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‘Free Palestine’ Spray-Painted Outside LA Synagogue On Morning Of 9/11 Anniversary

cant approve this vandalism. find a better way

I think this peaceful method is the better way- as long as it's a Zionist congregation. If it's not a Zionist congregation then I don't think it's justified. If it is a Zionist congregation... I'm not exactly against it.
I think this peaceful method is the better way- as long as it's a Zionist congregation. If it's not a Zionist congregation then I don't think it's justified. If it is a Zionist congregation... I'm not exactly against it.
no matter who ot is, u dont desecrate somoen's place of worship. not even in return for the same having been done to you.
@Omar Al-Deek

I'm gonna agree with our brother Da Baal on this one. We lack means to alter situation on ground and this can be frustrating but we have to be patient and level headed until things change in Arab world for the better. In the meantime we are losers but this is a normal cycle in life and you work to bounce back.

Honestly our problems in Muslim world aren't military related. There are tons of weapons and able men in the Muslim world. It's that we are morally, corrupt/unprofessional/unethical(momentarily). We need to be open to criticizing ourselves and our societies and actually become more like the Jews in the way they are professional in all their encounters and always speak with reason and carefulness. And how they are responsible and account for their own responsibility.

While we have people who have no control over themselves and no one is trying to bring them back to their sanity.
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no matter who ot is, u dont desecrate somoen's place of worship. not even in return for the same having been done to you.

It wasn't me that did it. And it's not like whoever did it actually hurt anyone.

Would I do it myself? I doubt it. I'm not a teenage hoodlum.

But I'm not exactly crying tears for the Jews in question either- at least not if they're a Zionist congregation. They are synagogues where they preach Zionism and if that is so, I don't at all feel bad if someone protests in this peaceful kind of manner. I am against it if it's not a Zionist congregation, though

@Omar Al-Deek

I'm gonna agree with our brother Da Baal on this one. We lack means to alter situation on ground and this can be frustrating but we have to be patient and level headed until things change in Arab world for the better. In the meantime we are losers but this is a normal cycle in life and you work to bounce back.

If the spraypaint is objectionable, maybe they could tape a flyer or a pamphlet to the wall instead.

@Omar Al-Deek

I'm gonna agree with our brother Da Baal on this one. We lack means to alter situation on ground and this can be frustrating but we have to be patient and level headed until things change in Arab world for the better. In the meantime we are losers but this is a normal cycle in life and you work to bounce back.

Honestly our problems in Muslim world aren't military related. There are tons of weapons and able men in the Muslim world. It's that we are morally, corrupt/unprofessional/unethical(momentarily). We need to be open to criticizing ourselves and our societies and actually become more like the Jews in the way they are professional in all their encounters and always speak with reason and carefulness. And how they are responsible and account for their own responsibility.

While we have people who have no control over themselves and no one is trying to bring them back to their sanity.

I'm all for improving the Muslim world. I think a lot of the stuff that gets said about the Muslim world pretty much applies to a lot of the third world, though. You look at Muslim countries in the third world and you look at predominantly Christian countries in the third world... I think you can find corruption in either set of countries.
It wasn't me that did it. And it's not like whoever did it actually hurt anyone.

Would I do it myself? I doubt it. I'm not a teenage hoodlum.

But I'm not exactly crying tears for the Jews in question either- at least not if they're a Zionist congregation. They are synagogues where they preach Zionism and if that is so, I don't at all feel bad if someone protests in this peaceful kind of manner. I am against it if it's not a Zionist congregation, though

Let them be however they are brother, like you said this is a teenage thing. It's achieves nothing but embarrassment for whoever did it and makes them look like dumb people who can't make it in the real world and have to resort to pathetic acts. Of course we don't know the culprits of this particular incident , it might not be Arabs. It could even be someone from the Synagogue who wants attention.

The best thing for us is to focus inward and problem solve. Look inward and see what obstacles we are facing and how to go about them. We need more cooperation between Muslim think tanks/human rights/ethics organizations. We need to let them play a bigger role too.

And completely leave Christians , Jews, Hindus and Buddhists to themselves. We should never mention them. God tells us not to adopt their religion/ways but he doesn't tell us to hate them. We have our beliefs and they have theirs. And every other religious group is like that with the rest as well. But, they still coexist and like adults acknowledge they have different beliefs but no need to fight each other over them.

