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France starts ban on full-face veil

No problem, you can take your thank back, or is there something i can do to reverse that thank? let me know.

In Pakistan there are normally 30~35 students in a college/ university class, give or take five. Some are very good students they alwys ger good grades, they always follow the instructions, some are back benchers like me, they waste their time, don't pay much attention in the calss, don't complete the assignments and fail. But despite all that disparity and opposite behaviour one thing they have in common is the teacher. It's the same teacher.

There is but only one GOD, call him by whatever name, but there is only ONE GOD. So the only one GOD gave the same lesson / same instructions to all mankind, some follow him, they will ultimately pass with good grades, some are just ignorant fools, they are going to fail big time, and there is not going to be a retake on this examination, this life is the final exam, one chance, pass or fail, you choose.

Just assuming that their god is different who does not tell their women to cover, ask them does he tell them to be homosexuals? does he tell them to be lesbians? does he tell them to opeate strip clubs? prostituton houses? pron? dont wait for their answer, i'll tell you NO. Strictly NO. Even hindu religion does not tell these things. hence they are are not following their god, if they think he is different form our GOD. the think life is differenbt form religion. They treat religion like a piece of dress. they can prostitute for the whole week and then go to church on the 8th day and think all is well. Religion is like an operating system, all other systems reside on operating system and must be compatible. Religion is a way of life, it guides and directs you, otherwise it is useless.

Well I don't believe religion is like an operating system as you trying to make me believe. I agree Religion is a way of life, and way of life changes with time.You make changes as you go along. It shouldn't be rigid. There is no one right way. Its just a way of life and not life itself.
What is asked in Quran & Hadees is following... Those "Ninjas" are later inventions....
Q:24:31:And say thou unto the believing women that they shall lower their sights and guard their private parts and shall not disclose their adornment except that which appeareth thereof; and they shall draw their scarves over their bosoms; and shall not disclose their adornment except unto their husbands or their fathers or their husbands fathers or their sons or their husbands sons or their brothers or their brothers sons or their sisters sons or their Women or those whom their right hands own or male followers wanting in sex desire or children not acquainted with the privy parts of women; and they Shall not strike their feet so that there be known that which they hide of their adornment. And turn penitently unto Allah ye all, O ye believers, haply ye may thrive!

Q:33:59:O prophet! tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women, that they should cast their outer garments over themselves "عَلَيۡہِنَّ " (when abroad): that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested: and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (59)

Abu dawood:27:4092: Chapter : How much beauty can a woman display.

Narated By 'Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin : Asma, daughter of Abu Bakr, entered upon the Apostle of Allah (pbuh) wearing thin clothes. The Apostle of Allah (pbuh) turned his attention from her. He said: O Asma', when a woman reaches the age of menstruation, it does not suit her that she displays her parts of body except this and this, and he pointed to her face and hands.
nice job by France, it is a start of new era. all useless customs relating to diff religions should be banned.

for your naziistic thoughts, let me give french a better idea, i think france will do a nice job by expelling all indians starting with australia,, dont you think so??

france is for french and not for indians in the first place
I am amzaed how indian members are happy and patting the french on passing the law banning burqa, trying to prove that this dress and hence muslims are backward and the Indians are very modern, advanced and liberated. but contrary to the much publicized bollywood style open and modern culture in india, reality is very different.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
for your naziistic thoughts, let me give french a better idea, i think france will do a nice job by expelling all indians starting with australia,, dont you think so??

france is for french and not for indians in the first place

If they have problem with Indians let them say so..We'll be more than happy to leave. Right now issue is burqa..lets talk about it.
I am amzaed how indian members are happy and patting the french on passing the law banning burqa, trying to prove that this dress and hence muslims are backward and the Indians are very modern, advanced and liberated. but contrary to the much publicized bollywood style open and modern culture in india, reality is very different.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Location in that video is arguable. Some say Pakistan. Also its not about dating but rather extra marital affair. You would be served well if you really understand the context before posting it here.

I am not saying all Indians are progressive. But India is very young country just like Pakistan. I can say for sure young Indians are more than open minded than young Pakistanis. May be you should wait for one more generation.

PS: We are not here to talk about India are we? The article is about burqa banning in France. Lets get back to that. Its not like I insulted Pakistan or anything.
If they have problem with Indians let them say so..We'll be more than happy to leave. Right now issue is burqa..lets talk about it.

i didnt reply to you, australians have problems with you, why dont you leave australia??
Well I don't believe religion is like an operating system as you trying to make me believe. I agree Religion is a way of life, and way of life changes with time.You make changes as you go along. It shouldn't be rigid. There is no one right way. Its just a way of life and not life itself.

