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Forum Update 2020|Feedback and Discussion

Do you like the new style/theme of the forum?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not Sure

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The forum should be given atleast 1 month of trial before rejection or updating it, it will take time to get used to it.

Since I've been using it.
1 - I hate the white, its hurting my eyes ever since and it reminds me of other internet forums where people ended up quitting. We need to bring back the classical green and make this forum simple like the old one, I understand some updates done are good.

2- The home button is messed up, if you get lost In the topic section, then home button should take you to the main page rather than the intro page, it takes me 3 to 4 clicks to go back to the new topic section. I dont believe the old users waste time looking around, they want to go to the main intro page and then the forum home page where you can see the shoutbox and new topic section, view any interesting topic and make comments, maybe 1 button for home page and one button for the intro page should be done. The shoutbox and new topic should be easily accessible. so please make this simple

3 - The new page has so many features and buttons, its like full of tools. Shouldn't it be like a simple forum or maybe have 1 section where you click to go to the page where all icons are. Just to make it easier.

4 - I am not using the app so not sure how it be there.

5 - Facebook and other icons are good so young people can find out about other PDF platforms, I like how you don't have to scroll up to see the topic sections since they're at the top and bottom.
This is confusing as hell
The Forum should have the www.defence.pk page and then the home page should be like the topic page, like the icon next to the search button, it should also have the shoutbox somewhere or hot topic box. This way it will look modern and user friendly. Take for example Facebook, people only want to take 10secs to check your posts and move on.

For the new users it should have the sub forum icon where you can see the forum like we see it now or for those who want to spend hours checking the forum for old topics etc.

The like icon and and Imoji should be click able and not selectable as it takes too much effort. Make it like Facebook. User friendly and simple.

It would probably look nice with shoutbox on one side and new topic on one side. Both visible and easy to accept.

please return the bold texts in notifications

I cannot navigate
Added reaction score (postive/neg) and total including neutral.

Added latest threads at the bottom on forum home.

Username colors are adjusted except for admin user (me)
old red one for moderator was much better and this new layout for users is not good. Look here at the flags, user profile picture , font is too small for stats of the user
Annotation 2020-08-23 234622.png
Added reaction score (postive/neg) and total including neutral.

Added latest threads at the bottom on forum home.

Username colors are adjusted except for admin user (me)

I appreciate the work in modernising the forum, but the new changes are confusing. I think there should be a compromise between the old layout and new that would work well, I would be happy to draw a mock up to help if you need.

...or you could just make this new layout an opt-in feature?
First off, I see no point as to why there are images in the background. Reminds me of the ol' days and how website were in the 90's. An image & text typed on top of it.

Nice. Its not just our Country that's stuck in reverse. Not talking about other Forums may be part of the set of rules in PDF, but taking a page from the good ones shouldn't be. If you can't create something good - then just copy from some place. Ironic isn't it that the previous PDF format was near perfect as opposed to what is supposed to be 'New'.

New Posts: It was a whole lot simpler when New Posts were visible and updated regularly on a side panel (Right). Now one new to click a link to see if there is anything worth reading and not the constant barrage of posts made by 2-3 Members back-to-back.

Gotta hand it to the genius who designed the new look. Clearly not a website professional. I'd say, weekend hobby.


By the way, the poll speaks volume of what i've just said. Its a landslide victory for the 'No'. The 'Yes' and 'Not sure' combined aren't even in the frame.

Is the positive/negative rating system gone? Or has it just been eliminated for TTA’s?

Making the user information horizontal for the full length of the post is a massive step backwards as far as usability goes. This has made the ability to consume information more difficult..
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