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French journalist Ursula Gauthier kicked out of China for slamming Beijing's Uyghur policy

The video that you posted looks to be of a mob attack, now it doesn't make any sense that these uighurs as you say woke up suddenly and started lynching people, every action has an equal and opposite reaction, so my question to you is what was the action that led to this extreme and opposite reaction?

Nobody just wakes up and starts killing people, you are implying that uighur race are born murderers and killers that doesn't make sense and is borderline racist, also Chinese land belongs to anyone who was born and raised in China not just the Han, don't bring in history to justify your right but not theirs.

Have you forgotten the rape of nanking already?

"so my question to you is what was the action that led to this extreme and opposite reaction"
You need to ask yourselves, why so many terrorism reaction happening in your country.

I wont react to any racism from you. Its wrong to call an entire group of people terrorists.

This is how hatred growing. When it is rising and rising, we need a civil war to solve this problem.

A long overdue move.

China adopts first counter-terrorism law in history
English.news.cn | 2015-12-27 23:00:01 | Editor: huaxia


Zhang Dejiang, chairman of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress (NPC), presides over the closing meeting of the 18th bimonthly meeting of the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, in Beijing, capital of China, on Dec. 27, 2015. (Xinhua/Ding Lin)

BEIJING, Dec. 27 (Xinhua) -- China's top legislature on Sunday adopted the country's first counter-terrorism law in the latest attempt to address terrorism at home and help maintain world security.

Lawmakers approved the legislation Sunday afternoon at the end of a week-long bimonthly session of the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee.

At a press conference held on Sunday, An Weixing, an official with the public security ministry, at Sunday's press conference, said China is facing rising threats of terrorism.

"Terrorist attacks have caused heavy losses of people's lives and properties, posing a serious threat to our security, stability, economic development and ethnic unity," An said.

The new law, which will enter into force in January next year, will provide legal support to the country's counter-terrorism activities as well as collaboration with the international society, he said.

The much anticipated couter-terrorism law proposed a national leading organ for counter-terrorism work, which will be in charge of identifying terrorist activities and personnel, and coordinate nationwide anti-terrorist work.

The state will provide necessary financial support for key regions listed in the country's counter-terrorist plan, whereas professional anti-terrorist forces will be established by public security, national security authorities as well as armed forces.

A national intelligence center will be established to coordinate inter-departmental and trans-regional efforts on counter-terrorism intelligence and information.

The term "terrorism" is defined as any proposition or activity -- that, by means of violence, sabotage or threat, generates social panic, undermines public security, infringes on personal and property rights, and menaces government organs and international organizations -- with the aim to realize certain political and ideological purposes.

A statement from NPC Standing Committee earlier this week said the new definition had been inspired by a Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) counter-terrorism convention, and the UN's Declaration on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism.

A previous draft of the law, submitted in February, did not cover personal and property rights or political and ideological purposes.

"[China] opposes all extremism that seeks to instigate hatred, incite discrimination and advocate violence by distorting religious doctrines and other means, and acts to eradicate the ideological basis for terrorism," the approved bill read.

The new law comes at a delicate time for China and for the world at large - terror attacks in Paris, the bombing of a Russian passenger jet over Egypt, and the brutal killings of hostages committed by Islamic State (IS) extremist group are alerting the world about an ever-growing threat of terrorism.

According to China's top legislator Zhang Dejiang, the new law is an important part for establishing systemic rules for national security.

The law establishes basic principles for counter-terrorism work and strengthens measures of prevention, handling, punishment as well as international cooperation, he said.

Under the new bill, telecom operators and internet service providers are required to provide technical support and assistance, including decryption, to police and national security authorities in prevention and investigation of terrorist activities.

They should also prevent dissemination of information on terrorism and extremism.

Li Shouwei of the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee legislative affairs commission, said the rule accorded with the actual work needed to fight terrorism and was basically the same as other major countries.

"The clause reflects lessons China has learned from other countries and is a result of wide solicitation of public opinion," he added.

"(It) will not affect companies' normal business nor install backdoors to infringe intellectual property rights, or ... citizens freedom of speech on the internet and their religious freedom," Li said.

China's national security law adopted in July also requires Internet and information technology, infrastructure, information systems and data in key sectors to be "secure and controllable".

Before Sunday's new bill, China did not have an anti-terrorism legislation, though related provisions feature in various NPC Standing Committee decisions, as well as the Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law and Emergency Response Law.

The NPC's standing committee passed a decision to improve anti-terrorism work in October 2011, but it was never made into law.

The lack of a systematic law in this field had hampered China's fight against terrorism, with measures deemed not forceful enough, analysts say.

In one of most deadly cases, twenty-nine people were killed and scores more injured by knife-wielding assailants at a train station in Yunnan's capital city, Kunming, on March 1, 2014.

Terrorist attacks have brought greater urgency for a counter-terrorism law. The first draft of the law was submitted for review in October 2014 and the second draft in February.

In a separate clause, Sunday's new bill allows police forces, when facing violent attackers with guns or knives, use weapons directly in emergency circumstances.

In the rare reality of a terrorist attack, no institutions or individuals shall fabricate and disseminate information on forged terrorist incidents, report on or disseminate details of terrorist activities that might lead to imitation, nor publish scenes of cruelty and inhumanity in terrorist activities, the new law reads.

None, except news media with approval from counter-terrorism authorities in charge of information distribution, shall report on or disseminate the personal details of on-scene counter-terrorist workers, hostages or authorities' response activities.

