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France says Southern Libya now a "viper's nest" for Islamist militants


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
France says Southern Libya now a "viper's nest" for Islamist militants - Israel News, Ynetnews

Southern Libya has become a "viper's nest" for Islamist militants and the only way to tackle it is with a strong collective response from neighbouring countries, France's defence minister said in remarks published on Monday.

"We are increasingly worried. It's a viper's nest in which jihadists are returning, acquiring weapons and recruiting," Jean-Yves Le Drian said in an transcript of an interview provided by the ministry. "It is dangerous and the conditions are not in place to find a solution." (Reuters)


Of course, the West DOES NOT RESPECT THE RIGHT OF SELF DETERMINATION OF THE MUSLIM PEOPLE, how dare them not support western colonialist interests! If they seek to live a free life with dignity and have their own affairs we have to declare war on them because they dared seek self determination! How dare Muslims try helping each other or build armies to defend theirselves from the colonialist threat. They're being free people therefore we have to kill them, sanction them and any other people who follow their path. How dare Muslims try to free their own region from western exploitation and colonialism! Can't you people see the crimes they commited!? How dare them send weapons to Palestine to defend their fellow brethren! Anybody who exercises his own rights in his own country must be killed because we don't respect their rights we want to dominate them!

You terrorist scum Libya will be a graveyard for terrorist aggressors and the Muslim people are making a comeback! This is our region, our affairs, we support our brothers and we support justice! You sick people need to mind your own business.

'Islamist' or 'jihadist' is just a code word for Muslims who seek self determination, who seek to have a real life without being ruled by dictators or western interests. In the Middle East it's either you live under a monarchy, military regime, or a state which sells oil for cheap to the West and allows the West to dominate your lives.

If you're neither of these and seek freedom, you're what's called an 'Islamist' in mainstream media and you deserve to be killed for daring to want freedom. God bless all the heroes who are working to free the region from this evil hegemony.
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France has the highest number of Muslims in the Western world.

They are right about Southern Libya turning lawless. It is not only going to have implications for Libya but also the region and potentially nearby Southern Europe.

Every nation is looking for its own interests. France is no different. A unstable Libya is not in the interest of France who prefers stability in Africa where they have a lot of influence, investments etc.

Libya is still suffering from the short-lived civil war but this will soon go away and a new civil society from scratch (that's what happened) will soon see its light.

Libya is a very rich country. Just give them time.

90-70 years ago 80 MILLION Europeans died. What is 30.000 dead Libyans in the past 3 years due to a civil war (goal achieved) and fighting in comparison? 2 times as many are born each month in Libya if not more. The population is growing and was growing despite the 6 month long civil war.

Constantly exaggerating the situation of the ME and the Arab world is not helping. 50% of it is just negative talk.
Time to take some of the blame as well instead of always trying to find a scapegoat. Israel, West or whatever.
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France has the highest number of Muslims in the Western world.

They are right about Southern Libya turning lawless. It is not only going to have implications for Libya but also the wider area.
Every nation is looking for its own interests. France is no different. A unstable Libya is not in the interest of France who prefers stability in Africa where they have a lot of influence, investments etc.

Libya is still suffering from the short-lived civil war but this will soon go away and a new civil society from scratch (that's what happened) will soon see its light.

Libya is a very rich country. Just give them time.

Exactly, it's about Western interests, I'm for a lawless Middle East. That's great, what you call 'lawless' is actually brotherhood paving it's way to form a real Islamic nation which will stretch all over Arab nations. Lawless means the West and Israel are screwed, they will go bankrupt and that's great, it's time for freedom. No borders, no globalism, no accepting Israel, the world has to stop interfering or we will bring the world to our ideas in our region, inshallah we will bankrupt any nation which tries interfering in our affairs. The middle eastern people aren't what they used to be in the 70s, we used to be secular and Islam was very strange. That prophecy is over, now it's time for it to be revived, it's time for us to unite and defend our nations and interests. I don't believe in our own nations competing with each other and minding their own business, I believe in a joint state with operatives all over our region that will destroy western interests and that will support the struggle against Israel.

Nice way to twist the headline to suit one's agenda and gaining sympathy for militants.

No it's not an agenda, anytime the people there in their own region deviate from Western interests the West comes back and tries to impose a lifestyle that will serve them and serve Israel. These soldiers did nothing wrong, they are just living a free life supporting other brothers in the region. What crime did they commit? Of course you already managed to demonize them, being a Muslim these days means you're bound to be demonized.
Libya is in a transition period where the civil society is getting rebuilt from point ZERO after 45 years of dictatorship. In fact it is a miracle that it has not been more bloody given how heavily armed the average Libyan is and how it is still largely a society shaped by tribalism and regional rivalries.

I am optimistic no matter who is going to rule Libya. They just like any other country in their situation they need time to find their ground. Let them elect different rulers and see where it takes them. They need to learn from their mistakes the hard way. As all others before them learnt it.

MB has nothing to do with tribes fighting for power in Southern Libya. Most are not even Arab but Berber or African. Loyal pockets to the old regime.

People were more religious 50 years ago. Don't get blinded by a few Arab nationalist presidents and politicians. Most of the people were no different back then in fact more conservative. Outside of the city elite.

Not sure about any destruction. The Muslim world is not in any such position.

The West just does not want Libya to turn into a failed and lawless state. Neither her Muslim and Arab neighbors want that to happen nor the majority of the Libyans.

So blaming Frane here is unfair IMO. The same France that helped Libya to get her independency (real one).
Libya is in a transition period where the civil society is getting rebuilt from point ZERO after 45 years of dictatorship. In fact it is a miracle that it has not been more bloody given how heavily armed the average Libyan is and how it is still largely a society shaped by tribalism and regional rivalries.

