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‘France FINISHED’: ISIS vows wave of ‘car bombs and truck rushes’ if THESE demands not met

Way I see it, Western intervention in these countries will have to be in stages. It is a long-term project that will require sequential investment in capacity building.

First, will come investment in education, healthcare, security and rule of law. That is the basis of everything. Next, there is the need to invest in infrastructure, by which one can mean public transportation, energy, digitization - whatever flies in a rapidly changing world. This is the scaffolding on which commerce is built. Finally, invest in business and commercial activities. I see no point in leading one before the other.

There are two caveats though. First, all of this cannot take place unless, atleast for the first few years, there isn't a strong military presence. The entire initiative will collapse because the first strongman who can take it down will do so. And yet, paradoxically, that will amount to the same situation of infidel occupation of Muslim land that provokes much of terrorism we see today. That is quite a challenge. Second, the education system that will bear fruit cannot be a mish-mash of delusional religious indoctrination with a sprinkling of modern concepts. It has to be cutting edge and it has to be secular. Without that, we will be back to square one in no time. The potential for conflict today in the Islamic world is not highest in countries where students study in Madrasahs, but in nations where a modern curriculum has been doctored to serve some dubious balancing act.

Whichever way we look at it, it is a generational challenge. It ranks as one of the top four things on the world's to-do list, along with getting rid of nukes, tackling climate change and adjusting to the reality of a world where technology will make most jobs redundant, leading to mass unemployment.
You're quite well rehearsed with the topic at hand. I appreciate yournrsponse.

You see when uiu start working nfor people, ignoring the steps order, you will create a certain mindset that will reject nthe militant ideology. People will become busy with work. Driving children to school and back. They Will feel all good and will make positive contribution. Just like how Western eurpoens did afternww2. You see Japan suffered most after nukemattacks from US et they have most favorable view of US after the war.

Why ?

Because, US actually engaged in rebuilding the society (infra, education etc) this created lot of opportunities nfornUS economy as well having positive view of US. The ones who reject such developments will be isolated and will realise what they're missing on. Mind it its not as if they were living in stone age before Arab spring and NATO started bombing them. Given a good opportunity these people will work. But deny them that. They will seek every opportunity to turn the hate against those who continuously bomb them like targets ( civilians)

Still 10 times better than your country.:azn:
Oh where is the shithole that was communist where killing of Jews in mass took place ?

Irrelavnt losers trying to act wanna be Europeans.

am still right, that is why all you got are uncivilised insults
I didn't realise showing a gypsy his reality would be so awful.

If you ask politely and tone down. I will stop the reality check
You're quite well rehearsed with the topic at hand. I appreciate yournrsponse.

You see when uiu start working nfor people, ignoring the steps order, you will create a certain mindset that will reject nthe militant ideology. People will become busy with work. Driving children to school and back. They Will feel all good and will make positive contribution. Just like how Western eurpoens did afternww2. You see Japan suffered most after nukemattacks from US et they have most favorable view of US after the war.

Why ?

Because, US actually engaged in rebuilding the society (infra, education etc) this created lot of opportunities nfornUS economy as well having positive view of US. The ones who reject such developments will be isolated and will realise what they're missing on. Mind it its not as if they were living in stone age before Arab spring and NATO started bombing them. Given a good opportunity these people will work. But deny them that. They will seek every opportunity to turn the hate against those who continuously bomb them like targets ( civilians)

Oh where is the shithole that was communist where killing of Jews in mass took place ?

Irrelavnt losers trying to act wanna be Europeans.

