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Forum Update 2020|Feedback and Discussion

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@WebMaster can u please please bring back a "latest threads" section. The forum feels like am reading old newspaper, all days and weeks old threads. Its impossible to find latest topics, have to go to each and every forum. Please fix it for phone.
New shoutbox has latest threads option. You can scroll down as much.
Hello PDF Team,

Ever since this non-user friendly interface has been deployed a few days back where it's a struggle to navigate from one place to another like you could easily do so previously, one problem that I am encountering today is that each time I need to delete a letter/word within the Quick Reply box using backspace or when I need to add a paragraph using the enter key on the mobile website version, it kicks me out of the text box on each click. I have then click back into Quick Reply box to continue typing more or deleting more letters/words.

Please can this be fixed.
Posts within a thread annoying expanding and compacting as you scroll up or down.

On top of that there are 6 lists of other subforums just below the Quick Reply box. Why?
this is not good for business

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Two more suggestions.
1) move my content also to shout box. That will be a great move.
2) the shout box area shoukd be made little bit more distinctive, so that it may be distinguished. At the moment it becomes invisible in background.
People are often resistant to change but later they realize it was a good thing. I personally like the new look. Those who use social media frequently will find the new layout more user friendly.

Consider it similar to being upgraded from F-7PG to JF-17. Off course the MFDs and avionics suits are overwhelming but once you get familiarized, it will feel more efficient and cool.
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