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France is Racist !

Politically right wing and most left wing are against Turkey entering Europe. Many reasons for it when i read the news here.

1- most important is Europe is much criticized by French people
because it is only business matter no social matter no political union ...
and the already just entered countries and to come is already big problem: most of people didn't see good that poor countries enter Europe. this is not racism but they worry of Europe situation and as well low salaries people entering the market.
So Turkey matter would even be another step of too many countries for most people

2- another important point is that people here think Turkey is not in Europe land
(strange point of view)

3- some people are worried that Turkey because it is a big country
would get such power that the two important countries Germany and France would be weaken

4- problem of being majority of muslims : for the nationalists
and i expect a little bit from Sarkozy as well i see in him some anti islam point of view. like many French but not all at all: some people here think Islam cannot match democracy
it is not the main matter anyway

Many consultants , the smartest and most known
often say Turkey is important country for Europe
Intelligence will win.. it matters how long it takes ;)

Hopefully they will join the group of countries that understand Turkey joining the EU would be beneficial. Last 2 points are the main reasons but more so 4 i believe. Germany's stance imo stems from the immigrant population of German-Turks now residing in Germany left over from the Turkish worker force that helped rebuild their country. I don't think they want us there anymore. Especially with the current AKP government which is advocating the Turks there to form their own bubble I.E. Turkish schools/Culture centers which is something that doesn't sit well with the Germans which is understandable.
Some on the high post might be racist.....But generalizing is not good.....

You cannot say all French are same....
I still think Australia tops the list as far as racism is concerned.
I heard somewhere gypsies in Europe are basically from India.

The Gypsies/Roma migrated nearly 10 centuries ago from the lands that are mostly in Pakistan today. They were nomads and as the part of Muslim empire that stretched from Punjab to Anatolia they moved west through Afghanistan and Iran. Some have take refugee status in Canada from Czech Republic and were provided with housing and welfare/dole. But they also started begging in the streets. They do not have drive to be successful like other refugees/immigrants to Canada. Even in Europe the Gypsies/Roma live in squalor with no desire for education. May be India should offer them "Overseas Citizenship of India" that has be given to people of Indian descent in West Indies, Mauritius and Fiji.
In all fairness, haven't they banned crosses and Sikh turbans as well?

I don't know about turbans, but the French law allows small (Christian) crosses and star of David (Jewish) pendants in school while banning the Muslim headscarf. The way they legalize this blatant discrimination is to say that the former are not 'conspicuous', while the headscarf is conspicuous.

On the issue of Turkey, 60% of French oppose Turkey because it is a Muslim country. The figure in Germany is similar. In fact, the biggest opposition to Turkey's membership in EU comes from France and Germany.
EU may take legal action against France over Roma

EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding has urged the European Commission to take legal action against France over its deportations of Roma (Gypsies).

Ms Reding called French actions a "disgrace". She deplored the fact that a leaked official memo contradicted assurances given to her by France.

France voiced "astonishment" in response to her statement yesterday.

France's deportations of more than 1,000 Roma, to Bulgaria and Romania, have been widely condemned.

The deportations began in early August, after French President Nicolas Sarkozy linked illegal Roma camps with crimes such as prostitution and child exploitation.

The BBC's Oana Lungescu in Brussels says Ms Reding's rebuke amounted to incredibly strong language from a European commissioner about a big member state.

EU disciplinary action against France could lead to substantial fines.

France denies that the expulsions target an ethnic group, saying they are done on a case-by-case basis. France argues that the illegal Roma camps are hotbeds of crime.

Last week Euro MPs accused the Commission of failing to protect the Roma deported from France.

Speaking at a news conference yesterday, Ms Reding said she would propose legal proceedings by the Commission over France's treatment of the Roma and that a Commission decision would be taken within two weeks.

The case would then go before the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg, she said.

France is accused of violating EU law, which bans discrimination against any ethnic group or nationality.

"I am personally convinced that the Commission will have no choice but to initiate infringement proceedings against France," Ms Reding said.

"The role of the Commission as guardian of the treaties is made extremely difficult if we can no longer have confidence in the assurances given by two ministers in a formal meeting," she said.

"This is not a minor offence in a situation of this importance. After 11 years of experience in the Commission, I even go further: this is a disgrace," she said.

