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Fresh clashes erupt between Azerbaijan, Armenia

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Armenia is another puppet State as like Greece to fight Turkiye

Weak countries like Armenia and Greece can not do anything without USA-France
USA-France says jump and PASHINIAN - MITSOTAKIS says how long Sir !

in 2020 , Armenia attacked Azerbaijani cities like TOVUZ which hosts gas-oil pipelines to Turkiye

TOVUZ has strategic importance as it is located on the route of transportation and energy lines jointly realized by Azerbaijan and Turkiye

who ordered Armenia to attack on TOVUZ which is located 200 km north of the Karabakh ?

There can be no military solution to this conflict for Armenian victory
still Armenia of large-scale provocations in recent days, Armenian saboteurs planted mines and Armenian forces carried out intensive firing on Azerbaijani positions

and these actions by Armenian forces led to the confrontation

USA-France use their puppets
at the same time , USA-France use Armenia , Greece , PKK/YPG Terrorists to fight Turkiye in 3 fronts

weak Greece provoke Turkiye
weak Armenia is trying to block the route of transportation and energy lines jointly realized by Azerbaijan and Turkiye

and PKK/YPG Terrorists are trying to create terror corridor in Syria against Turkiye

also They used another puppet HAFTAR to make military coup in Libya to destroy good relationship with Turkiye

there are asymmetric war between Turkiye and USA-France , their puppets PKK/YPG , HAFTAR , Greece , Armenia from Libya to Syria and from Karabakh to Eastern Mediterranean
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Armenia made two major strategic mistakes: it underestimated the relationship between Putin and Erdogan (because behind Aliyev, it is Erdogan), it did not proceed with the purchase of practical and modern weapons.
Like I've said in other threads,Pashinyan went on to make a series of dumb purchases:

Used OSA systems from Jordan,outdated and without any upgrades,then the 4 Su-30SM from Russia but without missiles,also
radars from India etc.

Apart from a few things like the Iskander,some Buk M1-2 and Tor-M2KM (of uknown number),the majority of their equipment was old. S-125s,S-200s,Strela and Krug. Even their S-300s were old S-300PT variant.

Their small budget and the thought that Russia would protect them,had stopped them from modernizing their armed forces. Maybe even corruption. And Armenians are great fighters,but without the proper equipment,they can't defend against air threats like that. On the ground,Pashinyan betrayed Artsakh and left them fighting alone,sending only a few old or inexperienced volunteers once in awhile,other times refusing to send reinforcements when Artsakh asked and other times ordering units to retreat from certain points. After the war,he was suspiciously all too happy to cooperate with Aliyev and Erdogan. He was eager to sign agreements that gave Azeris more land than they had won.
Then I'm sorry,but you don't know history. Nagorno-Karabakh had been Armenian land since the ancient times. It became part of the Sassanid empire in the late 4th century,later independent again. In 1000 A.D. it became a kingdom. Basically,it was ruled by Armenians until the early 19th century. It then became part of the Russian Empire.

Later,when the Bolsheviks took power,they gave it to Azerbaijan SSR with a small part as autonomous oblast.

When the war started in the early '90s,the Soviets actually supported the Azeris at first,before they left.

The Armenians actually re-took their lands,it wasn't the other way around.

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The Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast

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The Republic of Artsakh (NKR) after the 90s war

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If u go back in history then america and canada also dont belong to white europeans. Dont make excuses and talk about what the current UN recognizes. Armenia did not just take karabakh but also the districts surrounding it, thats totally illegal. You also portray a one sided dumb pic, u didnt mention how pashinyan was threatening azerbaijan and talking about taking more land. He got put in his place and now will lose more territory, the Armenians deserve it and should be punished for what they done.
Will be interesting to see Iran's stance. In last War, Azerbaijan had surprise weapon in drones. This time that surprise is gone.
Armenia did not just take karabakh but also the districts surrounding it, thats totally illegal. You also portray a one sided dumb pic, u didnt mention how pashinyan was threatening azerbaijan and talking about taking more land. He got put in his place and now will lose more territory, the Armenians deserve it and should be punished for what they done.
That's what I'm talking about,the surrounding area was Armenian as well,it was part of what Armenians called "Artsakh".

Pashinyan acted macho,either because he was completely incompetent or because he wanted NKR to lose,so he could sign deals with Turkey and Azerbaijan. Either way,he betrayed the Armenian people who supported him when he took power.

What I'm telling you is not one-sided. Imagine if you retook Indian-occupied Kashmir and after some years,they took most of it back and shouted "We liberated our lands!" Would that mean that Kashmir was Indian just because they were occupying that part for decades?
That's what I'm talking about,the surrounding area was Armenian as well,it was part of what Armenians called "Artsakh".

Pashinyan acted macho,either because he was completely incompetent or because he wanted NKR to lose,so he could sign deals with Turkey and Azerbaijan. Either way,he betrayed the Armenian people who supported him when he took power.

What I'm telling you is not one-sided. Imagine if you retook Indian-occupied Kashmir and after some years,they took most of it back and shouted "We liberated our lands!" Would that mean that Kashmir was Indian just because they were occupying that part for decades?

Kashmir is recognized as disputed territory by UN, NK and surrounding areas are recognized as Azerbaijani territory by UN. Now u can pull all sorts of crap about thousand years ago like the israeli scumbags do, but that is what it is, crap. The area was Azerbaijani and they took it illegally, diaplaced thojsands, killed thousands. Now they have taken revenge, and will take even more territory. Armenia can only cry now.
Kashmir is recognized as disputed territory by UN, NK and surrounding areas are recognized as Azerbaijani territory by UN.
And NKR is de facto disputed territory.

