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Fresh atrocities on Hindu families in Bangladesh - A Shame on Bangladesh

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Hilarious thread... Some people jumping on propaganda news of weekly blitz.. Check other news of it.. You will understand.. No need to feed these Indian trolls..... I know some people broke durga statue in two places, but at night silently.. These are works of some idiot adventurer boys.. And police arrested some of them.. Can anyone show any link of those rapes from any other news paper?? And please don't play the minority card... Ruling party leaders rape hundred times more Muslim girls than Hindu women
It is those Hindu people who helped u guys get independence and saved ur women from getting raped by Pak army!!!..
This is just disgusting!!
Time for major RAW operations in BD again ....

Damn, I though you guys were secular :lol:
There are only 3 solution.

1) Division of Bangladesh as Hindus can't survive in Islamic country. It's fact. population decreased in big way.

2) We should take Hindus back by merging few district of Bangladesh.

3) WAR.

Do not take wrong decision that you can not afford.

Here is updated some (Dated: 18/4/2011) news for you:

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Look at the Market Share of India to its exporting countries in 2009-2010 (column 04):
Bangladesh is the largest importer in south Asia from India. Market Share is 1.3615 (2433.77 $ million).

And also Bangladesh is the biggest importer in the world (after developed countries) from India just after Belgium, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Netherland, Saudi Arab, Singapore, UAE, UK, and USA. Look at the highlighted portions.

Now someone may think that BD imports (only 2433.77 $ million out of India's Total export 178,751.43 $ million)(year: 2009-2010) very negligible from India, but here is an important point:

Though India's Market Share in BD is only 1.36 and in the developed countries India has more Marker Shares like in USA (10.9), UK (3.4), UAE (13.4), Germany (3.0), Japan (2.0), France (2.1), and China (6.4). But, obviously those countries do not import the cheap vehicles and other cheap products from India.

So make us happy and do what we want like water.
Who the hell want close relation with Bangladesh ?? Are you dreaming ? We don't like Bangladesh.

It's crap Congress and his puppet Hasina are doing all friendship. We don't want any relation with Bangladesh.

We want War and strong fight. Hope, India start taking strong action soon and Bangladesh should prepare fast. Bangladesh defence is pathetic so improve because retaliation is sure. Only matters is When ?

@ Good !!! I like it. It is better to die than have a cordial/good relation with India. Snake cannot a be a friend !!!! Historically it is well proven. How can we make a good/cordial relation with India ???? We can't think it even ? It does not exist !!!

@ Do you think that we donnot know it ???? For the last 40 years less 1st 3 and a 1/2 years we had been prepering and utilizing it and in one fine morning you will see that we have made a defence Pact with China, Pakistan and Myanmar and even Sri Lanka might join it.
The hindus idiots had a chance to come to india in 1947,then 1971.even now they can bribe the bsf and come to india.they still are sitting there for what,to get raped and killed.:hitwall:
Damn, I though you guys were secular :lol:

@ Zabanya, What a height !!!!!!!!!! You donnot know it. I feel sorry for you.

@ " Once Nepolian said, " Keep your eyes on the main chance, I can see only one thing i.e, enemy's main army ". I know their ugly faces even before my birth. My father used to tell me " be aware of Indian, they cannot be your friend ???? Never. Never."
The hindus idiots had a chance to come to india in 1947,then 1971.even now they can bribe the bsf and come to india.they still are sitting there for what,to get raped and killed.:hitwall:

this proves that they still prefer Bangladesh !! actually i havent seen any Bangladeshi hindu talking about any aggression against them. it is only you Indians jumping. . . . try to contact any hindu of Bangladesh. not difficult in this FB era....
@ Zabanya, What a height !!!!!!!!!! You donnot know it. I feel sorry for you.

@ " Once Nepolian said, " Keep your eyes on the main chance, I can see only one thing i.e, enemy's main army ". I know their ugly faces even before my birth. My father used to tell me " be aware of Indian, they cannot be your friend ???? Never. Never."

What are you trying to prove here exactly? :D
Bangladesh is small brother of pakistan still with a tag of secular..... When these kind of news posted on PDF i see complete mum taken by members of both country....see very few people only condemn the act against humanity.....
I think, IN-BD relation will never be friendly.

They will try to suppress us if we develop, or they will try to manipulate us if we remain undeveloped.

But BD can definably be a developed country without caring India, taking help from China and others.

@ thread

Hindus are here as like as they are in India. Some discrete incidents may happen though its heard to remember any one. We have no issue with any minority.
Bangladesh is small brother of pakistan still with a tag of secular..... When these kind of news posted on PDF i see complete mum taken by members of both country....see very few people only condemn the act against humanity.....

Yes, there are some isolated incidents of vandalism against Hindus in Bangladesh, but let me assure you, Hindus get just as much rights as any Bangladeshi would.

If you live in Bangladesh, there is hardly any news of violence against minorities. Hell, we don't even know who's Hindu, who's Muslim, who's Christian, and who's Buddhist. And that is a good thing.

