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French soldier stabbed by bearded bloke in Paris


Ok, I didn't meant it literally. Look at the post I replied to, there were attempts to blame the attack on Sikhs just because the guy wore a beard when it is clearly stated that the guy was an African in Arabic costume.

But tbh, I have seen White Sikhs here at Gurudwaras but didn't came across a Black Sikh. Thanks for enlightening me though!! :tup:
and your point ....

They won't do anything.

Which sect do Al-Qaida belong to?

Salafi, an offshoot of Ahl-e-Hadith who are also known as Wahabis.

Only Saudi Arabia and Qatar were Wahabi nations. However, recently the new rebel governments in Libya and Egypt are also Wahabi (Muslim Brotherhood). Similarly, the rebels in Syria are also Wahabi which the West is so keen to support.

The point I am making is, the West allows Wahabis to grow in their own countries and supports them in orher parts of the workd even though they're well aware of the Wahabi ideology and the threat they pose. Why? Simply because they need Saudi oil, Saudi money and huge Saudi military procurements to keep their defence industries afloat.

In UK, over 40% of the Masaajid are owned by the Deobandis. Who are the Deobandis? The Taliban. India and Bangladedh both have massive followers of this sect - they've had this since the 1850s. It's growing at a breath taking speed. Is anyone stopping them? No. West is too busy trying to bring Taliban back to Afghanistan, in the hope they can use them to fight Iran while Bangladesh which also has over 40% Deobandi population, is also heading this way.

Did UK take any drastic actions after July 7 attacks? No.

So nothing is going to happen. (Also, there are 4 Wahabi satellite channels on the Sky network in the UK: Islam Channel, IQRA TV, Peace TV and Peace TV Urdu).

Allahu Alam.
London --> Paris --> Newyork

This is an indian Movie, Looks like mindless Mullas (Those who believe in intolerance and spread hate) are watching Bollywood movie these days.

:rofl: Didn't notice it. Thanks for pointing out. I hope CIA has noticed. Next could be New York.
Western Europe overall seems like a completely pussified society. They won't do crap, just keep suffering in silence :lol:

Eastern Europe and Russia on the other hand is a completely different thing.

@nick_indian did you take geography lessons as a child? Western Europe includes Belgium, France, Denmark and what not countries which all showed protest in some way or another....banning hijab, promoting Muhammad Cartoons....yes, that was all from WESTERN EUROPE...

Why black radicals ? This is not a race issue but a religious radicalism issue.

@nick_indian so sure? Mind you France had colonies in Africa....colonies they wronged! Karma is said to be what goes around comes around! You reap the seeds you sow
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@nick_indian did you take geography lessons as a child? Western Europe includes Belgium, France, Denmark and what not countries which all showed protest in some way or another....banning hijab, promoting Muhammad Cartoons....yes, that was all from WESTERN EUROPE...

@nick_indian so sure? Mind you France had colonies in Africa....colonies they wronged! Karma is said to be what goes around comes around! You reap the seeds you sow

Has anybody told you that you don't need to quote and mention me in the same post. You can do either of the two. Don't need to do both :cuckoo:

Btw, when I called Western Europe pussified , i wasn't talking about peaceful protests. I just said they don't take matters into their own hands anymore , if you get the idea. stop getting personal. You are doing this in every thread now.

About your second comment , I have no idea in what context you are talking. Understand the context of conversations and then comments please.
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Has anybody told you that you don't need to quote and mention me in the same post. You can do either of the two. Don't need to do both :cuckoo:

Btw, when I called Western Europe pussified , i wasn't talking about peaceful protests. I just said they don't take matters into their own hands anymore , if you get the idea. stop getting personal. You are doing this in every thread now.
Where and when did I get personal?
About your second comment , I have no idea in what context you are talking. Understand the context of conversations and then comments please.
I am talking about the attacker being black ....What are you going on about? Did you not read the article or just saw the beard?!
Great. You do have one or two non Indian sikh. :rolleyes:







There is much more than what meets the eye :)
Good. But still Sikhism is a regional religion.

From a great region rather than a nomadic desert. ;)

Already did, Muslims are almost the majority in France now. Now Marseilles is close to becoming a majority.

