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French Defence Minister to Sign Rafale Contract with India on August 31


Apr 28, 2011
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Source : Our Bureau ~ Dated : Tuesday, August 25, 2015 @ 08:11 PM
Views : 17 A- A A+
French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian is expected to sign the Dassault Rafale fighter aircraft contract with India on August 31.

French publication Tribune reported today that Le Drain would be visiting Malaysia on August 30 probably to get Kuala Lumpur to purchase the two Mistral warships which were recently taken over by France after paying compensation to Russia.

“On the way back the defence minister would be visiting New Delhi to sign the contract for 36 Rafale jets,” the publication said.

There is no confirmation of this information from the Indian side.

French media reported last week that the Indian Rafale contract would be signed in 10 days.

If the information is correct, it brings to an end over five years of India's quest to purchase a Medium Multi-role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) and three years of negotiations with Dassaullt.

The Indian Air Force's long standing demand for an urgent purcurement of MMRCA aircraft would have finally been met.

French Defence Minister to Sign Rafale Contract with India on August 31
Source : Our Bureau ~ Dated : Tuesday, August 25, 2015 @ 08:11 PM
Views : 17 A- A A+
French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian is expected to sign the Dassault Rafale fighter aircraft contract with India on August 31.

French publication Tribune reported today that Le Drain would be visiting Malaysia on August 30 probably to get Kuala Lumpur to purchase the two Mistral warships which were recently taken over by France after paying compensation to Russia.

“On the way back the defence minister would be visiting New Delhi to sign the contract for 36 Rafale jets,” the publication said.

There is no confirmation of this information from the Indian side.

French media reported last week that the Indian Rafale contract would be signed in 10 days.

If the information is correct, it brings to an end over five years of India's quest to purchase a Medium Multi-role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) and three years of negotiations with Dassaullt.

The Indian Air Force's long standing demand for an urgent purcurement of MMRCA aircraft would have finally been met.

French Defence Minister to Sign Rafale Contract with India on August 31
Aik aur date
Na kar yaar
Good at last this painstaking efforts going to bear fruit for IAF :tup:

Pakistanis will do one of three Things.

1. Go running to USA saying the balance of power has shifted to dangerous levels and pakistan will use nukes in war./

OR they want free grant aided F16/52 from USA.

2. Their ACM will rush to Beijing and a statement will be made PAF can defend itself and we are modernising with J10

3. There will be the usually missle TEST by a 15 year guauri ballistic missle and some chest beating by Musharaff on media.

let me tell you fourth possible THING.

4. Pakistan might go to Russia and tell them about there Old friend and his betray and Buy some 2-3 squadrons of SU-35.

Pakistanis will do one of three Things.

1. Go running to USA saying the balance of power has shifted to dangerous levels and pakistan will use nukes in war./

OR they want free grant aided F16/52 from USA.

2. Their ACM will rush to Beijing and a statement will be made PAF can defend itself and we are modernising with J10

3. There will be the usually missle TEST by a 15 year guauri ballistic missle and some chest beating by Musharaff on media.

Yeah and good kid you deserved 12 negative ratings with that low quality posts..!
Source : Our Bureau ~ Dated : Tuesday, August 25, 2015 @ 08:11 PM
Views : 17 A- A A+
French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian is expected to sign the Dassault Rafale fighter aircraft contract with India on August 31.

French publication Tribune reported today that Le Drain would be visiting Malaysia on August 30 probably to get Kuala Lumpur to purchase the two Mistral warships which were recently taken over by France after paying compensation to Russia.

“On the way back the defence minister would be visiting New Delhi to sign the contract for 36 Rafale jets,” the publication said.

There is no confirmation of this information from the Indian side.

French media reported last week that the Indian Rafale contract would be signed in 10 days.

If the information is correct, it brings to an end over five years of India's quest to purchase a Medium Multi-role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) and three years of negotiations with Dassaullt.

The Indian Air Force's long standing demand for an urgent purcurement of MMRCA aircraft would have finally been met.

French Defence Minister to Sign Rafale Contract with India on August 31
It fits with the ten day period recently speculated upon but I'm slightly dubious- India usually doesn't sign such deals when officials make visits so this would be breaking from the norm but let's see.
It fits with the ten day period recently speculated upon but I'm slightly dubious- India usually doesn't sign such deals when officials make visits so this would be breaking from the norm but let's see.
Remember MKI deal,if my memory is correct the deal was signed Putin's visit to India in the year 2003.
I hope the Indians pull this off this time.

Even 36 rafale will take air force tech over our region to s completely new dimension.

Aesa radars
Meteors missiles
Spectra ew suites
Crystal blade engines
Rcs at one tenth of the mirage2000/f16
Scalp attack cruise missiles
Breakthrough likely in Rafale talks as France softens stand

India and France are likely to reach a breakthrough soon in negotiations on the Rafale deal, paving the way for the Indian Air Force (IAF) to induct 36 French-made warplanes. The deal could be worth Euro 8 billion.

A possible climbdown by the French side over a key sticking point in talks — an offset clause that requires France to invest 50% of the value of the contract in India — could help both sides clinch the deal, sources familiar with the talks said on Tuesday.

The sources said France had signalled a softening of its stand on the tricky issue following intervention at the highest levels of both governments.

During a visit to Paris in April, Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared India would directly buy 36 Rafale fighter jets from France but negotiations have dragged on for nearly four months due to disagreements over price and India’s offset requirements.

India had hoped to clinch the deal by mid-July. But France is unlikely to make any concessions on price.

“There has to be some give and take. A breakthrough appears to be in sight as PM Modi and President Francois Hollande are tracking the deal now,” the sources said.

India is likely to be the third country to buy the Rafale after Egypt and Qatar. The twin-engine plane has seen combat in Afghanistan, Libya and Mali.

The deal for the 36 planes led to the termination of a previous tender to buy 126 Rafale fighters from French firm Dassault Aviation. India picked Rafale jets over Eurofighter Typhoons in January 2012 after Dassault Aviation emerged as the lowest bidder for the tender.

India requires 45 fighter squadrons to counter a combined threat from China and Pakistan, but it has only 34 squadrons with about 18 planes each. Also, 14 of these squadrons are equipped with vintage MiG-21 and MiG-27 fighter planes.

Breakthrough likely in Rafale talks as France softens stand
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