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Freelancing Career in Pakistan....



New Recruit

Apr 29, 2020
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Top 10 Countries for Freelancing 2019
These are the top 10 countries for freelancers as per Payoneer’s Global Gig-Economy Index for 2019 which ranks the countries based on data of 300,000 freelancers and outsourcing professionals in its network:
2 UK
3 Brazil
4 Pakistan
5 Ukraine
6 Philippines
7 India
8 Bangladesh
9 Russia
10 Serbia
According to the report, 77% of the revenues earned by Pakistani freelancers were by people aged under 34. The age-wise breakdown is given as follows:


me with many of my friends have left software houses and joined freelance sites like fiverr and upwork and each is going great so far myself included.
When did you made your Upwork account? Could you tell me couple of more freelancing sites ?
When did you made your Upwork account? Could you tell me couple of more freelancing sites ?
i left upwork in january when they introduced pay to bid right now i am on fiverr. One friend is on freelancer as he had old profile there and its prefer to have older profiles there to get clients. rest are guru, dibble e.t.c
Fiverr and upwork both are unique in their ways. On fiver you get less premium clients and mostly short-term. Upwork is where the majority of corporate clients hire. I have been working on Upwork since 2015 and ALHAMDULILLAH haven't looked back after quitting my job. So far have been approached by a lot of famous software houses, the worst of them all was Creative Chaos, I didn't even bothered to give them a visit.
Fiverr and upwork both are unique in their ways. On fiver you get less premium clients and mostly short-term. Upwork is where the majority of corporate clients hire. I have been working on Upwork since 2015 and ALHAMDULILLAH haven't looked back after quitting my job. So far have been approached by a lot of famous software houses, the worst of them all was Creative Chaos, I didn't even bothered to give them a visit.
Great...but fiverr is better for fresher's as compared to upwork...bcz upwork wants experienced sellers and it is difficult to get client their. On the other hand on fiverr you can get clients easily
I personally haven't tried Fiverr, I somewhat never liked it for reasons like it sounds cheap like hell, but that cheap for us Pakistanis is quite the wonder money. 10x better than what software houses usually pay here after sucking your blood 9 to 6 (if there is no late sitting culture). The industry I am in itself has very short-term contracts. Because of the client's unrealistic expectations and idiots portraying themselves as GURU. But again, hard work pays off. I started from 3 an hour and now could easily fetch 15-20 an hour but that comes after sheer commitment to quality and dedication.

I always used to hear, to satisfy U.S clients you need to work late hours because of the 12 hours (generally) difference but I don't remember a single night where I stayed up because of a client. But that could be the opposite as well in other scenarios, but yea definitely helped me balance my work and life. And yea, I frequently travel a lot too.
I personally haven't tried Fiverr, I somewhat never liked it for reasons like it sounds cheap like hell, but that cheap for us Pakistanis is quite the wonder money. 10x better than what software houses usually pay here after sucking your blood 9 to 6 (if there is no late sitting culture). The industry I am in itself has very short-term contracts. Because of the client's unrealistic expectations and idiots portraying themselves as GURU. But again, hard work pays off. I started from 3 an hour and now could easily fetch 15-20 an hour but that comes after sheer commitment to quality and dedication.

I always used to hear, to satisfy U.S clients you need to work late hours because of the 12 hours (generally) difference but I don't remember a single night where I stayed up because of a client. But that could be the opposite as well in other scenarios, but yea definitely helped me balance my work and life. And yea, I frequently travel a lot too.
It depends on clients.... Like i got my level 1 badge in just 2 months
Glad to hear that! If you know your stuff, then all you need is a bit of luck, good presentation plus a plagiarism-free gig content too :D, the latter is where most of the new professionals get it wrong.
What kind of skills will be suitable for freelancing?

are there only computer-related stuff on freelancing sites?
What kind of skills will be suitable for freelancing?

You could earn as low as 3$ an hour on Upwork doing data entry.

Translations, Content writing, digital marketing, app development, web development, internet research, virtual assistant, db maintenance, laravel, graphics designing, and the list goes on.

The question is, what is your expertise?
You could earn as low as 3$ an hour on Upwork doing data entry.

Translations, Content writing, digital marketing, app development, web development, internet research, virtual assistant, db maintenance, laravel, graphics designing, and the list goes on.

The question is, what is your expertise?
I am not a computer expert nor am I a programmer but I think I can easily do work like translation, content writing, data entry etc.

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