I do not try to make any one believe anything, i only try to express myself as best as i can, you can make your mind yourself and I respect that. I did not meant that religin is an operating system I was just trying to explain that for muslims religion can not be seperated from life. It is a way of life. Rules defined by religion are clear, firm, and consistent. alll other activities should comply with the islamic rules and fall within the defined limits, not vice versa.

For example hand shake with a NA-MEHRAM (a woman with whom one can legally and ethically marry, any woman other than mother, grand mother, mother-in-law, siste, daughter, niece, aunty, etc) is strictly forbidden. This limit is set by Allah, it was set 1400 years ago and regardless of which planet or which century we live in this rule is final and firm. Laws made by Allah are universal they do not expire and they do not become obsolete, unless Allah changes them or replaces them with new ones.
I do not try to make any one believe anything, i only try to express myself as best as i can, you can make your mind yourself and I respect that. I did not meant that religin is an operating system I was just trying to explain that for muslims religion can not be seperated from life. It is a way of life. Rules defined by religion are clear, firm, and consistent. alll other activities should comply with the islamic rules and fall within the defined limits, not vice versa.

For example hand shake with a NA-MEHRAM (a woman with whom one can legally and ethically marry, any woman other than mother, grand mother, mother-in-law, siste, daughter, niece, aunty, etc) is strictly forbidden. This limit is set by Allah, it was set 1400 years ago and regardless of which planet or which century we live in this rule is final and firm. Laws made by Allah are universal they do not expire and they do not become obsolete, unless Allah changes them or replaces them with new ones.

Well your rules doesn't sit well with the rest of the world. What can't you understand? You might want to live a life a certain way but others may not like to respect it. Its not like they are asking just the Muslims not to cover, it also applies to Sikhs and Jews. I don't see them making so much hoopla about it. Yet if you really think wearing burqa is so important to a Muslim may be they should think of leaving. Go back to their own islamic countries, wear burqa as much as they like, no ones stopping them.
I do not try to make any one believe anything, i only try to express myself as best as i can, you can make your mind yourself and I respect that. I did not meant that religin is an operating system I was just trying to explain that for muslims religion can not be seperated from life. It is a way of life. Rules defined by religion are clear, firm, and consistent. alll other activities should comply with the islamic rules and fall within the defined limits, not vice versa.

For example hand shake with a NA-MEHRAM (a woman with whom one can legally and ethically marry, any woman other than mother, grand mother, mother-in-law, siste, daughter, niece, aunty, etc) is strictly forbidden. This limit is set by Allah, it was set 1400 years ago and regardless of which planet or which century we live in this rule is final and firm. Laws made by Allah are universal they do not expire and they do not become obsolete, unless Allah changes them or replaces them with new ones.

Breaking news Sunshine. I don't believe in Allah. France is not Islamic country. If you don't like it you should move to a place where every one is Muslim.
i didnt reply to you, australians have problems with you, why dont you leave australia??

Let the ordinary Australian say that. They have more problems with Muslims than us.

---------- Post added at 05:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:39 AM ----------

their should also be a ban for putting lipstick on one's forehead.

Exactly right. That would boost your ego.
Location in that video is arguable. Some say Pakistan. Also its not about dating but rather extra marital affair. You would served well if you really understand the context before posting it here.

I am not saying all Indians are progressive. But India is very young country just like Pakistan. I can say for sure young Indians are more than open minded than young Pakistanis. May be you should wait for one more generation.

PS: We are not here to talk about India are we? The article is about burqa banning in France. Lets get back to that. Its not like I insulted Pakistan or anything.

The location is Indian Punjab. language, pronounciation, dress, abode, features, complexion, they all can reveal a lot.

I perfectly know the context of the clip, the french so admired here by indian memmbers just do not stop after taking their clothes off, I believe they go farther.

So you are saying at at present Indians admire and follow french only upto undressing, and future generations will start admiring and following for activities which strat afterwards. You only proved that Indians are still backward compared to french standard. You know french also don't mind their wives going in bed with strangers.

We will wait for younger Indian generation to become so "Enlightened" and open minded.

We are not only discussing french hipocricy on Burqa, we are also discussing Indian hipocricy on supporing this law by french but not having balls to pass a similar law in india itself.
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