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French Judge To Probe Rafale Jet Sale To India

force? who wants Rafale? Egypt and Qatar two nations as notorious as India for corruption.
It's overpriced and outdated.

Exactly. Rafale is an over rated, over priced and obsolete fighter.
If this case sticks - or even investigated a little - then the chance of future rafale procurements is off - and India is left with a small 36 jet force, similar to the small mirage 2k force it has. Modi / BS / IAF has to move quickly if it he wants to increase the Rafale force.

Seems like every dealing with France - is only short lived ..

Not only will it put a stop to all further procurement but the current Rafales in Indian Airforce are going to be Dead on Arrival due to lack of spares and support.

Excellent news for Pakistan.
If this case sticks - or even investigated a little - then the chance of future rafale procurements is off - and India is left with a small 36 jet force, similar to the small mirage 2k force it has. Modi / BS / IAF has to move quickly if it he wants to increase the Rafale force.

Seems like every dealing with France - is only short lived ..

well wouldn't you rather India kept buying overpriced underperforming hardware? wouldn't you rather India continue its corrupt business relationship knowing the French have no need to meet their contractual obligations since the Indians have already been paid off?

The alternative is they grow a brian and purchase something far more lethal and affordable in greater quantities.
French Judge To Probe Rafale Jet Sale To India
The 7.8-billion-euro ($9.3-billion) deal for 36 planes between the government and French aircraft manufacturer Dassault has long been mired in corruption allegations.

All IndiaAgence France-PresseUpdated: July 03, 2021 2:38 am IST

French Judge To Probe Rafale Jet Sale To India

Dassult had intially won a contract in 2012 to supply 126 jets to India. (File)

A French judge has been tasked with investigating a controversial 2016 multi-billion-dollar sale of Rafale fighter jets to India on "corruption" suspicions, the national financial prosecutors' office (PNF) said Friday.
The 7.8-billion-euro ($9.3-billion) deal for 36 planes between the government and French aircraft manufacturer Dassault has long been mired in corruption allegations.
The PNF had intially refused to investigate the sale, prompting French investigative website Mediapart to accuse it and the French Anti-corruption Agency of "burying" suspicions surrounding the September 2016 deal.
In April, Mediapart claimed "millions of euros of hidden commissions" were given to a go-between who helped Dassault conclude the sale, of which "some... could have been given as bribes" to Indian officials.
Dassault retorted that no wrong-doing was flagged in the group's audits.
After the reports, France's Sherpa NGO, which specialises in financial crime, filed an official complaint for "corruption" and "influence peddling" among other accusations, prompting an investigating magistrate to be designated to probe the deal.
Sherpa had already asked for an investigation into the deal in 2018, but the PNF took no action.
In this first complaint, the NGO had denounced the fact that Dassault chose Reliance Group as its Indian partner, a conglomerate headed by billionaire Anil Ambani, who is close to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Dassult had intially won a contract in 2012 to supply 126 jets to India and had been negotiating with Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL).
By March 2015, those talks had almost reached a conclusion, according to Dassault.
But in April of that year, after PM Modi paid an official visit to France, the talks suddenly broke down to general surprise.
Reliance Group, which has no experience in aeronautics, replaced HAL and finalised a new contract for 36 jets.
In January 2016, at the time of the negotiations, Reliance had financed a film co-produced by Julie Gayet, the partner of Francois Hollande, who was president at the time.
Sherpa believes this could constitute "influence peddling".

Thats another way france will screw up india... i guess they need more money to keep quite or else modi g will be in hot water.
LOL Indians got their *** whooped in Kargil.

Pakistan Army won Kargil war hands down but NS gave away all at the table to protect his Business interests in India.

Watch from 6.20 -

OH NO OH NO.....
I hope that French judge is made of the same mud that Pakistani judges were created from !
Modi government must never get into trouble..
Let the Ambani's squeeze the remaining juice of the Indian masses living in their fantasy Bollywood heaven and may they continue to shit in the open fields or Ganga or .... wherever.
Remember .. Modi hai to Mumkin hai !
I am sure if Modi places an order quickly - the french can arrange to drop the "corruption charges", just needs Modi to find 10-15billion from the back of the sofa ..
If this case sticks - or even investigated a little - then the chance of future rafale procurements is off - and India is left with a small 36 jet force, similar to the small mirage 2k force it has. Modi / BS / IAF has to move quickly if it he wants to increase the Rafale force.