So bear with me, I am kind of sharing my perspective on a lot of things because clearly we are at a bad point in the Ummah and we have no influence at high level so might as well start on a small scale. Us members on the forum for example, need to share ideas more constructively and respect people of other faiths. And discuss what issues we are facing in society and how to go about them. Because I see too many Muslims with their minds somewhere else, always rambling about other countries or non-Muslims when those other countries and non-Muslims play much less of a role in their society than they think. The problem is us, Muslims, and the solution is to look inward and fix ourselves. As we have moral corruption, ethics crisis going on amongst us and lack of political direction among other things.

I'm all for improving the Muslim world. I think a lot of the stuff that gets said about the Muslim world pretty much applies to a lot of the third world, though. You look at Muslim countries in the third world and you look at predominantly Christian countries in the third world... I think you can find corruption in either set of countries.

Indeed it does , but I like to focus on Muslim world because I am Muslim and want a better Muslim world. I am very open to self criticism(for us Muslims) and think we need more of it instead of getting defensive(not you, just in general) and pinning blame elsewhere or comparing ourselves to others. There is no need to be defensive or shy, non-Muslims hardly care what we do among ourselves. It is just us exchanging ideas with each other and there is nothing shameful about it. Or shameful about admitting we have issues and self improvement. In Western culture they actually commend self improvement , open exchange of ideas, etc....

So there is no need to keep things private and mask our flaws in front of everyone else. It's age of internet and information so everything is already out there.
‘Free Palestine’ Spray-Painted Outside LA Synagogue On Morning Of 9/11 Anniversary


they're saying it's "antisemitism" :rolleyes1:

This is entirely counter productive. You're not going to win any support for those neutral or unaware of Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Not to mention there are jews against Israeli atrocities in Palestine and most young American Jews don't identify with Israel. It's better to spray paint this on an Israeli consulate or embassy. This needs to be condemned as it doesn't help the Palestinian struggle at all.
Let them be however they are brother, like you said this is a teenage thing. It's achieves nothing but embarrassment for whoever did it and makes them look like dumb people who can't make it in the real world and have to resort to pathetic acts. Of course we don't know the culprits of this particular incident , it might not be Arabs. It could even be someone from the Synagogue who wants attention.

The best thing for us is to focus inward and problem solve. Look inward and see what obstacles we are facing and how to go about them. We need more cooperation between Muslim think tanks/human rights/ethics organizations. We need to let them play a bigger role too.

And completely leave Christians , Jews, Hindus and Buddhists to themselves. We should never mention them. God tells us not to adopt their religion/ways but he doesn't tell us to hate them. We have our beliefs and they have theirs. And every other religious group is like that with the rest as well. But, they still coexist and like adults acknowledge they have different beliefs but no need to fight each other over them.

So bear with me, I am kind of sharing my perspective on a lot of things because clearly we are at a bad point in the Ummah and we have no influence at high level so might as well start on a small scale. Us members on the forum for example, need to share ideas more constructively and respect people of other faiths. And discuss what issues we are facing in society and how to go about them. Because I see too many Muslims with their minds somewhere else, always rambling about other countries or non-Muslims when those other countries and non-Muslims play much less of a role in their society than they think. The problem is us, Muslims, and the solution is to look inward and fix ourselves. As we have moral corruption, ethics crisis going on amongst us and lack of political direction among other things.

Indeed it does , but I like to focus on Muslim world because I am Muslim and want a better Muslim world. I am very open to self criticism(for us Muslims) and think we need more of it instead of getting defensive(not you, just in general) and pinning blame elsewhere or comparing ourselves to others. There is no need to be defensive or shy, non-Muslims hardly care what we do among ourselves. It is just us exchanging ideas with each other and there is nothing shameful about it. Or shameful about admitting we have issues and self improvement. In Western culture they actually commend self improvement , open exchange of ideas, etc....

So there is no need to keep things private and mask our flaws in front of everyone else. It's age of internet and information so everything is already out there.

"In Western culture they actually commend self improvement , open exchange of ideas, etc...."

Are you holding up Western culture as a model to emulate?

All kinds of people talk about "state of the ummah" and also say what Muslims should or shouldn't do. What they say only has as much weight as is given to it by support from Quran and Sunnah.

I respect you as my Muslim brother but the right answers are in Quran and Sunnah.

