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France is Racist !


May 3, 2009
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France has been known for its Racism , Prejudice and hatred towards people from different cultures , the things are getting worse now with the Roma migrants being deported to other EU nations.

Its pathetic as it shows how intolerant are the French & their Govt.

U.N. anti-racism body urges France to end Roma deportations

France refuses further argument over Roma after EC criticism

Barroso makes veiled criticism of French anti-Gypsy campaign | World news | The Guardian

PressTV - EU slams France crackdown on gypsies
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France has always been Racist to all minorities to uphold elitist views. You can not deport Roma people they are dispersed across all of Europe and call whatever country they are born in home.
France has always been Racist to all minorities to uphold elitist views. You can not deport Roma people they are dispersed across all of Europe and call whatever country they are born in home.

France have Banned Hijab today & the Next target is "Halal Mcdonald Burgers" :rolleyes:
France is Racist ,perhaps not at least appearantly.French people were friendly to me afterall.I can understood their Prejudice and hatred towards people from different cultures .In France,I mean in Paris,many people looked not like western European people(of course not include oriental people)and they had bad manner to oriental people.
I must accept i had to suffer racism once in France in a resturant... But i cannot label the whole France as racist bcoz of that... Plz dont degrade a country just bcoz of evil done by one bad person.... Every country have there share of people who indulge in racism....
France is racist?
just read the revolution of France. they are the people who burnt down their churches and Christian priests and every cross for revolution.But when they ban the hijab,burkhas and turbans you start calling them racist? 'No religious identity' was one of the pillar of the french revolution and you want them to destroy that pillar?

Aren't Indian cast system is racist?
Aren't Pakistani muslims are racist with each other?(Sectarian clash)
Aren't muslims racist with hindus? (even on PDF pak members have called Indians as 'Hindus'.)
Don'e we call 'white people' as 'goraas'?

Sab pehle apne ginebaan me jhankho.
France has always been Racist to all minorities to uphold elitist views. You can not deport Roma people they are dispersed across all of Europe and call whatever country they are born in home.
this is not that simple.

i am living there since a few years now.
i didn't see any racist behavior in the street, in public.

there is need of explanations.

French governement is very unpopular here
so don't mix "French people" and "French government"
French government did a big mistake with pointing a particular communauty: roms. europe was right to remind it.
since a few years it could be seen that they opened the parking boxs to steal the money inside, they beg in the streets and transport, they attack people to take their money. it is a communauty that is not like tzigane or other travellers. that what they think (personnaly i don't know but i saw a lot of times them steal the money of parkings)
the minister of interior is quite racist it is true but what he wanted is give them money to go back romani but everyone knows they come back here
it is their only way of survive?

about the problem of burqa: it is only burqa . not scarf. already explained.

about the problem of quick : indeed nobody never thought here of forbiding the quik hallal. so what is the hell of these journalists outside who want to criticize this country based on bullshit story?

French are people who have own culture, mostly sophisticated
that cannot be summarized to racism
there is still this old mentality that they didn't accept much difference than laic system (anti religious people they are many here)
racism is a terrible world: it means people from a race (if exists) let'(s say from a country are discriminated: no job no opportunity in life
it is not true: whatever is your origin you can make a company you can work hard

the problem of France is mostly his government having some people inside who believe that to win the next election they need to show they can get the votes from people who usually vote for nationalists
because it 80% chances that next government be socialist
Sarkozy is the most unpopular president since the 5th republic creation
FRANCE IS racicst for sure. but the people and minorities are opressed there way less than - indian or muslim coutnries,

divided by religion, race , region , color of skin , shia sunni, faith,

i think - pakistani and indian cant really point finger at french.
FRANCE IS racicst for sure. but the people and minorities are opressed there way less than - indian or muslim coutnries,

divided by religion, race , region , color of skin , shia sunni, faith,

i think - pakistani and indian cant really point finger at french.
so all countries are racists if you mean they have difficulties to totally open the country to all foreigners and cultures
i can say i am surprised in France so much arabs people. a lot of arab here. it changes the country and some people just worry about that.

i am from a country that racism is far more (dont know about india or pakistan): in Iran we really have problems with afghans but of course not all people. you see no black in iran. arabs? they would have a hell to succeed .

we can see in this world USA and Canada are such unique for having a country that people from all over the world can succeed there
even if i didn't like much their foreign policy i have an admiration for not only their business opened and the way they accept the foreigners and that their rules is that it is forbidden to discriminate the foreigners
you are first american
French need to make a big effort to arrive this level
like European countries
Racism amongst other things, is to move into a different country, completely different to your own, and expect NOT to change yourself, but rather to expect to carry on showing to them how different you are:
by having your own dress code,
your own schools,
your own neighborhoods,
your own shops,
your own religious places,
marry only within your race in that foreign place

