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Free Tibet, Our Right: Tibetan exiles

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Indians love to think they are the #1 superpower. :azn:

However, in fact they are the complete opposite... right at the bottom of the world, even below Africa!

Some facts:

- India has more poor people than Africa
- India starves more people to death than the rest of the world combined
- India has the largest amount of people practising open defecation in the world

So quite the opposite of their perception.

Imagine a China-Russia-Pakistan alliance. The world's largest alliance from a territorial perspective.

Look at what China and Pakistan have been able to produce: JF-17.

With China's economy, Pakistan's and Afghanistan's geopolitical positions, Russia's military hardware, the west would be crapping in their panties!
Then Indians get slapped by the truth about great President Dawood, then they cry and think it is not their fault, even though they started it.

Sounds like the Indian Army when they ran away like little girls in 1962. :rofl:

Pity you.

The Indian soldiers even though outnumbered 10-1 by the Chinis extracted 50% of the casualties the Chinese could muster. Its a standing legend in the IA how the Gorkhas went about trophy hunting the hapless Chini heads during the war like they were doing murgis..
Because of people like you this forum has become war zone of India and China. And you become mere side artist in two hero film on your own forum. Defending China blindly is not helping your case.

We defend our friends, and your countrymen started it, look back.
Before mods lock this thread let me it flame more, We should Arm, Supply, and help Kashmiri, Maoists, and other Indian separatist groups or groups that we feel sympathetic offer them safe haven, and finally bring back the People Volunteer Army and Do a Chinese Style Kargil into Indian Occupied Kashmir. :D 3...2...1 Flame On !
tell that to those left naked and homeless by floods and drone strikes

Still much better off than the average indian.

---------- Post added at 11:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 AM ----------

yeah keep on riding the Chinese d!cks

You seem to know a lot about that, your personal life is your own, no need to bring it on a forum.
Battleground: defence.pk

Time: 11:00 p.m. - ??? (still ongoing)


1)China & Pakistan


Who's winning: China & Pakistan. :lol:

Cause of conflict: Indian supporting Tibetan separatism and extremism. :lol:
When I asked an Afghanistani refugee in Pakistan, they said "Afghanistanis and Pakistanis are the same people separated by an imaginary border put by europeans."

LOL that is what the Afghans consider truly..They dont consider KP as a part of Pakistan..for them Pakistan is the region East of Indus till the indian border and I hope one day the Afghans reclaim what is their.
Battleground: defence.pk

Time: 11:00 p.m. - ??? (still ongoing)


1)China & Pakistan


Who's winning: China & Pakistan. :lol:

Cause of conflict: Indian supporting Tibetan separatism and extremism. :lol:

Good summary buddy. :)

Indians will never win an argument here. They need to beat Africa first.
LOL that is what the Afghans consider truly..They dont consider KP as a part of Pakistan..for them Pakistan is the region East of Indus till the indian border and I hope one day the Afghans reclaim what is their.

Keep crying, everybody and their uncle knows, india is all talk, even after all the problems, uncle MMS wants to be our friend. ;)
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