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France starts ban on full-face veil

How many Chinese Muslims you have met?

Please don't throw out the words without any substantiated proof.

I can only go on the knowledge i`ve gathered. I`ve talked to Chinese people from Xinjiang who know first hand what this conflict is like, i look it up in the news, Wikipedia and so on. I`m not Chinese nor do i care very much what China does to Islamists.
Fox news.....;)

I think this grandma is the only Chinese Muslim he has seen in his life. :lol:

all socially limiting Religious customs should be banned, not only the Hijab but the Kirpan also and any other such backward traditions. Those customs had a significance in their times, in the modern world they are a symbol of backward thinking. The world needs to move on, good going France.

Some dress habits are more of cultural and regional than of the religion aspect.

I dont really agree that traditions whether its backward or old should nt be let off just for the sake of modernity. Take the case of India itself, when we look into the rural folk they have a certain dress habit that has been following from centuries. I wont actually suggest it to be scrapped and tell them to think modern and start wearing tshirts and jeans.

I too agree that dress which conceal the identity of a person should be banned , but traditional dress like hijab which only covers the hair has to be free and of choice for woman to choose to wear or not.

Offtopic: I have seen in my state , of lately government promoting to wear khadi traditional dress atleast for 1 day every week . I supported that. It reminded people of the roots.

Modern outlook is what we have conceived in our mind as westerners wear.

Why cant we consider our own traditional dresses as modern . Do the set of practices followed by westerners , a standard norm for what the modern outlook is?
I answered how i know what i know, laughing it off just degrades yourself.
Like i said, i have no sympathy for them.

Then mind your own business!!!

Stop spreading the lie that Muslim population got persecuted in China.
sure but he was bringing off topic , irrelevant discussion to bash islam :)

there is a difference between discussing something or insulting something without any evidence

My discussion is on topics while it is yours who are off topics.

BTW, you clearly cannot distinguish the difference between criticism and insult.
Some dress habits are more of cultural and regional than of the religion aspect.

I dont really agree that traditions whether its backward or old should nt be let off just for the sake of modernity. Take the case of India itself, when we look into the rural folk they have a certain dress habit that has been following from centuries. I wont actually suggest it to be scrapped and tell them to think modern and start wearing tshirts and jeans.

I too agree that dress which conceal the identity of a person should be banned , but traditional dress like hijab which only covers the hair has to be free and of choice for woman to choose to wear or not.

Offtopic: I have seen in my state , of lately government promoting to wear khadi traditional dress atleast for 1 day . I supported that. It reminded people of the roots.

Modern outlook is what we have conceived in our mind as westerners wear.

Why cant we consider our own traditional dresses as modern . Do the set of practices followed by westerners , a standard norm for what the modern outlook is?

well some peoples confuse modernism with Westernism which is wrong.
My discussion is on topics while it is yours who are off topics.

BTW, you clearly cannot distinguish the difference between criticism and insult.

Dude, if you don't like the Muslims, then just stay away from them.

And no one is forcing you to interact with them.

And it is up to them to keep their own custom, we have really no business to do here.

Why can't you just leave them alone?
well some peoples confuse modernism with Westernism which is wrong.

the problem is not the confusion of westernism or modernism..they both shouldnt be regarded as Gods..thats the problem of modernism..it claims that it destroys the domination of religions but it creates its own domination on people.
Then mind your own business!!!

Stop spreading the lie that Muslim population got persecuted in China.

Then learn to respect other people`s opinions especially when they are not comfortable in your world where China doesn`t persecute Muslims in China.
Oh yea and i was going to ask him to take off this Flag but he did it himself :)

Do you know why I take it off? It seems so many members here initiate attacks on me simply because I have criticized several brutal and ugly practices in muslim countries.

Then I am labeled as someone who is anti-islam, islamophobia, pathological liar and the list goes on and on...

Only one or two muslim members have shown certain understanding, e.g. one member on Page 18.

Talking about tolerance in islam? What tolerance? You cannot even allow criticism and accuse others' criticism as insult.

As well as for the main topic, burqa ban, well, with your shallow minds, would those islam males peacefully let their females go freely if they refuse to wear burqa or certain members choose to become apostate???
Hui Rebellion in Gansu and Shaanxi 1862-1877

Throughout the 270 years of Qing dynasty history, the development of Hui people in Shaanxi province had been through a huge up and down process. At the beginning of Qing, the Hui population totaled about 845,000; it increased to 1,700,000 within 200 years. (Another source is from the Qing Government's population records and Zuo Zhongtang's written records which showed there were 13 million people including 4 million Muslims in Shanxi province prior to the revolt) But because of the Hui Rebellion in Gansu and Shaanxi during Tongzhi's reign, the total loss to the Shaanxi Hui people was as high as 1,550,000, the Hui population was reduced to 150,000 at the end of the war, over 91% of the Hui people vanished.

During the war, the loss to the Han Chinese population was much higher (the translation in the original Chinese textbook did not indicate a total number, however, Zuo Zhongtang estimated that 4 millions Muslims in Shanxi Province were wiped out - this is also hinted in Zuo ZhongTang's written record that he felt deeply sad and sorry that ethnic genocide occurred in Shanxi and that Muslim population suffered annihilation), but relatively speaking, because the percentage of Hui's population loss was so high(91%), the whole population was nearly wiped out, they were put near the edge of extinction[citation needed]. Before the war, many provinces had Hui people living quarters; none could be seen at the end of the war...Shaanxi province's ethnic composition was changed drastically (by the war)....in China's fourth National Census in the 1990s, there were only 132,000 Hui Chinese in Shaanxi province. End of translation. Original Chinese text is on the talk page.[36]
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