic circles. And the Turkish side has repeatedly stated that the joint history commission should work on this issue and that all documents are open. Like Bernard Lewis, many world-renown historians have openly stated that there was no genocide. However, since the Armenian diaspora knows very well what is happening behind all the lies, it does not allow historical circles to discuss this issue in a joint commission, and tries to turn the issue into a political tool in the parliaments of foreign states. The French state is one of the two important states that financed the Hinchak terrorist organization and tried to cause a civil war to break up the Ottoman Empire. Even if only the documents of this state in the French archives regarding terrorist organizations were opened, the lies would come to light.

I have read thousands of pages of documents on these topics and I am quite familiar with the subject. My advice to you is not to put yourself in a stupid position by trying to appear to have an opinion on matters that you have no knowledge of. Let's discuss this in a separate thread if you dare. Do not plunge the thread into the whataboutism vortex.


The occupation of Karabakh in 93 and the genocide that took place in front of the cameras took place with the open support of Russia. Azerbaijan could not save its lands due to the Russian obstacle. Even today, Russia is officially the protector of the minority in Karabakh. Russian peacekeepers protect Armenian rights. There are Russian outposts opposite the Azerbaijan outposts. There is a special security agreement between Armenia and Russia. Also, just two days ago, Armenia officially requested the Collective Security Treaty Organization to send troops to the region. You're not familiar with more recent history, what's going on there now, or even the texts of one or two-year agreements. So that my discussion with you does not become a waste of time, first learn something and then continue.
That is an option. I think they'd be crazy to. They probably rely on Turkey too much to help them break sanctions. And Turkey could retaliate in Syria. I'd say Arabs are more important to Iran than Armanians. But who knows what Iranians will do. I'm more concerned about russia intervening. I of course think Armenia should honour its promise to supply a corridor to nakchivan or the ceasefire should be torn up.
Yeah. I think it's a lose situation for Armenia now,if USA and/or Russia don't stop the Azeris.

we are a pacifist not interventionist nation , if Armenia ask us , we teach them how to protect their land , we will provide them with weapons to change the tide of war , we train them , if they need anything we provide , but we don't enter war until we are attacked and if that happen , its us who decide when the war end not the attackers .:-)
Non-intervensionist? Explain Lebanon and Yemen please :P
Yeah. I think it's a lose situation for Armenia now,if USA and/or Russia don't stop the Azeris.

Non-intervensionist? Explain Lebanon and Yemen please :P
Yemenis and Lebanese themselves , in case of Armenia if they ask our help , we gave such non-interventionist aids to them as we gave Yemen and Lebanon :smitten:.
in this case its Armenia that must ask for help not Russia tell us go and help them.
That is an option. I think they'd be crazy to. They probably rely on Turkey too much to help them break sanctions. And Turkey could retaliate in Syria. I'd say Arabs are more important to Iran than Armanians. But who knows what Iranians will do. I'm more concerned about russia intervening. I of course think Armenia should honour its promise to supply a corridor to nakchivan or the ceasefire should be torn up.

Tukrkey Azerbaijan ukraine vs russia war is ok too. No better time for it. Because the west/russia/armenia will never restore Azeri territorial integrity and if they want their country back they'll have to fight for it. As we have seen in Ukraine.

Also turkey must secure a corridor to transport weapons to Azerbaijan without any interruption. this is of vital importance for the future Russia/Kazakstan war where the Turkic nations will fight russia. I down know when this war will come but russia will not allow Kazakstan to keep app the Russian inhabited territory and to me its just a matter of time and when it happens Turkey will want to be involved.
Susha Agreement was signed between Turkiye and Azerbaijan. According to this agreement, an attack on the territorial integrity of one of the countries will be considered as an attack on the other. A similar agreement exists between Russia and Armenia.

Currently, the mined areas on the Armenian-Turkish border are being cleared. (The said border gate was closed after 93. Contrary to what is believed here, in the first years of Armenia, there were perfectly normal relations between TR and Armenia.) Azerbaijan was about to lift its annotation on Armenia, which means full normalization between Turkiye and Armenia. There are about 80.000 Armenian citizens in Turkiye, half of whom are illegal workers, all of problems was about to be solved.

Pashinyan made a statement today. He says exactly this: I have a peace document in front of me, if I sign it, Armenia will achieve lasting peace. But if I sign, I will be declared a traitor by my people. Here is the problem, the enemy of a nation that has been put to sleep with lies and empty dreams is not the Turks, but themselves, more specifically the diaspora.