It is 5%-10%.

Does that make it a majority?

Anyway, French have taken the lead in dealing with the menace.

Well it is your bigotry calling it supremacist. I hope we would have worked in that way. India would have been an Islamic state.

Who are you? A convert who assumes that he was part of the invaders?

Islam unlike hinduism is for all and hence propagates itself.

Then why do you kill your own apostates? What if others start doing it to their Islamic apostates. What will happen top you all? ;)

That's a difference between universal faith and regional ideologies.

Many people think of Islam has something that is fit only for some nomadic desert people.

That includes Ataturk Kamal Pasha, who is the favorite of many Pakistanis.

“Islam, this theology of an immoral Arab, is a dead thing.” Possibly it might have suited tribes of nomads in the desert. It was no good for a modern progressive State.

Not many can disagree with the faultless logic. ;)

Yes but still some are present all over the world. And some are limited to a few regions. May be because they weren't convincing enough for the masses.

Islam is mainly present in the contiguous region that unfortunately happened to fall to the barbaric hordes. That region is now the most problematic region in the world.

In other areas it is mostly the people who are escaping their countries with their lives as fast as they can.

Success. That's why we have its explicit representation in two continents. While the Holy Prophet(SAW) himself never sat his foot outside the two holy cities of Mekkah and Madina.


This is an unfortunate region where people lost their glorious culture and heritage to barbaric hordes. Many are ready to revert back now.

Most likely Iran will reject Islam within a matter of few generations and this may well result in a domino effect.

i am sure total number of Muslims in South America would be far greater than total number of budhists, hindus and sikhs in that continent.

This video should help open some eyes. ;)

Watch it in full.

In Africa Alone, every hour 667 Muslims convert to Christianity
Everyday, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity.
Every year, 6,000,000 Muslims convert to Christianity.
And it is only in Africa.

Now Islam is the religion of hardly a third of the people living in Africa, while just 60 years ago it was the religion confessed by the majority.

In Algeria, every year 10,000 Muslims convert to Christianity.
Al Watan, Al . Arabi News, 11.30.2002.

In Morocco, this number is 4,5 times higher. 45,000 Morocco Muslims convert to Christianity each year. Elaph.net, 2005/5/12.

The number of Muslims in Cambodia fell from 250,000 just 45 years ago to a very big “Zero”.

In Burma, the number of Muslims fell from 4,000,000 to just 350,000.

In Saudi Arabia, 50,000 Muslims converted to Christianity.

In Pakistan, there were just 80,000 Christians in 1947. In 2000, there were 6,000,000 Christians in Pakistan and their number was rapidly growing.

In Bangladesh where Muslims did all they could not to leave a single woman without raping her 10,000,000 abandoned Islam and converted to Christianity.

In 1900, there was only 1,000,000 Catholics in Africa. Since then, in just 100 years, their number grew 330 times and now is 330,000,000. And it´s only Catholics. But there are also Orthodox, Protestants , Lutherans…
Islam is "the fastest growing religion", you say?

Considering it is a very young faith as compared to Christianity and Hinduism. It is growing gradually and a is a good source of propaganda for Islamophobes like you. Well that's you propagate. Don't you? Beware of Islam. It is coming. :lol:

After 1400+ years, still it is very young? How?

Supposedly, the God superceded Christianity with Islam in just about 600 odd years. Islam has been there now for three times that period.

So why are there more followers of the "corrupted religion" than the "final and perfect one"?

If this is not a failed ideology, what is?

Started to made its impact in North America and Europe. The number of Mosques in France are enough to tell us the story.

That is just the tolerance of the kaffirs. Something you can't appreciate.

That's why the "Islamphobia" that you keep claiming, with the minaret and burqa bans to start with. ;)

How many Mandirs we have in France by the way. ;)

Enough to serve the needs of the Dharmic people. We are not complaining.

Nor do we measure the worth of a faith like this.

Doesn't matter. Many remain muslims till they die. Those who left are replaced by others. There are many many examples where converts are a far more practicing muslim than a born muslim.

Very interesting indeed. ;)

I would encourage everyone to read it and see how the mind of such people works.
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