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LOL at chinese stats.

They even show some cooked up social welfare and feel good stats just to impress their people and world. Reality is similar to their GDP stats.

Chinese stock market vaporized close to 748 Billion dollars in the past 4 years and they talk about companies in top 500.
Götterdämmerung;4658579 said:
The Economist has become a mouthpiece of the Chinese gov?

OK, then show your sources!

The economist does not provide those numbers they simply analyze what is given by the Chinese govt. Thought you the " I am a blogger hence I am a journalist" claiming guy would know the difference.

also in China - Literacy rate defined as knowledge of 1,500 Chinese characters in rural locations and 2,000 characters in urban areas. just know the character and you are literate. no requirement of writing or even numerical knowledge.
Götterdämmerung;4658579 said:
The Economist has become a mouthpiece of the Chinese gov?

OK, then show your sources!

Whistleblower Forces China To Come Clean Over Data Manipulation

It seems yet another conspiracy theory has become conspiracy fact thanks to a Chinese whistleblower. While the shrodinger-like nature of Chinese data has been keeping the market guessing for the last few years, the disconnects between hard-data (e.g. electricity production) and government-supplied surveys have been, at times, ridiculous (leaving aside the un-manipulated craziness of arbitrage-driven trade data). As the WSJ's China Real-time reports, in an unusual move, the National Bureau of Statistics – clearly frustrated with the lies, damn lies – has recently outed a local government it says was involved in a particularly egregious case of number fudging, providing rare insight into just how we’re being deceived.

China Real-Time Report,


Figures on everything from inflation and industrial output to energy consumption and international trade often don’t seem to gel with observation and sometimes struggle to stack up when compared with other indicators.

How the figures are massaged and by whom is as much a secret as the real data itself. But in an unusual move, the National Bureau of Statistics – clearly frustrated with the lies, damn lies – has recently outed a local government it says was involved in a particularly egregious case of number fudging, providing rare insight into just how we’re being deceived.


According to a statement on the statistics bureau’s website dated June 14 (in Chinese), the economic development and technology information bureau of Henglan, a town in southern China’s Guangdong province, massively overstated the gross industrial output of large firms in the area.


An investigation by the state statistician into a sample of 73 out of a total 249 firms counted in the data found that 38 were too small to be counted as large firms and so shouldn’t have been included, and a further 19 had either stopped production, moved out of the town or otherwise ceased to exit.

The statement said that 71 companies surveyed by the statistics bureau had industrial output of 2.22 billion yuan ($362 million) in 2012 in total, but that the local government recorded it as being 8.51 billion, almost four times as much as the actual figure. :laughcry:

The data was supposed to be contributed by the firms themselves using an online platform. Instead, employees of the Henglan economic development bureau entered the figures themselves from their office, the statement said.

The National Bureau of Statistics said that it pursued the Henglan case on a tip from a whistleblower. How widespread the problem is elsewhere in the country is anyone’s guess.

The economist does not provide those numbers they simply analyze what is given by the Chinese govt. Thought you the " I am a blogger hence I am a journalist" claiming guy would know the difference.

also in China - Literacy rate defined as knowledge of 1,500 Chinese characters in rural locations and 2,000 characters in urban areas. just know the character and you are literate. no requirement of writing or even numerical knowledge.

As far as I know, knowing 1500 Characters characters is sufficient to read a newspaper. In India it's knowing to write your name is considered literate.

So, The Economist simply analyses the date without third party confirmation, e.g. Worldbank, UN data, etc.? Are these institutions also using false date for the last three decades?

An Indian 7/11 salesperson in the US of course has more knowledge and insight than international institutions.

Whistleblower Forces China To Come Clean Over Data Manipulation

It seems yet another conspiracy theory has become conspiracy fact thanks to a Chinese whistleblower. While the shrodinger-like nature of Chinese data has been keeping the market guessing for the last few years, the disconnects between hard-data (e.g. electricity production) and government-supplied surveys have been, at times, ridiculous (leaving aside the un-manipulated craziness of arbitrage-driven trade data). As the WSJ's China Real-time reports, in an unusual move, the National Bureau of Statistics – clearly frustrated with the lies, damn lies – has recently outed a local government it says was involved in a particularly egregious case of number fudging, providing rare insight into just how we’re being deceived.

China Real-Time Report,


Figures on everything from inflation and industrial output to energy consumption and international trade often don’t seem to gel with observation and sometimes struggle to stack up when compared with other indicators.

How the figures are massaged and by whom is as much a secret as the real data itself. But in an unusual move, the National Bureau of Statistics – clearly frustrated with the lies, damn lies – has recently outed a local government it says was involved in a particularly egregious case of number fudging, providing rare insight into just how we’re being deceived.


According to a statement on the statistics bureau’s website dated June 14 (in Chinese), the economic development and technology information bureau of Henglan, a town in southern China’s Guangdong province, massively overstated the gross industrial output of large firms in the area.