Seems like every dealing with France - is only short lived ..
The answer is yes & no. Remember our Agosta deal was also marred with corruption. The death of french engineers was also due to alleged non-payment of commission. However Pakistan got the subs & nothing major happened. But that"s Pakistan being Pakistan.

Now the argument that India already got rafales is true but comparing rafales to agosta scam is a bit unfair. Firstly Indian defence procurement works differently & is mostly run by bureaucracy therefore it will have more political ramifications for the sitting Govt. Which in turn results in delays for future procurement as evident by bofors scam.

But there is a twist. All above would have been true for any other Indian Govt except BJP. It's idealogy of hindu supremacy is popular & appealing. Indian military is most comfortable with it where Pakistan & China are daily projected as biggest villians. Indian are so charmed by the idea of religious supremacy that they can't accept the reality that Modi can go wrong. Be it demonetisation, imaginary surgical strikes, Balakot failure, Gulwan drubbing or Covid bungle, they see a victory out of every failure. Now opposition can drum up the issue is yet to be seen.

So honestly I don't think it will affect much. IAF got a decent capability & it needs to be taken seriously.
In case of Bofors, BJP put Congress in the dock.

In case of Rafales, It is Congress' turn to payback by putting BJP/Modi in the dock.
I don't think congress is capable of doing it. Under BJP the great indian delusion has grown infinite. Also Indian Military, Judiciary & media are pro hindutva. Let's see if congress or anyone can drum it up.
India's own BS foreign policy got them surrounded by Chinese influence and even it's own buddies like France doesn't give a **** and even it's ally Israel works with the CCP alongside Russia now deciding to work with Pakistan since India left it's " blood brother ally " for Uncle Sam which is odd cause Uncle Sam didn't quite like India back then and is using India now against China.

Absolute fools , they had everything coming towards them MUH HUH SUPWA POWA 2020

Their policies are only Pakistan hate centric.
FYI, Bofors doomed Pak misadventure in Kargil. So if Rafale does the same and also takes down the Modi Govt. it's a win-win for India.
Still you were thrashed by Pakistan.
Not true.

Even in the case of Bofors artillery scam, the guns were delivered to India by Sweden but the scam impacted further procurement apart from on going spares and support.

In case of Bofors, BJP put Congress in the dock.

In case of Rafales, It is Congress' turn to payback by putting BJP/Modi in the dock.

At the end of the day it is a great win for Pakistan and a self goal by India.

RIP further Rafale procurements by India.

Rafale availability rates in the Indian Airforce will be worse than their SU-30MKI. :agree:


My child,

Who gives a rat's behind----if no future sales are made---.

The BOFORS proved their purchase to be correct in the last major pak india conflict.

The 36 Rafales would also make their mark---.
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Not true.

Even in the case of Bofors artillery scam, the guns were delivered to India by Sweden but the scam impacted further procurement apart from on going spares and support.

In case of Bofors, BJP put Congress in the dock.

In case of Rafales, It is Congress' turn to payback by putting BJP/Modi in the dock.

At the end of the day it is a great win for Pakistan and a self goal by India.

RIP further Rafale procurements by India.

Rafale availability rates in the Indian Airforce will be worse than their SU-30MKI. :agree:


bofors guns did very good job , money paid was worth it . rafael will do the same insha allah .
Still you were thrashed by Pakistan.

as per your claim ,
pakistan thrashed USSR and USA , india is very small player . :D
bofors guns did very good job , money paid was worth it . rafael will do the same insha allah .

If Bofors were so effective then why did India needed assistance from Israel in aerial delivery of weapons....besides what's there to be proud of when you are firing guns at targets within your own side of LOC without any form of retaliation or aerial threats.
As for Rafales, what can 36 aircraft achieve that over 250 SU-30s couldn't.
India should attack Pakistan again to make all this bad news go away.

Don't worry Indians, you'll only receive a Swift Slap instead of another Swift Retort next time.
No indians here now lol
Let Pakistanis live their own bubble. Why to disturb the enemy when it thinks foolishly?
Go to threads' history. Every PDF analysis came out as lie whenever they spoke about India.
BTW Supreme Court of India had already cleared the case for GOI. India don't mind whatever is happening in French unless until it is getting more deals. France and India relations are way stronger than a Pakistani analysist can even imagine.
Pakistanis members must focus on their own airforce as it is not getting anything except Chinese. India has 100s options in the line.
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