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Free Tibet?

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Yup we are taking care o ourselves, and wht we think about Tibest is our right and is none of your business, tell this to you Ambassidor here who claimed our state Arunachal Pradesh as China.

You Just called the largest Muslim population Traitors, congatulations.


DAlai LAMA is a liar in the world, and india's hope is to depart china and to be a superpower in south asian, however, dream is only a dream, with the development of pakistan , the era of doing everything wanted for india is past away:yahoo::yahoo:

that's right :pakistan::cheers::china:
India has long recognized Tibet to be a part of China. Even the Dalai Lama says so; he isn't arguing for a "free Tibet" but for more autonomy. This autonomy is restricted to cultural and religious rights. Even the Indian government supports that view; the reasons for this stance are many and complex and not entirely appropriate.

CCP's policy of suppression and nationalization, especially those of discrediting the Dalai Lama, is what has led to so much dissent amongst the Tibetans. This dissent is more so amongst the Tibetan youths who, courtesy their age, are more prone to "active" measures. PRC's suppression has resulted in animosity in people across the globe including India. India being a democracy, this animosity may change the official Indian Government position.

The Tibet situation would be much different if China would have been a true democracy and not a totalitarian communist party dictatorship.

Mind your language.
India has long recognized Tibet to be a part of China. Even the Dalai Lama says so; he isn't arguing for a "free Tibet" but for more autonomy. This autonomy is restricted to cultural and religious rights. Even the Indian government supports that view; the reasons for this stance are many and complex and not entirely appropriate.

CCP's policy of suppression and nationalization, especially those of discrediting the Dalai Lama, is what has led to so much dissent amongst the Tibetans. This dissent is more so amongst the Tibetan youths who, courtesy their age, are more prone to "active" measures. PRC's suppression has resulted in animosity in people across the globe including India. India being a democracy, this animosity may change the official Indian Government position.

The Tibet situation would be much different if China would have been a true democracy and not a totalitarian communist party dictatorship.

i am a chinese, although, i am not a member of CCP, but i never agree with you. perpahs you can say india goverment has not support dalai lama's political opinion, acknowledge that tibet belongs to CHINA, but there is an old saying " you must see what he is doing when you listen what he is saying", so if you observe dalai lama's behavior in last 50 years, we can see definitely that he is not a pure religious leader, but a schismatic. and we still remember why dalai lama escaped and rebelled from china , he had been provocated by CIA, and if you know the history of tibet in Helot society, i think you will change your point, ladai and the class which he represented had done many many extremely cruel things.

and if you make an inquisition, the exiled tibeten who anti chinese goverment, has they been back to china? i think it is very childish and absurd to make such a coclusion as you.

btw: you can dislike CCP, and i still is not a member of CCP, but as a chinese, i know something more than you about CCP, if you have not come to china , you say such words only can show your bias to CHINA and CCP. is there exists supression , i think it is more suitable to answer by chinese people than you.
and we can argue, we can commnicate , but i do not think it is wise bringing shame on other state.

when you remind Sino-PakFriendship, so i think it is still suit you.
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