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Fresh clashes erupt between Azerbaijan, Armenia

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Its a great time to hit Armenia. Russia is down and west os preoccupied with Ukraine. Only thing saving Armenia is Russia and they are not in a great position to help Armenia. Lets see how turkey and Azerbaijan exploits this situation.

Slavonic Tsar Petrograd has lost alot in some cases even Trust !!!

Pocca - Civilisation is Civilisation !!! Dushanbe Federation is all behind Byzan Chagatai Republic against Republic of Azerbaijan !!!
Even when Russia was not engaged in the Ukraine war, Russia could not save Armenia.

Slavonic Tsar Petrograd has come out openly in support of Ruthenia Ukraina !!!

Chinese Type 62 in large numbers have been used in Ruthenia Ukraina - Region East !!!

Turkish Arms and Tech are superior to that of the Russians.

Byzan Thrace Ankara wrong policies have let into the Invasion of Arab League and Hindu League Lands !!!

The Azeris should push to take the entire region back. Russia is way too occupied.

Azerbaijan Military is aware who are backed globally !!!
Turkiye already has Russia and China as a backup to NATO.

If US & EU try to do any hanky panky, they can say good bye to their access to Blacksea, Caucuses and Central Asia.

Russia supports Armenia and they're both allies so Russia will not support any war against mainland Armenia, France also has close relations with Armenia and France is backed by Nato. Russia too had India, China, Belarus, Central Asia as allies but noone is supporting Russia. I dont believe Azerbaijan v Armenia war will be good for Turkey.
If possible, Azerbaijan should take over all the area not just in Karabagh but also mainland Armenia and connect itself with Nachchivan.
Russia supports Armenia and they're both allies so Russia will not support any war against mainland Armenia, France also has close relations with Armenia and France is backed by Nato. Russia too had India, China, Belarus, Central Asia as allies but noone is supporting Russia. I dont believe Azerbaijan v Armenia war will be good for Turkey.

Elimination of Armenia will pave way for Turkish super state all the way to Central Asia.

Turks will dominate Mediterranean sea, Black Sea and Caspian Sea.

If possible, Azerbaijan should take over all the area not just in Karabagh but also mainland Armenia and connect itself with Nachchivan.

Even when Russia was not engaged in the Ukraine war, Russia could not save Armenia.

Well yeah, when Russia was not engaged they couldn't save Armenia. So they got engaged and saved them in the end from total defeat.

The aim is to avoid this this time.
I mean what's the worse that can happen? Russian would jump in due to CSTO on the pretext of this land belongs to Armenia at a time when Russia is itself fighting a war to win land in Ukraine which doesn't even belong to Russia? Imagine how ironic would that be? lol
French are jokers. US and NATO cannot go against Turkiye.

Turkiye Controls Black sea and Oil & gas transit from Central Asia.
Just like Iraq controlled all that oil and had the 4th largest army in the world? :P

Well yeah, when Russia was not engaged they couldn't save Armenia. So they got engaged and saved them in the end from total defeat.

The aim is to avoid this this time.
They didn't want to save Armenia. Because Pashinyan took power in a "revolution" that kicked out the pro-Russian government. So this was Russia's punishment. If the Russians feel they are threatened by Azerbaijan becoming too pro-NATO,they will support the Armenians with big forces.

Elimination of Armenia will pave way for Turkish super state all the way to Central Asia.

Turks will dominate Mediterranean sea, Black Sea and Caspian Sea.
And what? They will free Kashmir? They will take back Jerusalem? Pakistan will gain nothing. Not that this will happen,but just saying.
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Turkiye already has Russia and China as a backup to NATO.

If US & EU try to do any hanky panky, they can say good bye to their access to Blacksea, Caucuses and Central Asia.
You really think Russia and China will risk for Turkey? An officially NATO member,who has backstabbed both of them numerous times the last 8 years?
Just like Iraq controlled all that oil and had the 4th largest army in the world? :P

They didn't want to save Armenia. Because Pashinyan took power in a "revolution" that kicked out the pro-Russian government. So this was Russia's punishment. If the Russians feel they are threatened by Azerbaijan becoming too pro-NATO,they will support the Armenians with big forces.

Iraq and Ukraine war showed the might of Nato. There is no counter to this force yet.

I don't think Azerbaijan will become part of Nato, instead Armenia will dump Russia and become France ally and then join Nato to protect its territory, the signs are already there with west recognising the Armenian genocide. Russia is not capable of defending Armenia as proven in Ukraine.

You really think Russia and China will risk for Turkey? An officially NATO member,who has backstabbed both of them numerous times the last 8 years?

Its better for Turkey to allow Azerbaijan to take back all of its territory as done and then make peace between the 2.
Iraq and Ukraine war showed the might of Nato. There is no counter to this force yet.

I don't think Azerbaijan will become part of Nato, instead Armenia will dump Russia and become France ally and then join Nato to protect its territory, the signs are already there with west recognising the Armenian genocide. Russia is not capable of defending Armenia as proven in Ukraine.
I mentioned Iraq,because Saddam too boasted about his strength and army and the fact that he controlled a big part of the world's oil reserves. Just like Iraq,Erdogan portrays Turkey as an invincible,experienced army that neither West nor East dare to attack.
Elimination of Armenia will pave way for Turkish super state all the way to Central Asia.

Turks will dominate Mediterranean sea, Black Sea and Caspian Sea.

Even in Region Hindu Akush !!!

The Great Byzan Thrace Empire all over Hindu and Arab Lands !!!

What was not achieved by Latinium Selecuids , will be achieved by Byzan Thrace Ankara, just had to make a habit of saying Allah Hu Akbar !!!
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