The Weekly Blitz is not even a reliable website, albeit a website with suspicious intentions. This matter was already discussed in this very forum.
Hindus are having enough fun in BD! They can celebrate their durga puja in peace! That's all they need!

At least we don't cut open their pregnant women's womb with swords!

We already had enough of this artificial Indo-BD Friendship BS. It is time india seriously considers attacking BD.

We must also play our part and give a hand to Pakistan, China and the separatists (covertly):

- Supply weapons to the separatists from our ordnance factories. Good for business!

- Bomb the Farakka and Tista barrages to shreds. Would be interesting to see how the veggies react. If their balls are big enough as the forumers here :lol:, some gurkha and naga brigades would be on the way with 3rd world manufactured INSAS rifles.

- Offer multiple Naval bases to China. China must get a foothold in the Indian Ocean, regardless of our current relationship with India.

- Forge a military alliance with Pakistan. It's not '71 anymore. We share a common threat. If either of our countries are attacked, it means the other would be attacked in no time given india's hegemonistic hindutva ambitions.

- If, with China and Pakistan, we ever manage to invade parts of india, the indian hindu population must be sent to concentration camps. They are different from our hindus in that they believe in a sinister hindu idealogy.

- We can't stay complacent. Evolution makes way for the fittest to survive. If China, Pakistan and BD can join hands, india is no match for the alliance. Japan will never create further enmity with China just to please india. Vietnam will not go out of it's way to join hands with india, becaue ASEAN will prevent a war in SE Asia at any cost.

Now let the flood of insane indian barking begin. :P

Skies: No I agree with that indian dude. They need a taste of war. indian hindus need to be punished for their atrocities against muslims living in their country. I have outlined ways we can punish these men in khaki, above.^^
Do not take wrong decision that you can not afford.

So make us happy and do what we want like water.

Damn, the Balance of Payments is already a serious issue in Bangladesh :lol: And some nutcases are threatening us :lol: I'd say, they shouldn't delay their plans :pop:
Hindus are having enough fun in BD! They can celebrate their durga puja in peace! That's all they need!

At least we don't cut open their pregnant women's womb with swords!

We already had enough of this artificial Indo-BD Friendship BS. It is time india seriously considers attacking BD.

We must also play our part and give a hand to Pakistan, China and the separatists (covertly):

- Supply weapons to the separatists from our ordnance factories. Good for business!

- Bomb the Farakka and Tista barrages to shreds. Would be interesting to see how the veggies react. If their balls are big enough as the forumers here :lol:, some gurkha and naga brigades would be on the way with 3rd world manufactured INSAS rifles.

- Offer multiple Naval bases to China. China must get a foothold in the Indian Ocean, regardless of our current relationship with India.

- Forge a military alliance with Pakistan. It's not '71 anymore. We share a common threat. If either of our countries are attacked, it means the other would be attacked in no time given india's hegemonistic hindutva ambitions.

- If, with China and Pakistan, we ever manage to invade parts of india, the indian hindu population must be sent to concentration camps. They are different from our hindus in that they believe in a sinister hindu idealogy.

- We can't stay complacent. Evolution makes way for the fittest to survive. If China, Pakistan and BD can join hands, india is no match for the alliance. Japan will never create further enmity with China just to please india. Vietnam will not go out of it's way to join hands with india, becaue ASEAN will prevent a war in SE Asia at any cost.

Now let the flood of insane indian barking begin. :P

U can bark on forums..... I know ur r hardcore muslim never condemn the act but if someone raise our voice then say anti BD... n plz dont talk about balls n all.... I saw ur damm gud balls when ur beloved muslim brothers(Pak army) raped ur women in front of you but ur people could not do anything n that time we gave a shelter to your countrymen do u remember the number of rufugees who given shelter in India that time..... n if we had done same treatment to ur people like ur **** frndz you would have been never born to post ur lines.....
FYI the source is BD paper not indian news paper.... first cross check that... Well no islamic country has becum true secular atleast by their Law including u.....
Even u r so proud of then why minority population has been decreasing...why they are taking shelter in other countries.... why .... ?
Dear u can ask china or pak for ur rescue once we decide to take u out of world map then none can stop us for sure ..... U know US came to rescue Pak 1971.....
U can bark on forums..... I know ur r hardcore muslim never condemn the act but if someone raise our voice then say anti BD... n plz dont talk about balls n all.... I saw ur damm gud balls when ur beloved muslim brothers(Pak army) raped ur women in front of you but ur people could not do anything n that time we gave a shelter to your countrymen do u remember the number of rufugees who given shelter in India that time..... n if we had done same treatment to ur people like ur **** frndz you would have been never born to post ur lines.....
FYI the source is BD paper not indian news paper.... first cross check that... Well no islamic country has becum true secular atleast by their Law including u.....
Even u r so proud of then why minority population has been decreasing...why they are taking shelter in other countries.... why .... ?
Dear u can ask china or pak for ur rescue once we decide to take u out of world map then none can stop us for sure ..... U know US came to rescue Pak 1971.....

Damn, you took him seriously? :lol:

I guess he is just that good at playing you guys :rofl:
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