I believe this is as racist as someone in the goverment banning a religious symbol or deporting some illegal immigrants.
Do what the Kaafirs did when they were overrun in Medina. Converted or ran away.
Racism amongst other things, is to move into a different country, completely different to your own, and expect NOT to change yourself, but rather to expect to carry on showing to them how different you are:
by having your own dress code,
your own schools,
your own neighborhoods,
your own shops,
your own religious places,
marry only within your race in that foreign place

I believe this is as racist as someone in the goverment banning a religious symbol or deporting some illegal immigrants.
NO clearly not

banning religious symbol having nothing to do with racism in France
the laic system is such strong here !
if you read the history of France a bit more a century ago you'll see what happened in France when laic/republican people wanted to make a republic not leaded by any religious matter: for them even education had to be without religion matter so the people are all equals not depending their faith: all equals in the republic first
laic system never wanted to forbid any religion in france.

deporting illegal immigrants is used by most countries around the world
italy is sending th illegal out
english too
americans kick out mexican illegal immigrants?
what is the matter with racism?
a country having a frontier and rules: you become part of the country by being accepted by the ocuntry not the other way: i mean what is this mentality that anyone in the world could choose its own nationality?
i mean if i am Iranian i go to Switzerland and i say to them: ok i am swiss i live there . if swiss people kick me out i would say they are racist people??? of course not
this is not that simple.

i am living there since a few years now.
i didn't see any racist behavior in the street, in public.

there is need of explanations.

French governement is very unpopular here
so don't mix "French people" and "French government"
French government did a big mistake with pointing a particular communauty: roms. europe was right to remind it.
since a few years it could be seen that they opened the parking boxs to steal the money inside, they beg in the streets and transport, they attack people to take their money. it is a communauty that is not like tzigane or other travellers. that what they think (personnaly i don't know but i saw a lot of times them steal the money of parkings)
the minister of interior is quite racist it is true but what he wanted is give them money to go back romani but everyone knows they come back here
it is their only way of survive?

about the problem of burqa: it is only burqa . not scarf. already explained.

about the problem of quick : indeed nobody never thought here of forbiding the quik hallal. so what is the hell of these journalists outside who want to criticize this country based on bullshit story?

French are people who have own culture, mostly sophisticated
that cannot be summarized to racism
there is still this old mentality that they didn't accept much difference than laic system (anti religious people they are many here)
racism is a terrible world: it means people from a race (if exists) let'(s say from a country are discriminated: no job no opportunity in life
it is not true: whatever is your origin you can make a company you can work hard

the problem of France is mostly his government having some people inside who believe that to win the next election they need to show they can get the votes from people who usually vote for nationalists
because it 80% chances that next government be socialist
Sarkozy is the most unpopular president since the 5th republic creation

When people vote the government in it is hard for you to separate the two. Why should i do it when the media doesn't ? You ever hear the media go "Today the current government of France...." Not is is always "Today France" "Today Turkey" etc.

The Roma people don't go away. There is half a million of them in Turkey and they live in their own culture bubble. They don't associate with Turks generally and we don't associate with them. That doesn't mean you can move them. There isn't a place where all these people can go unless you want to trace them all the way back to where they originally came from (parts of India).

I believe their was a poll done in France asking people if they were fine with Turkey entering the EU most of them said no. I think they support the government on their stance. Then again i am not saying all french people are racist. Certainly the government is.
I believe their was a poll done in France asking people if they were fine with Turkey entering the EU most of them said no. I think they support the government on their stance. Then again i am not saying all french people are racist. Certainly the government is.
Politically right wing and most left wing are against Turkey entering Europe. Many reasons for it when i read the news here.

1- most important is Europe is much criticized by French people
because it is only business matter no social matter no political union ...
and the already just entered countries and to come is already big problem: most of people didn't see good that poor countries enter Europe. this is not racism but they worry of Europe situation and as well low salaries people entering the market.
So Turkey matter would even be another step of too many countries for most people

2- another important point is that people here think Turkey is not in Europe land
(strange point of view)

3- some people are worried that Turkey because it is a big country
would get such power that the two important countries Germany and France would be weaken

4- problem of being majority of muslims : for the nationalists
and i expect a little bit from Sarkozy as well i see in him some anti islam point of view. like many French but not all at all: some people here think Islam cannot match democracy
it is not the main matter anyway

Many consultants , the smartest and most known
often say Turkey is important country for Europe
Intelligence will win.. it matters how long it takes ;)
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