Recently French Immigration Minister Eric Besson and Minister for Europe Pierre Lellouche briefed Ms Reding on France's handling of the Roma issue.

On Monday the French press published a leaked French official memo suggesting the Roma had been specifically targeted by the authorities.

The memo contradicted assurances to EU officials from Mr Besson and Mr Lellouche that immigrants were being treated on a case-by-case basis.

The order, dated 5 August, was sent from the interior ministry to regional police chiefs.

"Three hundred camps or illegal settlements must be cleared within three months, Roma camps are a priority," it said.

Mr Besson told France 2 television on Monday that he was "not aware of this circular".

Last week the European Parliament urged the French government to halt the deportations - a call rejected by Paris.

EU may take legal action against France over Roma
The Gypsies/Roma migrated nearly 10 centuries ago from the lands that are mostly in Pakistan today. They were nomads and as the part of Muslim empire that stretched from Punjab to Anatolia they moved west through Afghanistan and Iran. Some have take refugee status in Canada from Czech Republic and were provided with housing and welfare/dole. But they also started begging in the streets. They do not have drive to be successful like other refugees/immigrants to Canada. Even in Europe the Gypsies/Roma live in squalor with no desire for education. May be India should offer them "Overseas Citizenship of India" that has be given to people of Indian descent in West Indies, Mauritius and Fiji.

Why India should offer them citizenship if they use to live on pakistani land? i think pakistan should do it. As much i know they are very dangerous people my Hungarian online friend always blame India for the gypsy problem in Europe specially in Balkan just coz they looks like Indians. she say they don't wana work they only want to loot they all are criminal and i heard the same things from some Romanians as well i think all Europe is racist not only France.
Pakistani's and Indian's are the last people on this planet who can accuse someone of racism. We are ourselves so obsessed with our skin color and race that we dont even consider many people human. Obsessed with having white features and blue eyes, south Asian's are easily among the most racist people in the world. We dont have the right to critisize anyone else in this matter. Sorry France isnt racist, the French look out for the country before anything else, been to France many times and never had any problems. Mr.Researcher needs to stop finger pointing at others.
Pakistani's and Indian's are the last people on this planet who can accuse someone of racism. We are ourselves so obsessed with our skin color and race that we dont even consider many people human. Obsessed with having white features and blue eyes, south Asian's are easily among the most racist people in the world. We dont have the right to critisize anyone else in this matter. Sorry France isnt racist, the French look out for the country before anything else, been to France many times and never had any problems. Mr.Researcher needs to stop finger pointing at others.
Speak for your own countrymen buddy......Don't represent Pakistan.
Maybe Muslim countries should put up their barriers and make any females coming from the West to their countries, whether as tourists, business or diplomatic reasons, MUST wear face veils as per their Law of the Land.

Speak up against Roma expulsion by France, India told

TORONTO: India must speak up against France for the en masse expulsion of Indian-origin Roma people, said Ujjal Dosanjh, former Canadian health minister and top Indo-Canadian leader.

The Roma people - also called gypsies - claim their roots in north India from where they were enslaved and taken away by invaders from Afghanistan and Turkey almost a millennium ago. In the 14th and 15th centuries they scattered across central and eastern Europe where they have faced systemic discrimination since then.

Actor Charlie Chaplin and Nobel Laureate scientist August Krogh are among the hundreds of famous Roma people who have made their mark in various fields.

Ignoring protests from the UN, Amnesty International and other bodies, French President Nicolas Sarkozy has ordered the mass expulsion of Roma migrants - who moved into the country from Romania and Bulgaria which joined the European Union in 2007 - after incidents of riots and rising crime were blamed on them.

More than 8,000 Roma have already been deported this year, with France paying them 300 euros per adult and 100 euros per child.

Decrying the French action, Dosanjh told IANS: "I am of Indian origin and I feel injustice is being done to the Roma people who have their roots in India. Though then prime minister Indira Gandhi held the first Roma global meet in Chandigarh, India has not stood for these people. It should speak up for them now. It has a moral obligation towards these people."