But no, by your Lord, they will not [truly] believe until they make you, [O Muhammad], judge concerning that over which they dispute among themselves and then find within themselves no discomfort from what you have judged and submit in [full, willing] submission.

-Surah An-Nisa 4:65

Whatever you want me to accept as principles, I only care if it flows from Quran and Sunnah.

I saw you cite Western culture but I did not see you cite Quran or Sunnah.

What we say is only credible to the extent that it is supported by Quran and Sunnah.

Whatever issues we have as individuals or as an Ummah, the answer is not emulating Westerners (i.e. white people) or Jews- the answer is going back to Quran and Sunnah.
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"In Western culture they actually commend self improvement , open exchange of ideas, etc...."

Are you holding up Western culture as a model to emulate?

I'm saying people in West employ more critical thinking than we do , when that shouldn't be the case. There is more justice on a domestic level in the West too compared to Arab world for example. Critical thinking and justice aren't exclusive to the West so we shouldn't categorize those things as aspects of Western model when they are qualities we should have and are encouraged to have as Muslims.

I respect you as my Muslim brother but the right answers are in Quran and Sunnah.

But no, by your Lord, they will not [truly] believe until they make you, [O Muhammad], judge concerning that over which they dispute among themselves and then find within themselves no discomfort from what you have judged and submit in [full, willing] submission.

-Surah An-Nisa 4:65

Whatever you want me to accept as principles, I only care if it flows from Quran and Sunnah.

I saw you cite Western culture but I did not see you cite Quran or Sunnah.

What we say is only credible to the extent that it is supported by Quran and Sunnah.

Whatever issues we have as individuals or as an Ummah, the answer is not emulating Westerners (i.e. white people) or Jews- the answer is going back to Quran and Sunnah

Actually we need to pray for guidance from God and focus inward. One mistake you are making is viewing Westerners like they are different species. We are from the same species. All our qualities are interchangeable. They happen to value justice/critical thinking as two examples more than we do. So we need to focus on areas we are lacking. I am a Western Muslim with Eastern Background and I see pros and cons in both cultures. And overall I don't see much difference between Easterners and Westerners, to be honest. Besides some things like tradition, they are more similar than you think.

A lot of people say we need to follow Quran and Sunnah but don't explain what they mean by that. We do follow Quran and Sunnah already and get our teachings from them. Yet, we are still in a bad social state. Thus it means we are not understanding Islam well. So you need to look at the beginning again and go from point B back to point A. There is obviously something wrong with our people. In the beginning, Prophet Mohammed(SAW) made a lot of personal effort to be honest, good, modest, kind, fair, just, nice, and stood up for truth hoods. Allah(SWT) revealed to him that he is on a great path and leading himself with a great character. Then he told him to read in the name of his Lord that created him. And started off with monotheism first.

If more Muslims simply made an effort to avoid haram and observe halal, they take a step towards their Lord. And their Lord will take a step towards them to guide them to next step, developing a good character. Avoiding haram in this day and age is hard. It requires lots of self sacrifice. You have to give away much of your social life and enter world of uncertainty and sadness and self sacrifice. Most Muslims hardly make an effort to avoid haram and thus make little to no self sacrifice, to prove to their Lord that they are sincere and believed in Him and His revelations. And decided to take his side even though they can't see or hear Him or have any communication with Him. When Allah sees this sacrifice, he will guide Muslims to the right path. Lots of Muslims make no self sacrifice but they know a lot of Quran and Ahadeeth. And lots of Muslims think the right path is just avoiding pre-marital sex, drugs and alcohol. Which is not the case, it is a much wider scope than that. And most of the time they get misguided because of other bad habits/insincere intentions.
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I'm saying people in West employ more critical thinking than we do , when that shouldn't be the case. There is more justice on a domestic level in the West too compared to Arab world for example. Critical thinking and justice aren't exclusive to the West so we shouldn't categorize those things as aspects of Western model when they are qualities we should have and are encouraged to have as Muslims.

Actually we need to pray for guidance from God and focus inward. One mistake you are making is viewing Westerners like they are different species. We are from the same species. All our qualities are interchangeable. They happen to value justice/critical thinking as two examples more than we do. So we need to focus on areas we are lacking. I am a Western Muslim with Eastern Background and I see pros and cons in both cultures. And overall I don't see much difference between Easterners and Westerners, to be honest. Besides some things like tradition, they are more similar than you think.

