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French journalist Ursula Gauthier kicked out of China for slamming Beijing's Uyghur policy

Well, you remind me @ArsalanKhan21 has never cried for his Islamic brother who are called Kurdish when they are butchered by the Islamic Greeks.

ArsalanKhan21 is a fake Pakistanis. He lives in Canada. What can he know about the real Pakistan? He has already brainwash by the West and I can bet he is just a hippy indulge in wine, women and weed. Not practicing any of the Islamic practice. Under CIA payroll with intention to destroy Pakistan and China.

Any Pakistanis who try undermined Sino-Pakistan relationship is servant of India and imperial West who is bent to destroy these 2 rising power and wish Pakistan forever weak and cede Kashmir to India. They are traitor to Pakistan.
ArsalanKhan21 is a fake Pakistanis. He lives in Canada. What can he know about the real Pakistan? He has already brainwash by the West and I can bet he is just a hippy indulge in wine, women and weed. Not practicing any of the Islamic practice. Under CIA payroll with intention to destroy Pakistan and China.
He is a false flagger from afghanistan
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terrorists like ISIS will always be there, because of disgusting people like this French journalist```double standards is the 'green house' to foster terrorism

why she did not get slaughtered in that Paris attack``world will be much better place without these scums
:coffee: HONESTY is of God and DISHONESTY of the DEVIL; the devil was a liar from the beginning.

Today the devil comes disguise in many forms.

:tdown: French journalist Ursula Gauthier is more than a liar. She is a clever manipulator, a Turk living under the umbrella of the French. She is Turkish PM Ordogan’s admirer, a secret Ottoman Empire worshipper and worst of all, a TERRORIST at heart. :laugh::laugh::laugh: Funny this Turkish French did not write a single word about the merciless crushing or genocide of the Armenian by her ancestors in Turkey.

Reading her askew argument is a total waste of time.

1. China does not need any excuse to deal with the Islamic Uyghur terrorists unlike the big-time hypocrite USA or its allies.

2. I was among the first to point out to my friends before the Paris’s attack on how Stupid Europe is. They are inviting trouble to themselves by accepting these refugees. Many of them are not real refugees but ISIL sympathizers as well as fighters. Europe is basically Christian including Russia and many of these nations e.g. Germany are committing the same grave mistake as the ancient Chinese by allowing them to stay on humanitarian grounds. Next the descendants of these settlers will want separate and independent ISLAMIC republic within these countries quoting historical LIES.

3. Historically Xinjiang is always an unalienable part of China, the Wild, Wild West where the Silk Route travelers gathered in ancient times until the expansionist Ottoman Empire took advantage of the internal fight within the Tang Dynasty. Once the Tang Dynasty settled down, they easily drove the barbaric intruders away. (That is exactly what the ISIS is doing today. Beheading the non-believers e.g. Christians.) In Chinese history, it was written that these Turks warriors can’t fight. That is a fact whether it was then or now.

4. The Russian is so successful in their campaign against the ISIL now they are fleeing either back to Turkey where they were recruited, trained and armed in the first place or to Iraq. Why didn’t Turkish withdraw their army in Iraq despite being told to do so by the legitimate Iraqi Government?

5. Next Uyghur is only the minority inside Xinjiang. Studies and surveys done shows whenever there are more than 40% Muslim in a district or region, there is bound to be INTOLERANCE towards the others e.g. Acheh in Indonesia wanted INDEPENDENCE as a TRUE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC ( According to them, as if the rest of Indonesia is not Islamic) where they will imposed their HUDUD’s laws unto the non-Muslim as well.
I have seen so many videos on YouTube and social media of Chinese attacking little innocent Uygur kids! What is that? Bravery? And then you expect them to not do anything back?
You are so easily duped by fake video. In YouTube, I can easily find video of turkish best up kurdish kid and bully them. So the turkish must be evil.

:nono: Xinjiang is NO EU.

:( USA together with NATO invades IRAQ, Libya, Syria etc. and look what happened? today the folks living there are terrorised by ISIL and are running away.

For 15 months USA bomb ISIL in Syria and strangely ISIL gets stronger and stronger all this while until Russia says "Enough is enough". Now they are fleeing Syria for Turkey, their sponsor and Iraq.

:police: China has effective leadership and taken CONTROL of the situation very well e.g. "The ONE BELT ONE ROAD" strategy will resulted in many job opportunity for the minorities.

