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Fresh clashes erupt between Azerbaijan, Armenia

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Its better for Turkey to allow Azerbaijan to take back all of its territory as done and then make peace between the 2.
I'm sure that Turkey will not just allow Azerbaijan to continue the operations,they will also help them actively. Although,the thing is that most of you guys keep calling it as "their territory" and that's historically a big misconception,as what is called NKR or Karabagh,had been part of the Armenian heartland since the ancient times,before the Turks and before the Safavids,even before the Persians maybe.

Even in Region Hindu Akush !!!

The Great Byzan Thrace Empire all over Hindu and Arab Lands !!!

What was not achieved by Latinium Selecuids , will be achieved by Byzan Thrace Ankara, just had to make a habit of saying Allah Hu Akbar !!!
Dushanbe Federation and Byzan Thrace Ankara are working together on Enriched Uranium Reactor fully supported by Chinese Military !!!

Azerbaijan just take part in Euro Vision every Year !!! Allah Hu Akbar !!!
@waz Come on man,what's this guy doing in the forum? Nobody understands what he says. He's just spamming nonsense.
@waz Come on man,what's this guy doing in the forum? Nobody understands what he says. He's just spamming nonsense.

Aren't you following News Properly !!!

Erdogan, Putin remotely start nuclear reactor construction

@waz Come on man,what's this guy doing in the forum? Nobody understands what he says. He's just spamming nonsense.

I think , Foinikas really should be killed !!! All debaters will atleast not listen to Foinikas Nonsense !!!
I mean what's the worse that can happen? Russian would jump in due to CSTO on the pretext of this land belongs to Armenia at a time when Russia is itself fighting a war to win land in Ukraine which doesn't even belong to Russia? Imagine how ironic would that be? lol

Russia itself is begging Iran for Arms and Syria for soldiers.

Russia is in no position to protect Armenia.

Azeris should go the whole nine yards against Armenia.

And what? They will free Kashmir? They will take back Jerusalem? Pakistan will gain nothing. Not that this will happen,but just saying.

We have freed Constantinople / Istanbul and we sure will free Kashmir & Jerusalem.

Turkiye and Pakistan have a very deep and strong relationship.
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We have freed Constantinople / Istanbul and we sure will free Kashmir & Jerusalem.
Freed Constantinople? What the bloody 😂😂😂 Who freed Constantinople? Aurangzeb?

Freed Constantinople,from...from what? Lol. Ah bless you!

Tell me,why taking so long to free Kashmir then,what is the mighty Turkish army doing? Why haven't they done anything to help you free Kashmir? Why is Erdogan only reciting poems about Kudus and says that Palestinians are their brothers? Why hasn't he freed Jerusalem since 2010?

You can't be that naive.
Freed Constantinople? What the bloody 😂😂😂 Who freed Constantinople? Aurangzeb?

Freed Constantinople,from...from what? Lol. Ah bless you!

Tell me,why taking so long to free Kashmir then,what is the mighty Turkish army doing? Why haven't they done anything to help you free Kashmir? Why is Erdogan only reciting poems about Kudus and says that Palestinians are their brothers? Why hasn't he freed Jerusalem since 2010?

You can't be that naive.

Pakistan alone can handle India. We do not need Turkish support but Turkish brothers are always there to help us and we are always there to help them if needed.
It is now Istanbul. That should answer your question.
You still didn't reply. You said you freed it. How can you "free" something that is not yours. It does not belong to you. Nobody invited you,nobody wanted you. Your friends actually,not the Mughals. Do you realize how stupid that comment was?
You still didn't reply. You said you freed it. How can you "free" something that is not yours. It does not belong to you. Nobody invited you,nobody wanted you. Your friends actually,not the Mughals. Do you realize how stupid that comment was?

We beleive in the nation of Islam and Islamic brotherhood.

It does matter if it was Mughals or Sultan who freed it. The victory belongs to all Muslims.
We beleive in the nation of Islam and Islamic brotherhood.

It does matter if it was Mughals or Sultan who freed it. The victory belongs to all Muslims.
It's like telling me an army of Hindus took over Medina and they "freed" it. It makes no sense. You still think being a lapdog to Erdoğan will make your country stronger.
It's like telling me an army of Hindus took over Medina and they "freed" it. It makes no sense. You still think being a lapdog to Erdoğan will make your country stronger.

How is being a lapdog to EU working out for you?
Russia itself is begging Iran for Arms and Syria for soldiers.

Russia is in no position to protect Armenia.

Azeris should go the whole nine yards against Armenia.
Imagine that, being a super power with the second best military and being a weapons supplier from world's largest country and asking for help from others against a many times smaller enemy whom you yourself attacked. And people still believe this country is gonna rescue others when it can't even rescue himself from it's 3 days long special military operation which is now currently in seventh month. I say now is the time and here is the place for Azerbaijan to go all in and grab as much land as possible.
Imagine that, being a super power with the second best military and being a weapons supplier from world's largest country and asking for help from others against a many times smaller enemy whom you yourself attacked. And people still believe this country is gonna rescue others when it can't even rescue himself from it's 3 days long special military operation which is now currently in seventh month. I say now is the time and here is the place for Azerbaijan to go all in and grab as much land as possible.
They could devastate Azerbaijan with ballistic missiles and pound them with the Air Force. Azerbaijan is very small compared to Ukraine.
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