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France starts ban on full-face veil

One should be free to dress how they wish but in UK on 7/7 a burkha dressed male tried to escape the country but we caught him so im not sure where i stand :undecided:
It is their own internal affairs.

We aren't the ones (USA) who need to preach human rights to others, we already have so many of our own problems to deal with.

From a geostrategic point of view, Pakistan is our closest ally, and the Middle East has the resources we desperately need. China's policy reflects this.

Don't waste your time with him, he is obviously a CIA spy who is trying to create the conflict between China and Pakistan.

See how many Pakistani members who were trying to reasonable with him, then he has insulted them all.
Don't waste your time with him, he is obviously a CIA spy who is trying to create the conflict between China and Pakistan.

See how many Pakistani members who were trying to reasonable with him, then he has insulted them all.

Maybe just a false-flag account, rather than a spy.

He is always getting into arguments with ALL the other Chinese members here.
And so what? Does that hurt your feelings? Italians are Mafia, Muslims are terrorists, Irish are piss drunk all the time, Jews are greedy, Black people are gangsters, Latin people are cheap labor.
Do you think you are the only one? Hollywood made movies that they thought would entertain people most but in the end they are just movies.
You need to stop looking at the bad and the racist and look at what they have accomplished as a Nation not as a Hollywood director.

Nope, their movies are crap, and i barely watch them nowadays.

I just get my point that white culture is racist in general and based on racial stereotype for entertainment.
Don't waste your time with him, he is obviously a CIA spy who is trying to create the conflict between China and Pakistan.

See how many Pakistani members who were trying to reasonable with him, then he has insulted them all.

Do u guys think tht a guy whose identity we r not clear abt can create mistrust between our ppl? kiddin me.
I freaking knew it. An American will never ever say "Mind You", this sounds as Indian as Dhosa. This guy should be kicked out.

I am an Indian now? WOW? Where am I from? Delhi?

You are really a joker.
Its better to move with time my friend, or you get left behind really fast.

i thought we moved ahead by introducing tolerace in european societies, are they not moving backwards again by becoming intolerant again
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