I know it's a miracle, what difference does it make? The whole Middle East is always violent unless we direct attention elsewhere. Campaigns like this lead by France may actually even give the Islamists what they want, which is unity. Of course a lawless Middle East also means many weapons sales for large nations. Don't be fooled that they care for stability or humanity.

I am optimistic no matter who is going to rule Libya. They just like any other country in their situation they need time to find their ground. Let them elect different rulers and see where it takes them. They need to learn from their mistakes the hard way. As all others before them learnt it.

I could care less about that government, I wish them the best government and hope their civilians control all those affairs. However, when it comes to political and military affairs id rather have Islamists have some control since they at least help benefit the region. All the weapons going to rebels are bought by Saudi Arabia are coming from these Islamists and weapons going into Palestine are also coming from them. We need to regulate our arms business.

MB has nothing to do with tribes fighting for power in Southern Libya. Most are not even Arab but Berber or African. Loyal pockets to the old regime.

I don't actually mean the social movement, I'm just saying brotherhood.

People were more religious 50 years ago. Don't get blinded by a few Arab nationalist presidents and politicians. Most of the people were no different back then in fact more conservative. Outside of the city elite.

Actually I believe people are changing, being more conservative doesn't mean they were more religious, today being conservative is not something like it used to be. So there's no harm in that, the Arab world is seeing different things today and is transforming. Only Saudi Arabia and the Gulf haven't seen these changes directly, however their policy has changed thanks to the changes.

Not sure about any destruction. The Muslim world is not in any such position.

I obviously don't mean actual destruction, I just mean harming their interests if they act against our people. Especially considering their support for Israel, we should be working to benefit our interests only and this sphere of Islamism should expand, especially since Libyan Islamists aren't the AQ type people. Very few Islamists are AQ type people, the majority are people with legitimate realistic goals and the world needs to recognize their voice.

The West just does not want Libya to turn into a failed and lawless state. Neither her Muslim and Arab neighbors want that to happen nor the majority of the Libyans.

You're confusing internal affairs and foreign affairs, I want lawless foreign policy where state governments do not dictate foreign affairs, such as arming rebels or Palestinians. State governments would work with the West to prevent that, therefore screw that inhumane 'law and order'. As for the country itself, let there be order and prosperity. That shouldn't conflict with the aspirations of the free people.

So blaming Frane here is unfair IMO. The same France that helped Libya to get her independency (real one).

France also murdered over 40,000 Algerians in almost a few days for seeking freedom. We should thank them for colonizing us, placing their governments to serve their interests, leaving, then declaring independence for us that doesn't exist? Just because we borders and monarchies that makes us independent? They want to go back to their old times, they've been behaving the same way just through modern means such as propping up dictators. Today they're now going to have to resort to force since the Arab world is seeking genuine freedom and not the 'freedom' which is to live under a monarchy and recognize Israeli colonization.


Tell me what does France have against these Arab people? That they're fighting the Syrian regime or what exactly? This is why these terrorists want to kill our people, and you're supporting them still....

UN Warns Libyan Weapons Spreading to Gaza, Syria - Middle East - News - Israel National News
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You're either an Arab nation which collaborates with the West against your own people and serves Israeli interests or you're an Arab entity which supports Arab people's interests and seek freedom. Being the Arab that seeks freedom means you must be murdered, means the West will start spying on them to prevent them from helping each other. There's nothing complicated about this, the world does not want an Arab world that seeks self determination. They want Arabs to be treated like animals by local governments so they could exploit their resources and protect Israel.

Look at these sick people, all this hatred against Gaza just because they seek arms for their security, why doesn't the world just introduce a Friday ritual and bow down to Israel as mandatory aspect of life for their citizens. I told you the only good Arab is the Arab that lives under their boot. The Arab that seeks freedom is a criminal and all asserts must be used against them. When it comes to theirselves they're allowed to have a sense of security and allowed to protect their interests.

Germany Wants EU to Launch Initiative to Stop Gaza Weapons Smuggling - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Terrorist France :lol:? WTD?


Take a look at this.

France murdered many Muslims France was the country who started and lead the first crusade the irony that the Muslims who liberated them from nazi germany

France was set free by the Nazis' occupation through collective efforts by the local resistance, allies, and foreign pro-France militants.


Don't judge people by their past, the French openly admitted that atrocities took place in Algeria at the time of their occupation, which is a brave thing if you ask me.

Nice way to twist the headline to suit one's agenda and gaining sympathy for militants.

What do you know :lol:

Hazzy is fanatically pro-MB. :sniper:
Algerian resistance movements weren't pussies either.

So the terrorist Christian west didn't kill the Muslims that's because your mother is Italian
I don't know why Saudis Arab Zionists more than the Zionists themselves are you even Muslims???

My personal background won't affect my judgments :lol: Otherwise I would have supported any EU nation unconditionally, which isn't the case.

The Italians don't like the French much anyway :rofl:
Nice way to twist the headline to suit one's agenda and gaining sympathy for militants.

History should record how failing states act when they are at the end of their lives! There is a real split within pak people. It's virtually people vs army.
So the terrorist Christian west didn't kill the Muslims that's because your mother is Italian
I don't know why Saudis Arab Zionists more than the Zionists themselves are you even Muslims???

None of it happened, lol, just because it was other nations around them who experienced all their terrorism. They are against everything Muslim, I've never seen one Saudi support Muslims who are struggling. Only with Syria, of course now they're anti Syrian opposition because it's too much Islamist for them. :lol:

History should record how failing states act when they are at the end of their lives! There is a real split within pak people. It's virtually people vs army.

This isn't about Pakistan bro, it's about French colonialism.
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