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French journalist Ursula Gauthier kicked out of China for slamming Beijing's Uyghur policy

May i ask why these attacks against our country ?
You do know that she is Turkish-"French" ? Doesn't that mean anything ?
The average French supports all countries fighting terrorists wherever they are,and fiding some BS excuse to justify such attacks against poor civilians that just wanted to work,to earn their live,to feed their families,that asked for nothing is really cheap.
What happens in China is China's problem and we are nobody to say what China should do or shouldn't or criticize their internal policies.. As far as i know,Chinese don't stick their noose into our internal affairs.
This "journalist" doesn't represent the French people nor France,and we support China's fight against terrorism. (Any forms.)
And that is a good news she has been kicked,terrorist sympathizers should be in jail instead.. (Too bad in our country ...)
PS ; Ask an average French and he won't know what an Uygur is. (I knew the existance of these people when i came to this forum.)
As a matter of fact, I know very well about what common people in the west are thinking with the terrorists in China, as I have read lots of comments under the bias reports from the west, and most of the comments are in our side and slam the terrorists; however, the problem is, the government of the west say they are elected by their people so they are for the interest of their people, and the media in the west say they are unbiased and they want to speak the voice of the people, but they are biased towards this issue naturally for political right, and never care about what the common people are thinking, even though most of the comments under the article are against that they are saying.
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You do know that she is Turkish-"French" ? Doesn't that mean anything ?
lol no wonder...

allahu akbar:D
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@Chinese-Dragon @Chinese Bamboo @ChineseTiger1986 @terranMarine @54ptu @JSCh @cnleio @Place Of Space @AndrewJin @jmacmac @Beast @aliaselin @xunzi

May i ask why these attacks against our country ?
You do know that she is Turkish-"French" ? Doesn't that mean anything ?
The average French supports all countries fighting terrorists wherever they are,and fiding some BS excuse to justify such attacks against poor civilians that just wanted to work,to earn their live,to feed their families,that asked for nothing is really cheap.
What happens in China is China's problem and we are nobody to say what China should do or shouldn't or criticize their internal policies.. As far as i know,Chinese don't stick their noose into our internal affairs.
This "journalist" doesn't represent the French people nor France,and we support China's fight against terrorism. (Any forms.)
And that is a good news she has been kicked,terrorist sympathizers should be in jail instead.. (Too bad in our country ...)
PS ; Ask an average French and he won't know what an Uygur is. (I knew the existance of these people when i came to this forum.)

She is pan Turkism advocater with a French flag. Stabbing coal miners in their sleep was not a terrorist act according to her logic or Turkish logic.
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lu Kang's Remarks on French Correspondent Ursula Gauthier's Departure

Q: While the French Foreign Ministry and the European External Action Service released statements on the departure of Ursula Gauthier, a Beijing-based correspondent for French magazine L'Obs, over half of the on-line comments in France voiced understanding and support for China's decision of not renewing press credentials for Gauthier. How do you comment on that?

A: We have noted the reaction of the French public. It shows that on the issue of counter-terrorism which is a matter of principle, most people in the international community stand for justice and against double standards.

I would like to reiterate that the Chinese side protects the lawful rights and interests of foreign journalists to conduct interviews and reports in China, but the Chinese government and people will by no means tolerate the act of speaking for terrorism.
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