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Free Tibet, Our Right: Tibetan exiles

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Witness Indian boasting in 2008 about "responding to the Mumbai attacks". After which, Mumbai got hit again and again, but they could do nothing but cry like babies. :lol:

By Pakistan's own claim we are responsible for the hundreds of bombings in Pakistan everyday and our TTP has killed thousands of Pak soldiers..what more can you want ?

pp.s.:- these are not words of India..but Pakistani's own claims.




By Pakistan's own claim we are responsible for the hundreds of bombings in Pakistan everyday and our TTP has killed thousands of Pak soldiers..what more can you want ?

pp.s.:- these are not words of India..but Pakistani's own claims.

LoL - whateva helps you sleep at night :coffee:
Still much better off than the average indian.

---------- Post added at 11:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 AM ----------

You seem to know a lot about that, your personal life is your own, no need to bring it on a forum.

your sister and mother i'm sure are quite fond of that at Heera Mandi
Before talking cheaply about Free Tibet, India should free the people of Kashmir first, Then the people of Tamirnado, then the Andra Pradesh, etc. etc.

If you are talking about Tamil Nadu then release your head from your *** kiddo...thats all I can say as a Tamil.
your sister and mother i'm sure are quite fond of that at Heera Mandi

Is that your best shot, being a Jatt I fight men, never women and children. Come on I'm sure you can do better.
No offense, Tibet is free from having those exiled tibetans...India will be responsable to feed these exiled peoples and make sure their have better standard living than those 1 meal per day Indians :D...look the below video...exiled Tibetan seem very happy with Indian traitement ..they even carry Indian flag :lol:

Haha...soon or later Tibetans will be once part of great han family....oops my bad Chinese family :lol:

now enjoy some vid

Tibetans only protest by burning themselves. Nothing they do can provide any real challenge the Government.

President Dawood of Free Kashmir on the other hand, he is looking for some payback for the tens of thousands of Muslims that have been butchered in Kashmir and also in Gujarat.

India has one of the largest populations of Muslims in the world, how long do you think they will allow oppression by the majority Hindus before they start blowing up your cities? Oh wait... they already do that.

Remember, it was the Indian members who started this. :coffee:

these are the ones who started the troll no Indian member started trolling until these people posted there crap to start the flame war
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