China truly understand what TERRORISM is all about and not even a single circumcised fly will escaped. The West should try to learn from China instead of simply criticizing her.
Kick her *** out of the country is the right thing to do as she encouraged innocent live to be killed. Sometime I am happy to see Muslim killed a Westerner because karma is a bitch. LOL

Also with terrorists, the policy should always be "shoot first, ask question later"
Kick her *** out of the country is the right thing to do as she encouraged innocent live to be killed. Sometime I am happy to see Muslim killed a Westerner because karma is a bitch. LOL

Also with terrorists, the policy should always be "shoot first, ask question later"

:cheers: I agree with you entirely.

A good terrorist is a DEAD one.
I hope after her return to Paris she will experience first hand how Muslim extremists terrorize her city. By then she better prepare an article about the "suppressive" French government is the cause for the attack.

:yes4::yes4::yes4: The Chinese Government should make her meet viz a viz with the relatives and families of all the innocent victims.

Started by reading a translation of her article to all of them. Next issue each and everyone of them a weapon of some kind e.g. knife and see whether she can talked her way out of all the anticipated hostilities. Many will not understand the politics or a word she is saying because to them, their beloved one who were sacrificed were there merely shopping for daily food. Neither race politics nor religion.

Make sure that the Police or Security does not interfere nor there to serve as her bodyguard.

Now if she survived she can certainly write about what being terrorised is all about.

This will change her life forever. Otherwise she will continue to pen more nonsense in the future in defiance. We seen enough of that.
She should be executed if it‘s up to me. Deportation is a waste of plane ticket.

We need Zero Tolerance for terrorist sympathizers in China.

If only she was in Russia, the KGB know what to do with her. Anyway the Russians are very busy, >5000 airstrikes conducted in Syria already. The terrorists are flooding Iraq,Turkey and EU for safe haven, we can only hope for more revenge in Paris and with any luck she might get caught in the blast or shootings
Well, Ms Gauthier has managed to piss off the people of her host country.

Chinese gov't, as representative of the Chinese people, would and should upheld the wishes of the Chinese people.

She should be on China list of persona non grata.

Survey shows 95% support French reporter’s expulsion

  • 2015-12-28 08:22
  • Global Times
China will never tolerate the 'freedom' to speak for terrorism: FM

Some 95 percent of people polled online supported the Chinese foreign ministry's decision to expel a French journalist for her comments on terrorism, a survey has shown.

The poll conducted by huanqiu.com, a website affiliated with the Global Times Chinese edition, shows that as of 7 pm on Sunday, 198,210 votes were cast in favor of the decision to expel Ursula Gauthier, or 94.5 percent of the total. 11,607 voted against it.

China's foreign ministry on Saturday confirmed that China has refused to renew the press credentials of Gauthier.

Spokesman Lu Kang said Gauthier had offended the Chinese people with an article published on November 18 in which she overtly voiced support for terrorist activities.

In the article, she blamed the government policy in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region for terrorist attacks.

Gauthier is a Beijing-based correspondent for French news magazine L'Obs.

Lu said Gauthier failed to apologize to the Chinese people for her wrong words and that it is no longer suitable for her to work in China.

China ensures the legal rights of foreign media organizations and journalists covering China stories, but will never tolerate the "freedom" to speak for terrorism, said the spokesman.

Gauthier needs to leave China by December 31. In her story, she suggested China was using the Paris attacks to justify its "crackdown" on the ethnic minority Uyghur group.

"It's clear that the West has adopted a double standard on terrorism … Imagine how the French public would react if someone calls the Paris attack an inevitable result of its policy on Muslim immigrants," Li Wei, an anti-terrorism expert at the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, told the Global Times.

France bans anyone from covering their face in public, which extends to full-face or full-body veils worn by Muslim women.

"I think the issue is rooted in the differences in ideology between China and the West … The double standard from the West has for a long time impeded global cooperation on counterterrorism," Li noted.

Zhu Yongbiao, assistant director of the Institute of Central Asia Studies at Lanzhou University, told the Global Times on Sunday that the poll results, which show a 95 percent support for the foreign ministry, is a sign that the French reporter's article has crossed a moral baseline. "In the face of terror attacks, comments [from media] should not be influenced by politics or a reporter's opinion on a certain administration or political party," Zhu said.
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