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Four Indian soldiers killed, two posts destroyed on LoC

First of all, Mulla is a derogatory term you guys have a habit of using for Muslims in your country, but this is a Pakistan forum so watch your mouth. reported @waz

Secondly what do you think might have happened to your soldiers manning those posts after the impact that you have just witnessed in the video. Unless they were super humans, there must have been casualties. As for how Pak Army will know about the casualties, well radio chatter on LOC can be intercepted by both sides.

You are soook sensitive. The page is full of abusive terms for Hindus and you hypocritical losers get a sore backside when get paid back?

Fact is your Senate was told last month that u can't disclose your casualties, but ISPR which is a war propaganda agency knows how many Indians were killed.

Well my a55licker neighbour why target civilians. What's wrong with you monkeys

They will get the reply they deserve

I will speak out against the reckless behavior of the Pakistani military where I see fit.

I will also call out people who support this behavior as boot-polishers. That's what they are when they unconditionally support the military even when such behavior is harmful in the long run.
Death of 4 soldiers cant be hidden so lets c response of indian army otherwise this news is fake. I dont know, how both sides claim number of dead's.
I will also call out people who support this behavior as boot-polishers. That's what they are when they unconditionally support the military even when such behavior is harmful in the long run.
They hit us we hit back you can call support of equal retaliation as boot polishing or whatever i dont care you dont live here anyway
You are soook sensitive. The page is full of abusive terms for Hindus and you hypocritical losers get a sore backside when get paid back?

Fact is your Senate was told last month that u can't disclose your casualties, but ISPR which is a war propaganda agency knows how many Indians were killed.

We didn't disclose casualties since numbers are quite low and Indians casualties are very high so the did it because they don't want to escalate tension with India.

That they had planned in 1965 and 1971 but it happened exactly other way. So a new attempt is needed.
We succeeded in 1948, 1965 and ghuss ke mari in Kargil.

Wait and watch.
Death of 4 soldiers cant be hidden so lets c response of indian army otherwise this news is fake. I dont know, how both sides claim number of dead's.

But even fake news is enough for them to cheer. There are many such news on which our Pakistani friends response and discuss not only on Forum but also on TV. I have seen many such discussions as how US is the biggest terrorist country and how Pakistan is more prosperous than India etc etc. Haq musing is a great source of information for them so as random Twits and blogs. Let them enjoy. As there was a news that 2 Pakistani soldiers were killed, they have just doubled the figure and nothing else.
They hit us we hit back you can call support of equal retaliation as boot polishing or whatever i dont care you dont live here anyway

MY COUNTRY is in no position to escalate the situation. Lets face the realities of the international stage. In the long run if the Pakistani army retaliates in this manner it'll only hurt what little standing we have in the issue. With the recent news regarding Syed Salahuddin's designation we should know better than to look like the bad guy.

Retaliating in a defensive manner or whatever, responding with violence like this makes us look like the bad guy in front of the international stage. I do not approve of that.

Like I said I don't think a boot-polisher view is appropriate.
You are soook sensitive. The page is full of abusive terms for Hindus and you hypocritical losers get a sore backside when get paid back?
Well that's true, and it is condemn-able indeed. So next time when they visit one of your Bharti forums and use such language please feel free to ask moderators there to ban them. Meanwhile, while you are on a Pakistani forum mind your language when referring to Islam or Muslims, we got this country for a reason you know and we are not going to accept foreigners insulting our creed.
Fact is your Senate was told last month that u can't disclose your casualties, but ISPR which is a war propaganda agency knows how many Indians were killed.
Fact is that Jennifer Lawrence is hot and Brad Pitt and Angelina Julie are divorced. But what does that have to do with any of this. You saw an Indian post blown to smithereens in that video, and you are denying that there would be any casualties after that.

Or are you saying that this is a fake video, where Pakistan army destroyed one of its own bunkers and faked it as an Indian one? I genuinely want to know if you think on these lines, but do use logic while answering this, if for nothing else then for your namesake.



Photos taken from a computer screen.

The lines give it away.
MY COUNTRY is in no position to escalate the situation. Lets face the realities of the international stage. In the long run if the Pakistani army retaliates in this manner it'll only hurt what little standing we have in the issue. With the recent news regarding Syed Salahuddin's designation we should know better than to look like the bad guy.
Most countries stay out of the border issues
On salahudin well that was just appeasement the real issue is exit plan of Afghanistan they know he is just a poster boy
Retaliating in a defensive manner or whatever, responding with violence like this makes us look like the bad guy in front of the international stage. I do not approve of that.
Nah it does not they give a fish of our regional affairs
I do not approve of that.
Yeah cuz no one from your family lives near loc
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