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France Offers 2 Quick Scorpenes, DCNS 'Worried' About DRDO's AIP

The news in the OP is interesting. That DCNS has moved to fuel-cells for the 2nd gen AIP tech. Until now; reports seemed to indicate that IN was not keen on MESMA and preferred Fuel Cells; though their first preference was the Stirling process. Which had led to detailed discussions with Kockums.

What do you make of all that?

Sterling was preferred mainly because of safety issues, as nether Diesel or Liquid oxygen is hazardous in a way. But it comes with lower efficiency than a similar sized methanol based fuel cells.

So the only thing i can make out of this is IN is concerned about the safety issues of MESMA, as a leak in methanol/ethanol cylinder can have a very fatal consequences.
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Though i have many other documents to vividly describe the working principle of AIP, but won't reveal it because of the sensitivity of the documents. And i did my internship with DRDO on nanostructured Zirconium based active surface for hydrolysis of water.

This might give you a fare idea.
http://web.iitd.ac.in/~sbasu/seminar/presentation/3S.R.ChoudhuryNMRL,DRDO mbernath.pdf

It's not a smart move to upgrade it at a later stage, but Indian Navy is optimistic on the AIP developed by DRDO.

Awesome Man. Thanks a lot.
see dude I respect your views about our babus and DRDO. Even I am not a fan of DRDO. But you know sometimes we blame DRDO when we shoul blame our own govt irrespecitive of which party is in power. They don't allote enough money for RnD and expect them to do wonders. These ISRO/DRDO guys work for 30-40 thousand salary which is less than what one can easily earn with some private company with little experience. Fact is DRDO is working on 100s of projects atonce that too without any previous experience so some failures are expected. We'll see success only after some failure irrespective of results even they fail initially.

There are dozens of labs under DRDO, and most of the scientists holds a PhD or currently pursuing it. And still earning a meager salary of 50-60k. My professor worked for DRDO and holds more than 15 patents in the field of Electromagnetism, Antenna and Radar. A person of such caliber could have easily earned 40-50 lakhs a year in the west.
In recent years, there is a trend for Indian scientists to settle for academic jobs in western Universities, which is justified in a way, as India will never learn to appreciate it's scientific talents.
Even if DRDO AIP is not as good as French one, go for it. This is only way to develop our indeginous capabilities else we'll never learn.
There are dozens of labs under DRDO, and most of the scientists holds a PhD or currently pursuing it. And still earning a meager salary of 50-60k. My professor worked for DRDO and holds more than 15 patents in the field of Electromagnetism, Antenna and Radar. A person of such caliber could have easily earned 40-50 lakhs a year in the west.
In recent years, there is a trend for Indian scientists to settle for academic jobs in western Universities, which is justified in a way, as India will never learn to appreciate it's scientific talents.
i can easily relate to this

after doing md(studying for approx 8 and half years non stop).........................doctors earn about 80,000 per month???!!

i mean wtf is this??
and the problem lies in indian service rules that states that salary of any govt employee cannot be more than than of secretary of govt of india??
now with this rule who will be willing to sacrifice?u need to bump up salary of doctors and engineers asap
Just take it man!!!.......Just take it!!!!
Even if DRDO AIP is not as good as French one, go for it. This is only way to develop our indeginous capabilities else we'll never learn.
yes thats how chinese did it and we should do it
our military too is to blame.they want perfect equipment and sometimes misses the larger picture.
so we need a learned defence minister like me(couldn't resist,lol) to set things in order.......lol
It wasn't available when we first ordered (and finalized contracts for) the scorpene.

what does it mean? Available as in Scorpene was not designed for MESMA AIP?

AFAIK, MESMA went in to full production in 2004-2005
Though i have many other documents to vividly describe the working principle of AIP, but won't reveal it because of the sensitivity of the documents. And i did my internship with DRDO on nanostructured Zirconium based active surface for hydrolysis of water.
Mujhe bi nhi?:meeting:
i can easily relate to this

after doing md(studying for approx 8 and half years non stop).........................doctors earn about 80,000 per month???!!

i mean wtf is this??
and the problem lies in indian service rules that states that salary of any govt employee cannot be more than than of secretary of govt of india??
now with this rule who will be willing to sacrifice?u need to bump up salary of doctors and engineers asap

I came to US for Grad studies in Micro/Nano Electronics, and i don't think India will ever appreciate the importance of emerging technologies. Few banks rejected my loan petition on the pretext of Nanotechnology doesn't have significant job prospect in India.

You only have a career as long as you can copy and paste coding, not if you plan to pursue something related to mainstream physics. My sister too, after toiling hard for few years, joining PhD in Nuclear Physics.
Sterling was preferred mainly because of safety issues, as nether Diesel or Liquid oxygen is hazardous in a way. But it comes with lower efficiency than a similar sized methanol based fuel cells.

So the only thing i can make out of this is IN is concerned about the safety issues of MESMA, as a leak in methanol/ethanol cylinder can have a very fatal consequences.

Why would IN worry about MESMA safety When Pakistan navy operating MESMA AIP for last 7 years without a hitch or any leaks. ?
who knows i may give usmle and move there too
for the effort u spend studying u get nothing in return here.
and then they say that its the moral duty of doctors and they should not be greedy!!
i mean a person who starts earning after spending 8-9 years should not worry about money??give me a break

useless planning of course,what else??
Why would IN worry about MESMA safety When Pakistan navy operating MESMA AIP for last 7 years without a hitch or any leaks. ?

It's not that accidents keeps on happening on regular basis, for instance Kilo class subs are in operation for 30 years and is regarded as one of the most advanced sub in this part of the world. In a similar way, though there might be precautions to prevent leakage in the cylinder tank, still a leakage can be very fatal.
Why would IN worry about MESMA safety When Pakistan navy operating MESMA AIP for last 7 years without a hitch or any leaks. ?

That is true; but its the statistical "one-in-a-million" chance that can be a dauting prospect some-times. People tend to be wary of dealing with good ol' Mr.Murphy usually and look for alternatives till exhausted.
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