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Four Indian soldiers killed, two posts destroyed on LoC

So we defended Lahore from your invasion and we defeated,cool! secondly we captured much of your area like Munabao khemkaran and more.

India never wanted an inch of pakistan and this is why we vacated critical areas in kashmir. Lahore was attacked so that pressure on kashmir border can be eased as pakistan almost moved its entire military towards kashmir.
Pakistan mostly occupied parts of rajasthan and punjab.

Go and see how much india occupied and how Bhutto was screaming in U.N after 65 war.
Unreliable pakistani source and fake news.

Unlike Pakistan army, India does not their casualty is any.

Totally fake news:disagree::disagree::disagree:

So we defended Lahore from your invasion and we defeated,cool! secondly we captured much of your area like Munabao khemkaran and more.

Worng histroy wriiten in your school textbook. this is not truth...
Good going. The only good Indian soldier is a dead one.
Just don't cry even you get what's comming your way soon


is this what you called a destroying bunker lol what a joke they fired so many shells and failed and then photo shopped to make the effect and besides its very old video and they dint showed what happened to them after that joke
Indian retaliation fire killed 12 Pakistani soldiers
One simple question to some pakistani friends here. Why are you so happy if some soldiers is killed on Indian side? though there is no material to substintiate the killing? Is there anything wrong with your psyche?
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