A lot of people say we need to follow Quran and Sunnah but don't explain what they mean by that. We do follow Quran and Sunnah already and get our teachings from them. Yet, we are still in a bad social state. Thus it means we are not understanding Islam well. So you need to look at the beginning again and go from point B back to point A. There is obviously something wrong with our people. In the beginning, Prophet Mohammed(SAW) made a lot of personal effort to be honest, good, modest, kind, fair, just, nice, and stood up for truth hoods. Allah(SWT) revealed to him that he is on a great path and leading himself with a great character. Then he told him to read in the name of his Lord that created him. And started off with monotheism first.

If more Muslims simply made an effort to avoid haram and observe halal, they take a step towards their Lord. And their Lord will take a step towards them to guide them to next step, developing a good character. Avoiding haram in this day and age is hard. It requires lots of self sacrifice. You have to give away much of your social life and enter world of uncertainty and sadness and self sacrifice. Most Muslims hardly make an effort to avoid haram and thus make little to no self sacrifice, to prove to their Lord that they are sincere and believed in Him and His revelations. And decided to take his side even though they can't see or hear Him or have any communication with Him. When Allah sees this sacrifice, he will guide Muslims to the right path. Lots of Muslims make no self sacrifice but they know a lot of Quran and Ahadeeth. And lots of Muslims think the right path is just avoiding pre-marital sex, drugs and alcohol. Which is not the case, it is a much wider scope than that. And most of the time they get misguided because of other bad habits/insincere intentions.

Wow so I sort of hinted that your attitude seemed a little too buddy buddy towards the West...... and I was basically inviting you to show otherwise.... but you basically doubled down on being pro-Western...... You even identified yourself as Western, showing you identify with the West.

you talk all this "we need to just focus inward".... look, you can do yoga stretches, wear tie-die and preach "peace and love, maaaan" but

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was, among other things, a military leader and a warrior. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) wasn't a hippie.

You can preach holding hands, singing kumbaya with the kuffar and saying "we're not so different after all!" but I'm not stupid enough to think you studied Quran and Sunnah and this was where Quran and Sunnah pointed you to.

All this soft, warm, fuzzy hold-hands-and-sing-kumbaya stuff isn't driven by adhering to Quran and Sunnah.....

this kind of thing is driven by cowardice. Many of those who preach this stuff simply lack the backbone to stand up to the kuffar.

That being said, I'm not saying that your hold-hands-and-sing-kumbaya message is driven by you being a coward. It's not necessarily that you're a coward. It may be that you really want worldly gain, it may be that you crave acceptance from white people, it may be that you lack confidence in your religion.

However, when you see these calls for us to be WESTERNIZED, watered-down, for us to hold hands and sing kumbaya with everyone and basically turn into a bunch if hippies.......

the people calling for this approach can disguise it however they like..... however, this call to turn into hippies isn't driven by piety.....

it's driven by cowardice, by love of worldly gain, by being scared to stand up to the white man, by craving white people's acceptance, by lack of backbone, lack of manhood, lack of confidence in one's religion, etc.

if you want to go into a wussified direction, that's your decision but whether it's lack of backbone, love of worldly gain, acceptance, whatever it is- you should seek to get it treated..... you should work on developing whatever it is that's lacking rather than trying to spread the condition to others

for any who may be reading, this is a case study of what I'm talking about:
Wow so I sort of hinted that your attitude seemed a little too buddy buddy towards the West...... and I was basically inviting you to show otherwise.... but you basically doubled down on being pro-Western...... You even identified yourself as Western, showing you identify with the West.

you talk all this "we need to just focus inward".... look, you can do yoga stretches, wear tie-die and preach "peace and love, maaaan" but

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was, among other things, a military leader and a warrior. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) wasn't a hippie.

You can preach holding hands, singing kumbaya with the kuffar and saying "we're not so different after all!" but I'm not stupid enough to think you studied Quran and Sunnah and this was where Quran and Sunnah pointed you to.

All this soft, warm, fuzzy hold-hands-and-sing-kumbaya stuff isn't driven by adhering to Quran and Sunnah.....

this kind of thing is driven by cowardice. Many of those who preach this stuff simply lack the backbone to stand up to the kuffar.

