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French Armed Forces

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No idea...




No idea...





Don't know whether India will survive as a country in near future or not as its condition internally is quite bad and no one knew about it as people are only getting news about terrorism since 9/11. Also India is keen to have a war with Pakistan as well as with China, in which we can easily predict China will rip India in to many parts.
French special forces (RPO, REP, RAPAS, RPIMa, GIGN etc) - YouTube

Don't know whether India will survive as a country in near future or not as its condition internally is quite bad and no one knew about it as people are only getting news about terrorism since 9/11. Also India is keen to have a war with Pakistan as well as with China, in which we can easily predict China will rip India in to many parts.

If I may speak, I don't think that India is looking for a confrontation with any country, let alone nuclear armed states.
I would like to tell you a story. I heard it from a guy.
A few years ago, he worked in Paris. And one day he was called to the supper by French partner. When he entered the house, an old partner's grandfather went out to meet him.
- Are you Russian? - Asked the old man.
- Yes.
- Come with me.
He put the guy to cabinet, took his hand and asked again.
- Your grandfather fought?
- Yes.
Then the old man took out the best cognac he had and poured the full stack.
- For your grandfather.
Then he explained to that in times of war he was in the colonies, he did not fight. But all his life he was grateful for Russian, that he is alive.
Every time the guy came to the partner, the old man called him to cabinet and they drank for his grandfather.
Frankly, I feel sorry for that the politicians have turned the great France almost a pawn of America. I very much hope that in the future this will change.
But currently India is seeking a war with China and NATO is supporting it. I can't say anything about Pakistan as its looking just to defend and built its military power which is not so good in terms of Air Force and Navy.

I'm not convinced yet that India is looking for a confrontation with anyone. The last tension India had with China is an example.
But currently India is seeking a war with China and NATO is supporting it. I can't say anything about Pakistan as its looking just to defend and built its military power which is not so good in terms of Air Force and Navy.

No we're not seeking for a war. Stop manipulating the other country members.

If a war occurs India knows it can't handle China and Pakistan alone , so why would we even think to do such mistakes..we're trying to improve our ties with Pakistan.
No we're not seeking for a war. Stop manipulating the other country members.

If a war occurs India knows it can't handle China and Pakistan alone , so why would we even think to do such mistakes..we're trying to improve our ties with Pakistan.

I don't think that India is a warmongering state at all. Let just ignore all kinds of hostilities. You guys have settled the score, testing your own nuclear weapons :D
I don't think that India is a warmongering state at all. Let just ignore all kinds of hostilities. You guys have settled the score, testing your own nuclear weapons :D
Haha we do it because we're surrounded by naughty kids.. :P I don't see any war in next few decades but the obsession will Pakistan will only increase, we share a good history with them :lol:
Haha we do it because we're surrounded by naughty kids.. :P I don't see any war in next few decades but the obsession will Pakistan will only increase, we share a good history with them :lol:

I think it is time to let go, there is no point for craeting another bloodpath whatsoever. All what India needs - in my humble opinion - is to sort out its issue with Pakistan - the latter must do the same - So is China as well.

Other than that I'm not quite sure about how the subcontinet will flourish.

Let's get back to the topic @Gabriel92 is going to kill us all :P
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