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France’s secret war against the Syrian people

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
During the assault on the rebel stronghold in the Homs district of Bab Amr, the Syrian army took more than 1,500 prisoners, mostly foreigners. Of these, a dozen French nationals requested the status of prisoner of war, refusing to give their identity, rank and unit of assignment. One of them is a Colonel working for the DGSE transmission service.

In arming the Wahhabi Legion and feeding it with satellite intelligence, France conducted a secret war against the Syrian army, which caused more than 3,000 deaths among the military, and more than 1,500 among civilians in ten months of fighting.

This information was partially revealed by Thierry Meyssan during an appearance on the top Russian TV channel, on Monday, 13 February 2012, followed by an article published on Tuesday, the 14th, by Komsomolskaya Pravda and finally through a Voltaire Network TV video.

France has sought Russia’s assistance to negotiate with Syria the release of its prisoners of war.

Voltaire Network has found no evidence enabling it to confirm the allegations according to which 120 French nationals were taken prisoner in Zabadani. This rumor appears to be unfounded and, in any case, exaggerated.

However, Voltaire Network questions the articles by French special correspondents in Homs which have been published in recent days: one week after the takeover of the rebel district, and with nothing but low intensity urban clashes still taking place, these reporters persist in depicting a fictional revolution scenario, obscuring the truth from their readers, thus making it possible for Alain Juppé to negotiate in secret the return of the POW’s.

On 17 February, Nicolas Sarkozy and David Cameron signed a joint declaration, stating that "France and the United Kingdom wish to make it clear that those responsible for the violence in all parts of Syria should realize that the day will come when they will answer for their actions. France and the United Kingdom reiterate their determination to ensure that all the evidence of the crimes is duly collected so that those who ordered or committed atrocities can be held accountable. "

In the absence of an obligation stipulated in the relevant treaties, the secret war led by President Sarkozy and his government constitutes an unprecedented act under the Fifth Republic. It violates Article 35 of the Constitution and amounts to a crime punishable by the High Court (Article 68).

France's secret war against the Syrian people [Voltaire Network]
Why France is interested in it...

looks like 18th century when Europeans divided world to rule.. some took Africa some came to India some went to South America and North America..
But it is fault of middle east .. they never knew how to keep house in order without outside help
HAHAHAHAHAHA The most BS article I have ever put my eyes on.

You Saudi wahabis are the most pathetic person on earth. Causing fitna in other Muslim countries, feeding the enemies of Islam and giving a bad name to the religion of Islam and Muslim by the distorted and twisted extreme logic of wahabism.

Sorry for off topic. But a crude reality and my observation seeing the wahabis.

I am feeling sorry for the pain and suffering of the Syrian brothers those who are suffering by all these Munafiq kings and prince
You Saudi wahabis are the most pathetic person on earth. Causing fitna in other Muslim countries, feeding the enemies of Islam and giving a bad name to the religion of Islam and Muslim by the distorted and twisted extreme logic of wahabism.

Sorry for off topic. But a crude reality and my observation seeing the wahabis.

I am feeling sorry for the pain and suffering of the Syrian brothers those who are suffering by all these Munafiq kings and prince


Man this site has become a fanatic hole.
I am certain they have intelligence agents in Syria providing support to the rebel. Didn't they disclose in Libya they sent special forces to train and equip the rebels too? This seems like the new method of warfare by the West.

Incite/train/equip rebels -> Wait for government crackdown -> Intervene on "humanitarian grounds" -> Regime change to their liking

It's alot less costly than full on invasion, and they can say they did it for the good of the region. Americans and Europeans want to get rid of Asad because he's very unfriendly to the West/Israel. Arab's League stakes boils down to Sunni vs Alawite conflict, as well as Baathist idealogy. The majority of Syrians are Sunni Muslims, being ruled by a small Alawite elite. To maintain their rule, Asad depends on Baathist ideology which calls for secularism to reduce the role of religion in politics, a threat to the Islamic traditions in the region. Saddam Hussein also did the same in Iraq, where his minority Sunni Baathist government also stressed secularism when ruling the majority Shi'tes.

Thus, I do not think Asad will give any grounds at all voluntarily. While he's the top man in Syria, he cannot rule without his Alawite group behind him. Majority of high ranking government officials and military officers are from that sect. Asad losing power would likely be the end of their hold on power, and they would likely face persecution when majority Sunni take over.

That's what the situation essentially boils down to.

P.S. China is not actually very supportive of Asad, unlike the Russians which has a large stake in this matter. The reason China is against intervention is they don't like the idea of Americans/Europeans propping up allies in the new Syrian government in case Asad falls. In reality, China is very close to Saudi Arabia diplomatically, much closer than to Syria.
You know what's the most BS?? That saudi is giving lesson in freedom, lol women are not even allowed to watch soccer. enough said.

Nope, they are. that's one.

Second: The biggest BS article because I know Assad is trying to show case that Syria is under going a second round of colonization and this scare the people a very well known tactic. I know many many Syrians I grew up with Syrians and I have Syrian friends I hang out with, I know all about the situation in Syria, Maybe you can fool these poor people here but you can't fool me.
Nope, they are. that's one.

Second: The biggest BS article because I know Assad is trying to show case that Syria is under going a second round of colonization and this scare the people a very well known tactic. I know many many Syrians I grew up with Syrians and I have Syrian friends I hang out with, I know all about the situation in Syria, Maybe you can fool these poor people here but you can't fool me.

The Syrians you know are probably members of the Islam Brotherhood who got kicked out of Syria in the 80's, if you really know Syrians, then you would have said something intelligent.
These are the TRUE SYRIANS:
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even female saudi are not allowed to do any sport in olympics.what a shame!
We are true Muslims who don't bear watching their women (honor) to show her body half naked in front of millions of people. If thats ok for you, I don't allow it. If you forgot Islam we taught you 1300 years ago, then we are coming to teach you again.
HAHAHAHAHAHA The most BS article I have ever put my eyes on.
Voltaire is the website that first said that 9/11 was an inside job.
They are fanatics of conspiracy theories and fake news.

clearly never trust this source: voltaire.
The Syrians you know are probably members of the Islam Brotherhood who got kicked out of Syria in the 80's, if you really know Syrians, then you would have said something intelligent.
These are the TRUE SYRIANS:
Those were forced to get out for pro-government demonstrations , I have videos and a copy of formal letter from Syrian intelligence to all government Institutions employees and their families forcing them to participate in these demonstrations under the threat of punishment to people who refuse to participate. I am going to search the videos and formal letters.
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