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French Defence Minister to Sign Rafale Contract with India on August 31

36 assures that 126 (at least) are on the way- if not 189.

That would be difficult, given the tightening of belt thats Going on , add to the fact that Indian Defence Budget has remained stagnant for last 3 years, taking inflation into account.

However I still believe, their will be an option for follow on contract at similar price, something like an option to purchase 18-36 additional aircrafts at a later date, for the same price. Not more than that.

IAF will go for 126 Rafales, if their is something seriously wrong with PAKFA/FGFA, and we are unable to induct them in time to replace THE 120+ IAF Jaguars
That would be difficult, given the tightening of belt thats Going on , add to the fact that Indian Defence Budget has remained stagnant for last 3 years, taking inflation into account.

However I still believe, their will be an option for follow on contract at similar price, something like an option to purchase 18-36 additional aircrafts at a later date, for the same price. Not more than that.

IAF will go for 126 Rafales, if their is something seriously wrong with PAKFA/FGFA, and we are unable to induct them in time to replace THE 120+ IAF Jaguars
The writing is on the wall for 126 Rafales, just see the recent RFP for 90 jets (Rafales) to be made in India. This was always the requirement from day one (initially it was 126 M2K)- why would this now be reduced? The MMRCA is entirely separate from the FGFA, LCA and MKI projects/procurements- they will all be ordered in their own time and at their specific requirements.

As for the budget- India has $300 billion (a conservative figure) to spend on new equipment by 2022 and the economy is in good shape.
The writing is on the wall for 126 Rafales, just see the recent RFP for 90 jets (Rafales) to be made in India. This was always the requirement from day one (initially it was 126 M2K)- why would this now be reduced? The MMRCA is entirely separate from the FGFA, LCA and MKI projects/procurements- they will all be ordered in their own time and at their specific requirements.

As for the budget- India has $300 billion (a conservative figure) to spend on new equipment by 2022 and the economy is in good shape.

Its not 300 Billion, but 150 Billion by 2025 as per modi sarkar, and I can show you the entire breakup of where the money will go
160 Tejas @ 8 Billion USD
36 Rafales@ 8 Billion USD ( off all the ironies)
127 FGFA @ 25 Billion USD
15 Chinooks + 22 Apaches @ 2.5 Billion USD
197 Ka226 @ 800 Million USD
6 C130J @ 1 Billion USD

Thats 45 Billion USD, just for the IAF

Now lets look at the navy,

4 P15B Destroyers@ 5 Billion USD
7 P17B Frigates@ 7 Billion USD
3 Talwar class Frigates@ 2 Billion USD
8 P28A Corvetes @ 3 Billion USD
12 Minesweepers @ 1 Billion USD
INS Vishal 4 Billion USD
6 SSNs @ 10 Billion USD
6 SSKs @ 8 Billion USD
20 FACs/Patrol boats @ 1 Billion USD
4 LPD/LPH @ 4 Billion USD
9 MPA @ 1 Billion USD
4 P8I @ 1 Billion USD
124 NMRH@ 5 Billion USD

Thats 52 Billion USD

I dont know much about armies modernization program,
T-72 Replacement alone will cost 10 Billion USD atleast for 1500 Tanks
Artillery could end up costing 5 Billion USD for 2000 Guns,
Then their are deals for attack and medium lift helis, that we dont know much about, add to that infantry modernisation alone will cost upwards of 25 Billion USD, including the cost of raising additional strike corp
Its not 300 Billion, but 150 Billion by 2025 as per modi sarkar, and I can show you the entire breakup of where the money will go
$600BN from 2014-2022 with 50% of it being CAPEX according to independent think tanks.
There's nothing to elaborate...you are a dumb ****
Oh not again u indians , teja hasn't got FOC, so it means, not ready 4 combat, u dirty little piece of ****
And u r saying me ignorant, plz do some research before hitting your keyboard.
To be frank it is 222 Millions Euro which Is equal to 253 Million $....Damm it is better to cancel the deal and go for more Su 30Mki or PakFa....
With that money u can buy 5 to 6 su34,capable doing air to surface operation far inside china in, and can carry all type of MKI weapons,also in near future we can integrate our nirbhay with ease and is capable of carrying three to four such missile in a single mission. There are some reports that one single su34 made one American aegis capable destroyer blind for few seconds using its EW suits,but I don't know the authenticity.
All the technical and advanced weapons, EW, protection systems eclipses when we see a price tag of 230 mill$, its sheer wastage of money. at 1/3rd of price we can make do with variety of Russian jets while at the same time working hard on Tejas and FGFA
All the technical and advanced weapons, EW, protection systems eclipses when we see a price tag of 230 mill$, its sheer wastage of money. at 1/3rd of price we can make do with variety of Russian jets while at the same time working hard on Tejas and FGFA
Only advantage of rafi is its fleet availability, asper the reports 80%.But this also not justifying this insane price tag.we can purchase three to four times the number of Russian su34s for this money and make up the fleet availability with that sheer numerical figure. Also should remember about the crew comfort,Plane like su34s are made for long time flights( even its having toilets),this aircraft is an ideal choice to deal with Chinese.
let me tell you fourth possible THING.

4. Pakistan might go to Russia and tell them about there Old friend and his betray and Buy some 2-3 squadrons of SU-35.
Let me tell you fifth possible thing.
5)India is already involved with Russia in fgfa, super sukhois, possibly, fglfa, so now your role and SYM.
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