Nonetheless, by every parameter out there,economical,educational.,human development, still much better than your country.
better than your country.
OK if that makes you feel good gypsy. But please make it a point youre nothing like Europeans not even close. Though your ladies are helping you country and economy by selling their bodies to Arabs
OK if that makes you feel good gypsy. But please make it a point youre nothing like Europeans not even close. Though your ladies are helping you country and economy by selling their bodies to Arabs
As your countrymen slaves in the GCC .....be that as it is,the fact remains that it's still much better than your country so it's amusing seeing you trying to insult me
As your countrymen slaves in the GCC .....be that as it is,the fact remains that it's still much better than your country so it's amusing seeing you trying to insult me
Guest worker. Working nwith sweat and blood to earn rupees to send back home. Not sending woman out there in prostitution in UK, Dubai and in Bollywood. Since the males sit in home and drink cheap booze. Lol. Losers trying to act like Europeans. Get off the thread gypsy. It hardly concerns your kind
Guest worker. Working nwith sweat and blood to earn rupees to send back home. Not sending woman out there in prostitution in UK, Dubai and in Bollywood. Since the males sit in home and drink cheap booze. Lol. Losers trying to act like Europeans. Get off the thread gypsy. It hardly concerns your kind
LOL. ...keep them coming. ..it says a lot about your kind when mine has a country much more better....are camel jockeys working?...guests...as in slaves in shanty towns
LOL. ...keep them coming. ..it says a lot about your kind when mine has a country much more better....are camel jockeys working?...guests...as in slaves in shanty towns
No they work in deserts and in places like Dubai. Places like where Gypsies only come To sell their bodies. Like I said you have nothing tomsay here. You're not in anyways EUs contribution so stop feeling so gloated and saying We We. You are at beat slaves to colonial powers. First Russia then now W Europe. Stay that way. Don't act like leech on Europeans achievement

Go out, get some fresh air and get a life lads
I know Gypsies action g like all Western European. And when confronted with Data the gypsy always saysnthat my country was under occupation and what not. Hen why the fk jumping in bashing for
No they work in deserts and in places like Dubai. Places like where Gypsies only come To sell their bodies. Like I said you have nothing tomsay here. You're not in anyways EUs contribution so stop feeling so gloated and saying We We. You are at beat slaves to colonial powers. First Russia then now W Europe. Stay that way. Don't act like leech on Europeans achievement

I know Gypsies action g like all Western European. And when confronted with Data the gypsy always saysnthat my country was under occupation and what not. Hen why the fk jumping in bashing for
What data looser?all you do is rant.....
You don't allow access to you profile, so it would be very hard for ppl to go through your posts.
Well, .... you can always do a clever keyword search....

Its always a pleasure learning from your experience and your extensive knowledge in naval systems.
I wish we had more informed and all !learnt members like you.

Its not that I am against Europeans but I find their ignorance quite appalling. Putting an entre blame on Muslims while always intervening and meddling in affairs. If you personally ask Mr I would rather have distinctWeztern European culture preserved. I have lived in UK and seen the communities of other than Anglo Saxon people in quite shambles.

So I propose that you kick out all non western Europeans and then never ever interfere o intervene in their affairs. You guys dont complain because your previous invaders are not meddling in your affairs and more or less treat you as same
Mmmmm, yeah, well .... there are ignorant people in any and every society. The only thing that helps there is education. Anyway, given our colonial bockground, we are NOT going to kick out all those of non-Western descent. Think of the substantial number of Indonesian and Suriname origin, all Dutch nationals (with the exceptions of any survivors of the first generation that came here). I also don't see how we could possibly kick out those we brought over to work in the '60 and 70's or their children and grandchildren who were born in the Netherlands and therefor Dutch citizens.

As for our previous invader not meddling in our affairs ... consider that France and Germany (and untill quite recently UK) set the tone in the EU, so that does affect our affairs very much. And our recent little row with a certain country North of Syria shows there are others that do meddle in our affairs at home (as they bring their politics into our society, which causes trouble here).

The Dutch hardly ever intervene in other's affair as we generally prefer to 'polder' i.e. get everybody at the table and discuss untill some form of consensus is reached. But, I admit, there arel limits to 'poldering'.
Well, .... you can always do a clever keyword search....

Mmmmm, yeah, well .... there are ignorant people in any and every society. The only thing that helps there is education. Anyway, given our colonial bockground, we are NOT going to kick out all those of non-Western descent. Think of the substantial number of Indonesian and Suriname origin, all Dutch nationals (with the exceptions of any survivors of the first generation that came here). I also don't see how we could possibly kick out those we brought over to work in the '60 and 70's or their children and grandchildren who were born in the Netherlands and therefor Dutch citizens.

As for our previous invader not meddling in our affairs ... consider that France and Germany (and untill quite recently UK) set the tone in the EU, so that does affect our affairs very much. And our recent little row with a certain country North of Syria shows there are others that do meddle in our affairs at home (as they bring their politics into our society, which causes trouble here).

The Dutch hardly ever intervene in other's affair as we generally prefer to 'polder' i.e. get everybody at the table and discuss untill some form of consensus is reached. But, I admit, there arel limits to 'poldering'.

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