Russia is currently in a difficult situation in Ukraine. Someone wants Russia to expand its front, with trashing the 2020 peace agreement. In the past months, advisory reports on the extension of the war with Russia to the Caucasus were published in some major western think tank reports. Therefore, it would be a reasonable point of view to associate the asymmetrical elements under the command of the Armenian army infiltrating the Azerbaijani regions, killing about 50 soldiers and trying to sabotage the agreement, with these studies.
Genocide allegations are an imperialist lie campaign based on fake photographs and memoirs, unproven claims created by political circles, not commonly academic historical circles. There are decisions in the Swiss Federal Supreme Court and the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights where the said parliaments found these states unjustified and convicted them for genocide denial accusations. As one of the precedent decisions, you can examine the Perinçek case.
It's strange,medieval and later chronicles written by individuals of various nations,describe Ottoman atrocities throughout the centuries. Byzantine Greeks,Serbs,Bulgarians,Hungarians,Moldowallachians,Germans,Italians etc.
Yet,in the mind of the Turk and Ertogrul-watching southeast asian,that is all propaganda.

The memoirs and testimonies of various individuals about the atrocities the Turks from the 19th century to the early 20th century,are rejected by the same people as "Western propaganda" as well.

So basically,the Ottomans,the Young Turks and the Azeris were saints and the entire world is conspiring against them? Everyone has been conspiring against them? Pastors,missionaries,doctors,volunteers,ambassadors and consuls and officers of various nationalities in the early 20th century? All of them lying? Everyone's lying against peace-loving Turkey?

It's strange,medieval and later chronicles written by individuals of various nations,describe Ottoman atrocities throughout the centuries. Byzantine Greeks,Serbs,Bulgarians,Hungarians,Moldowallachians,Germans,Italians etc.
Yet,in the mind of the Turk and Ertogrul-watching southeast asian,that is all propaganda.

The memoirs and testimonies of various individuals about the atrocities the Turks from the 19th century to the early 20th century,are rejected by the same people as "Western propaganda" as well.

So basically,the Ottomans,the Young Turks and the Azeris were saints and the entire world is conspiring against them? Everyone has been conspiring against them? Pastors,missionaries,doctors,volunteers,ambassadors and consuls and officers of various nationalities in the early 20th century? All of them lying? Everyone's lying against peace-loving Turkey?

No, enough not for me but to you!

You are using these baseless accusations as an example of whataboutism just because I have expressed my opinion on this matter. The thread is about the violation of the 2020 agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia, but twitter and facebook historians are at work!

I am ready to discuss this issue with documents, archival documents with academic standards. But you do not have such a purpose, your aim is to create a perception with sloganist discourses. Distorting and manipulating matters.
Pashinyan made a statement today. He says exactly this: I have a peace document in front of me, if I sign it, Armenia will achieve lasting peace. But if I sign, I will be declared a traitor by my people. Here is the problem, the enemy of a nation that has been put to sleep with lies and empty dreams is not the Turks, but themselves, more specifically the diaspora.
Remarkable. What a brave man if he signs it and turns his back on territorial expansion and war. Diaspora Armenians will probably kill him. But it probably needs to be done if Armenia wants to join the 21th century and stop living in the 18th.
No, enough not for me but to you!

You are using these baseless accusations as an example of whataboutism just because I have expressed my opinion on this matter. The thread is about the violation of the 2020 agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia, but twitter and facebook historians are at work!

I am ready to discuss this issue with documents, archival documents with academic standards. But you do not have such a purpose, your aim is to create a perception with sloganist discourses. Distorting and manipulating matters.
From what I know,it was Azerbaijan that attacked the other day. Are you saying that weak Armenia started a fuss?

Remarkable. What a brave man if he signs it and turns his back on territorial expansion and war. Diaspora Armenians will probably kill him. But it probably needs to be done if Armenia wants to join the 21th century and stop living in the 18th.
He's not brave,he's got an agenda. He's soldout. Armenia was already a tiny State and he's doing everything to make it even smaller. This guy basically wants to make Yerevan a big City-State. As long as him and his friends profit from it,he's ok with it. So what if NKR gets destroyed and they give a corridor to the Azeris and parts of Eastern Armenia,he doesn't live there,he doesn't care. A few days after the war ended,he mocked Shushi,calling it an undeveloped town not worth dying for etc. etc.
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