That being said, I'm not saying that your hold-hands-and-sing-kumbaya message is driven by you being a coward. It's not necessarily that you're a coward. It may be that you really want worldly gain, it may be that you crave acceptance from white people, it may be that you lack confidence in your religion.

However, when you see these calls for us to be WESTERNIZED, watered-down, for us to hold hands and sing kumbaya with everyone and basically turn into a bunch if hippies.......

the people calling for this approach can disguise it however they like..... however, this call to turn into hippies isn't driven by piety.....

it's driven by cowardice, by love of worldly gain, by being scared to stand up to the white man, by craving white people's acceptance, by lack of backbone, lack of manhood, lack of confidence in one's religion, etc.

if you want to go into a wussified direction, that's your decision but whether it's lack of backbone, love of worldly gain, acceptance, whatever it is- you should seek to get it treated..... you should work on developing whatever it is that's lacking rather than trying to spread the condition to others

for any who may be reading, this is a case study of what I'm talking about:

I don’t know why Pakistanis like Nouman ali Khan, Abdul Nasir Jangda, and Yasir Qadhi vehemently deny their Pakistani heritage.

They are doing a great disservice to us.

What’s wrong with being a Pakistani or even a Pakistani American?

Even most Americans are skeptical of their government and would not describe themselves as patriotic, those markers are usually reserved for a group of violent, extremist minded people who want to demonize and hurt minorities.

Make no mistake, you nor your children will be seen by most Americans as an American, but always an other, regardless of being Arab, Turk, Pakistani, Iranian, etc.

Saying that, desecrating religious buildings is against Islam and is counterproductive.

It does not necessarily have to be a Muslim that did it.
Wow so I sort of hinted that your attitude seemed a little too buddy buddy towards the West...... and I was basically inviting you to show otherwise.... but you basically doubled down on being pro-Western...... You even identified yourself as Western, showing you identify with the West.

I am a Westerner, born and raised in the West. I am also an practicing Muslim. The rest of your post is just you overthinking things.

you talk all this "we need to just focus inward".... look, you can do yoga stretches, wear tie-die and preach "peace and love, maaaan" but

So you can't take criticism like most Muslims and assume lots of things about me.

You can preach holding hands, singing kumbaya with the kuffar and saying "we're not so different after all!" but I'm not stupid enough to think you studied Quran and Sunnah and this was where Quran and Sunnah pointed you to.

You see you keep proposing two extremes. I said we should look inward and fix Muslim world for better. Somehow you understood this as an extension of hippie culture and being weak. Thing is you , you don't understand power and how to assume and project power and what forms of power there are. All it depends on the case. Sometimes your strength is silence. Sometimes it is in patience, etc....

this kind of thing is driven by cowardice. Many of those who preach this stuff simply lack the backbone to stand up to the kuffar.

How is cowardice relevant here? I am talking about tackling social issues in Muslim world and you are talking about cowardice which is whole other topic.

That being said, I'm not saying that your hold-hands-and-sing-kumbaya message is driven by you being a coward. It's not necessarily that you're a coward. It may be that you really want worldly gain, it may be that you crave acceptance from white people, it may be that you lack confidence in your religion.

Strong people don't need to huff and puff and remind everyone of how strong they are. And I'm not even sure what you're trying to measure anyways. I am coward supposedly, but you're not gonna have that perception of me if you met me in person. In fact, if we were to meet, you would be anxious upon meeting me and I wouldn't. So I'm definitely not a coward. Not that has to do with the points I was making anyway. If you want an analogy, Muslim world is basically like a person who keeps masking his issues via an alcohol or drug addiction and keeps pushing off rehab. I want Muslim world to began rehab and stop deflecting elsewhere.

And about worldly gain, don't want to make this a contest but you don't know about me personally or my lifestyle.

I have no idea what white people have to do with this. Unlike you, I don't have these insecurities that stem from fear of white people and I see no need to 'stand up' to them or whatever that means as I don't see them as highly as you do. And I don't care about race and don't see what role race has to play in anything.

Finally, I am a firm believer in Islam and confident it is the true religion. And I follow the Sunnah by wanting to establish Islam and obedience of the Lord in Muslim lands while your mind is consumed with this imaginary struggle with non-Muslims that doesn't exist and shouldn't exist, that you are creating in your head.
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