Now u can pull all sorts of crap about thousand years ago like the israeli scumbags do, but that is what it is, crap.
It seems that you didn't read my post correctly. Nagorno-Karabakh had been ruled by Armenians until the early 19th century when it became part of the Russian Empire. It always had Armenian majority,that's why it became an autonomous oblast under the Soviets,even though they had diminished it's area.

The area was Azerbaijani and they took it illegally, diaplaced thojsands, killed thousands.
Let's see who did what:

Screenshot_2022-07-31 List of massacres in Azerbaijan - Wikipedia.png
Screenshot_2022-07-31 List of massacres in Azerbaijan - Wikipedia(1).png

Don't blindly follow a side,just because they are muslims.
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The area was Azerbaijani and they took it illegally, diaplaced thojsands, killed thousands. Now they have taken revenge, and will take even more territory.
This will solve your question of what Nagorno Karabakh was until 1989.....Armenian.

On 7 July 1988, the European Parliament passed a resolution that condemned the violence employed against Armenian demonstrators in Azerbaijan, and supported the demand of the Armenians for reunification with the Soviet Republic of Armenia.
This resolution noted the historic status of Nagorno-Karabakh as part of Armenia, the arbitrary inclusion of this region within Azerbaijan in 1923, as well as the massacre of Armenians of Sumgait in February 1988 and violence in Baku.

They didn't want to save Armenia. Because Pashinyan took power in a "revolution" that kicked out the pro-Russian government. So this was Russia's punishment. If the Russians feel they are threatened by Azerbaijan becoming too pro-NATO,they will support the Armenians with big forces.

Well thats what I'm thinking. They created modern Armenia and they are defenders of Armenia. They will surely intervene if things get bad.

But Turkey is probably playing a game here where they would become involved if Russia doest and become involved in Ukraine and Azerbaijan, knowing that russia fighting Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Turkey would have some real problems. Azerbaijan has an army probably in par with Ukraine when the 2022 winter war started.

This is definitely an opportunity to trike at Armenia. there probably won't a be better chance in the next 50 years.
Karabakh in 1993. Who remember? Armenian forces ethnically cleansed muslims, murdering women, children and old men, raping little girls. The UN condemned it, but no one made anything for more than 30 years. Despite all the embargoes, Azerbaijan solved this problem by its own means, not by those who ignored it. And, Azerbaijan is reclaiming what rightfully belongs to it according to int’l law & justice.

Armenia needs to accept Azerbaijan’s internationally recognized borders and facilitate unfettered transportation to Nakchivan through the Meghri Corridor, as they are obligated to per the 2020 trilateral agreement. Then will come peace.

Armenia is launching an asymmetrical attack to take advantage of Russia's weakness and to disrupt the agreements it has signed. When Azerbaijan wants to intervene in this situation, the reaction comes from the American senators and French politicians! Raise your head for a moment and see who cries the most about this? Armenia must learn that USA or the French-led European wing cannot be the savior from agreement it signed, before it is too late. If it tries to look for an adventure again, this time the price will be very heavy because whole world going to uncertain point right now.

Armenia did genocide or Turkey did genocide? We believe on Turkey or Armenia?

At least, this is your lie, US and EU is on Armenian side.

Azerbaijan have strong relations with Israel, so no chance US and NATO take side with Armenia.

Russia is neutral and even she supported Azeris much than Armenian when she forced Armenia to leave Azeri land which Armenia got in 90s era
Well thats what I'm thinking. They created modern Armenia and they are defenders of Armenia. They will surely intervene if things get bad.

But Turkey is probably playing a game here where they would become involved if Russia doest and become involved in Ukraine and Azerbaijan, knowing that russia fighting Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Turkey would have some real problems. Azerbaijan has an army probably in par with Ukraine when the 2022 winter war started.

This is definitely an opportunity to trike at Armenia. there probably won't a be better chance in the next 50 years.
Armenia was a tiny fortress for their base there. But they didn't expect someone like Pashinyan to take power.
Like you said,this is the best chance they have to strike. Russia is preocuppied in Ukraine,Armenia and NKR lost a big part of their army in the previous war,they have the most incompetent government,Turkey has probably provided Azerbaijan with more weapons and equipment. It's their chance.

Unless of course,some other country decides to stop this. Or the Russians themselvs decide to bomb Azeri bases to pieces and send the Caspian Flotilla to blockade Baku. But they probably don't want to open a second front.
Artsakh while being part of Azerbaijan proper was an autonomous region. It's sort of like Chechnya is part of Russia proper but is an autonomous region.

The US invaded Serbia in the pretext to protect Kosovo. It is justifiable to invade Azerbaijan to protect Artsakh on the basis of ethnicity.
Armenia did genocide or Turkey did genocide? We believe on Turkey or Armenia?

At least, this is your lie, US and EU is on Armenian side.

Azerbaijan have strong relations with Israel, so no chance US and NATO take side with Armenia.

Russia is neutral and even she supported Azeris much than Armenian when she forced Armenia to leave Azeri land which Armenia got in 90s era
Just because Azerbaijan is muslim,that doesn't mean they are good guys and the Armenians bad guys. Just like Turks being muslims,doesn't mean Pakistanis have to believe everything Turks say. For example Bulgarians are Orthodox just like Greeks,yet they were cruel to both Greeks and Turks.

Armenians suffered a lot under the Azeris. Propaganda says that "Qarabagh is Azeri land",but that's historically wrong.
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