An investigation by the state statistician into a sample of 73 out of a total 249 firms counted in the data found that 38 were too small to be counted as large firms and so shouldn’t have been included, and a further 19 had either stopped production, moved out of the town or otherwise ceased to exit.

The statement said that 71 companies surveyed by the statistics bureau had industrial output of 2.22 billion yuan ($362 million) in 2012 in total, but that the local government recorded it as being 8.51 billion, almost four times as much as the actual figure. :laughcry:

The data was supposed to be contributed by the firms themselves using an online platform. Instead, employees of the Henglan economic development bureau entered the figures themselves from their office, the statement said.

The National Bureau of Statistics said that it pursued the Henglan case on a tip from a whistleblower. How widespread the problem is elsewhere in the country is anyone’s guess.


So, the Chinese gov. is cracking down false reports in order to make correct stats.
Götterdämmerung;4658846 said:
So, the Chinese gov. is cracking down false reports in order to make correct stats.

It is not the chinese Govt. But few whistle blowers, thing is the manipulation was done over the years.
The economist does not provide those numbers they simply analyze what is given by the Chinese govt. Thought you the " I am a blogger hence I am a journalist" claiming guy would know the difference.

also in China - Literacy rate defined as knowledge of 1,500 Chinese characters in rural locations and 2,000 characters in urban areas. just know the character and you are literate. no requirement of writing or even numerical knowledge.

You are such an idiot if you think CIA/World Bank/IMF/WTO/etc just believe blindly and solely depend on data from chinese government without considering any other sources for their analysis. LOL :lol:
You are such an idiot if you think CIA/World Bank/IMF/WTO/etc just believe blindly and solely depend on data from chinese government without considering any other sources for their analysis. LOL :lol:

actually we are all idiots for believing the Chinese govt. provided data :lol:. depending on what kind of data, they have to go by what the govt gives. what external/ outsider sources can give them china's internal consumption numbers for example?
actually we are all idiots for believing the Chinese govt. provided data :lol:. depending on what kind of data, they have to go by what the govt gives. what external/ outsider sources can give them china's internal consumption numbers for example?

Nobody ask you to believe chinese govt data.
Just open your eyes, learn the data released by credible organization like IMF, World Bank, CIA, etc, and think! LOL :lol:

They use their own estimation instead of data from chinese government.

For example:
The World Factbook - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can see how their estimation quite often is different from those released officially by governments,
:blah::blah::blah: Yeah the data are fakes, but foreigners continue to pour money and investment into China. As usual, it is the poor (pun intended) indians are that complaining.:omghaha:
Nobody ask you to believe chinese govt data.
Just open your eyes, learn the data released by credible organization like IMF, World Bank, CIA, etc, and think! LOL :lol:

They use their own estimation instead of data from chinese government.

For example:
The World Factbook - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can see how their estimation quite often is different from those released officially by governments,

these economic numbers are heavily dependent on the govt submission for various data. hence we are seeing now them being busted over lies.

:blah::blah::blah: Yeah the data are fakes, but foreigners continue to pour money and investment into China. As usual, it is the poor (pun intended) indians are that complaining.:omghaha:

the numbers are being faked - but that does not mean you are not doing decent as an economy. just not to the levels you project.
Those stats from china have not built the 50% of padding and fudging they do.

Ah yes, the only excuse one can ever make... that the numbers are fudged.

India is probably the most corrupt non-African country in the world. Your numbers are so unbelievably skewed that they don't even merit discussion in the news. No one takes your country seriously.

Anyone who has actually visited China has a good understanding of the level of development there. The 1st tier cities put some Western cities to shame, while every Indian city is just a shame.
Ah yes, the only excuse one can ever make... that the numbers are fudged.

India is probably the most corrupt non-African country in the world. Your numbers are so unbelievably skewed that they don't even merit discussion in the news. No one takes your country seriously.

Anyone who has actually visited China has a good understanding of the level of development there. The 1st tier cities put some Western cities to shame, while every Indian city is just a shame.

Does India being whatever you think it to be, make you any less than a world renowned BS artist Chinese? whhahhhaa India whahahahahah India! --- how does that make you the world's bs clown any less? your country and people are a joke. and no amount of distraction takes away from it
Does India being whatever you think it to be, make you any less than a world renowned BS artist Chinese? whhahhhaa India whahahahahah India! --- how does that make you the world's bs clown any less? your country and people are a joke. and no amount of distraction takes away from it

LOL, so what brings Korea into this if you are attempting to lecture me on not bringing up India? You idiot. You fail at your own game. Please don't even try and compare my country with any of the above. Korea could probably wipe the floor with India in any competition.

Like I said, you can only make excuses. These are not numbers from one source. I have posted numerous comparisons between China and India on this site, and it's quite clear that most sources, although judging things differently, come to the same conclusion.

Whether it be GDP per person, life expectancy, or military spending, virtually every source is within a very close band with the other in terms of their final conclusion. Go check the World Bank, IMF, CIA, RBS, UN, WHO, or any other institution. Are they all wrong with their predictions?

Let the adults talk now. You are very stupid.
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