He said: "Roma didn't leave India voluntarily. Thousands of them were enslaved and taken to Afghanistan by Mehmud of Ghazni who invaded India 17 times in the early 11th century. As the sultanate weakened, these people got their freedom and wandered into Europe in the 14th and 15 centuries. For five to six centuries in Europe, they have treated as an unwanted minority and discriminated against. There is no strong voice for them. France has now joined countries like Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Italy in expelling them."

With Canada attending the so-called "anti-Roma" meeting called by France next week amid its criticism by the UN, the Vatican, and Amnesty International, Dosanjh said, "Canada's participation will harm its international standing. Sarkozy has invited Canada because this government is also right-wing government like his. But he is not inviting Romania, Poland and Bulgaria where these Roma migrants come from.

"You don't go to a conference that is trying to exploit the issue (politically) and endorsing expulsion of people en masse."

Canada has reportedly been invited because it dealt with a large number of Roma from the Czech Republic and Hungary who sought refuge in the country, forcing Ottawa to impose visas on visitors from these countries last year.

Dosanjh, who became the first Indian-origin person to head a provincial government in the West when he was elected premier of Canada's British Columbia province in 2000, said he is undertaking a mission to France for these beleaguered Indian-origin people.

"I will interact with anti-expulsion leaders like former French prime minister Dominique de Villepin (who is likely to join the 2012 presidential race) and Jean Pierre Grand and visit Roma camps," he said.

Villepin has slammed Sarkozy, calling the expulsions "a stain of shame on our flag".

In its report Friday, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) also criticised France, urging Sarkozy to "avoid collective repatriations in particular and work towards lasting solutions to challenges with the Roma based on the complete respect of their human rights".

Speak up against Roma expulsion by France, India told - The Economic Times
Why India should offer them citizenship if they use to live on pakistani land? i think pakistan should do it.

They may be from Rajasthan in India. It is India that is offering "Overseas Citizenship of India" to people of Indian descent in West Indies, Fiji and Mauritius. Then why not for Gypsies/Romas too ?

Origin of the Romani people

Linguistic and genetic evidence indicates the Romanies originated from the Indian subcontinent, emigrating from India towards the northwest no earlier than the 11th century. The Romani are generally believed to have originated in central India, possibly in the modern Indian state of Rajasthan, migrating to northwest India (the Punjab region) around 250 BC. In the centuries spent here, there may have been close interaction with such established groups as the Rajputs and the Jats. Their subsequent westward migration, possibly in waves, is believed to have occurred between AD 500 and AD 1000. Contemporary populations sometimes suggested as sharing a close relationship to the Romani are the Dom people of Central Asia and the Banjara of India.

The emigration from India likely took place in the context of the raids by Mahmud of Ghazni As these soldiers were defeated, they were moved west with their families into the Byzantine Empire. The 11th century terminus post quem is due to the Romani language showing unambiguous features of the Modern Indo-Aryan languages, precluding an emigration during the Middle Indic period.

Genetic evidence supports the medieval migration from India. The Romanies have been described as "a conglomerate of genetically isolated founder populations", while a number of common Mendelian disorders among Romanies from all over Europe indicates "a common origin and founder effect". A study from 2001 by Gresham et al. suggests "a limited number of related founders, compatible with a small group of migrants splitting from a distinct caste or tribal group". The same study found that "a single lineage ... found across Romani populations, accounts for almost one-third of Romani males." A 2004 study by Morar et al. concluded that the Romani population "was founded approximately 32–40 generations ago, with secondary and tertiary founder events occurring approximately 16–25 generations ago".

As much i know they are very dangerous people my Hungarian online friend always blame India for the gypsy problem in Europe specially in Balkan just coz they looks like Indians. she say they don't wana work they only want to loot they all are criminal and i heard the same things from some Romanians as well i think all Europe is racist not only France.

The immigrants/refugees that arrived few decades ago in Europe have worked hard through hard work, thrift and education have became rich/millionaires. While the Gypsies/Romas still follow their old habits of begging/stealing/criminal activities. Even in Canada the newly arrived Gypsies/Romas refugees with generous benefits from Canadian government were begging in the streets.
Maybe Muslim countries should put up their barriers and make any females coming from the West to their countries, whether as tourists, business or diplomatic reasons, MUST wear face veils as per their Law of the Land.

What if they they in return force Muslim females to wear tank tops and mini skirts ?
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