The clause was specifically revised to restrict the distribution of terrorism-related information by individual users on social media, earlier reports said.

China adopts first counter-terrorism law in history - Xinhua | English.news.cn

This is the most necessary procedure. Law is much powerful and efficient than medias in managing those muslims.

I have seen so many videos on YouTube and social media of Chinese attacking little innocent Uygur kids! What is that? Bravery? And then you expect them to not do anything back?

Post all those videos here. Let's learn how to attack those thief son of bitch.
"so my question to you is what was the action that led to this extreme and opposite reaction"
You need to ask yourselves, why so many terrorism reaction happening in your country.

This is how hatred growing. When it is rising and rising, we need a civil war to solve this problem.

This is the most necessary procedure. Law is much powerful and efficient than medias in managing those muslims.

Post all those videos here. Let's learn how to attack those thief son of bitch.
Those uyghur thieves are very annoying. Do they know in Islamic law, their hands will be cut off?
Using the word of generalising muslim is a evil word used only by the West against China.

I am sure these Hui muslim in Ningxia(Xi an province) will not hesitate to join PLA militia in wiping out the Uyghur terrorist in Xinjiang.

Hui muslim support support CPC and I can bet the West and extremism Pakistanis will called any muslim support for CPC as fake muslim. Only anti-CPC can be called true muslim. That is how OP and evil West will believe.

The Hui Muslim are royal support of CPC and they outnumber the Uyghur :enjoy:

36th Division (National Revolutionary Army) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CPC shall send a Hui Muslim battalion to Xinjiang and to hunt them those Uyghur terrorist.
your making me look as if i said all chinese muslims hate china. twist my words again and there will be repercussions
funny how these terrorize supporter calling us uncivilized and racists, when their so called freedom fighter bros are blowing up and killing innocent people on a daily basis.
funny how these terrorize supporter calling us uncivilized and racists, when their so called freedom fighter bros are blowing up and killing innocent people on a daily basis.
Its fear - these people think the majority cannot distinguish between terrorist and Islam, they want to protect their religion, excusing terrorist behavior thinking its two faces of the same coin.
That was civilians. You can't find a Turkish civilian beating up a kurdish very small kidd in the middle of the street, because firstly we are not that low to beat up a kid, secondly everyone will stop it. Find me one video.
They are plenty. Everybody know turkish are abusive of kurdish. They treat kurdish as second citizen. Abusive of Kurdish in turkey is common practice.
The news get blown up as CNN invited Ursula Today to be interviewed live.
The news get blown up as CNN invited Ursula Today to be interviewed live.

Now is the chance for China to ban CNN from operating in China for giving a terrorist sympathiser a voice.

It's long overdue that CNN get kicked out of China. It's the premier anti-China propaganda mouthpiece.

CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, BBC, Guardian are the propaganda mouthpieces that must be kicked out of China.

China gives too much freedom to Western propaganda operating in China.

Frankly, deporting that worthless terrorist sympathiser is an easy escape for her. Sentencing terrorist sympathisers to life in prison (solitary confinement) is the best option.
Any terrorist should be dealt with accordingly.
Karma is striking those Turkish. You can see the double standard they do when they suppress Kurdish while one hand calling China oppress Uyghur. The PKK are making a big killing in Turkey. :enjoy:

Anti-China Pakistanis are fake Pakistanis and fake muslim. They work for the white man government of Canada and US federal. Their mission is to discord r/s between China and Pakistan so as to support the stance of US federal and West.
They do not care about the well being and progress of Pakistan despite claiming to have the root of Pakistan. They already blend into Whiteman mentality and even the death of any true Pakistanis is not their concern.

Their intention is only western imperalist and complete domination for the West.

LOL Now that's harsh from you mate. You can't say all Pakistanis who are sympathetic to their Muslim uygurs brothers cause are simply dumb western brainwashed folks who just want to extend western domination in their country and the region. That's not only false, but also mean. I'm sure you must have hurt the feelings of many Pakistanis on this forum who might have a different opinion with you on this issue. You just can't label someone with such names/insults just because they have a different view from yours. So calm down and be more rational, though i know it's easy to get emotional over such issues.

Anyway, China should deal with extremists/radical terrorist Uygurs harshly according to its own laws. Terrorists should never be allowed to thrive and prosper. being soft on them will only embolden them. So China should deal with them appropriately like it has been doing, send them on a one way ticket to heaven where they can enjoy their virgins. I'm sure that''s doing them a favour:enjoy: Terrorism should never be justified

My brother @frenchpilot, anything to add from your side?:D:P
@Chinese-Dragon @Chinese Bamboo @ChineseTiger1986 @terranMarine @54ptu @JSCh @cnleio @Place Of Space @AndrewJin @jmacmac @Beast @aliaselin @xunzi

May i ask why these attacks against our country ?
You do know that she is Turkish-"French" ? Doesn't that mean anything ?
The average French supports all countries fighting terrorists wherever they are,and fiding some BS excuse to justify such attacks against poor civilians that just wanted to work,to earn their live,to feed their families,that asked for nothing is really cheap.
What happens in China is China's problem and we are nobody to say what China should do or shouldn't or criticize their internal policies.. As far as i know,Chinese don't stick their noose into our internal affairs.
This "journalist" doesn't represent the French people nor France,and we support China's fight against terrorism. (Any forms.)
And that is a good news she has been kicked,terrorist sympathizers should be in jail instead.. (Too bad in our country ...)
PS ; Ask an average French and he won't know what an Uygur is. (I knew the existance of these people when i came to this forum.)
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