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Fortress India

What is international law ? Do you know that ? Every country has right to build fence in it's border. Like U.S.-Mexico, China-N.Korea, India-Pakistan, Pakistan- Afghanistan. It's our own need. There is big problem in India regarding Illegal immigrants. Hence, No other solution. You don't have any idea. GoI is blamed by Indian people for slow fencing process (it should have done a decade back) and also not deporting back. Fencing is must. Also, More BSF should be deployed with best equipments and all illegal immigrant should be deported back. There are 20 million illegal Immigrants from Bangladesh (although number can't be accurate due to illegal). Anyone who crosses border illegally should be punished. This is all as per International Law.

It's about our economy and security. We have serious problem. Hence, it's our right to decide what to do. I don't know what so much fuss about ? BD can also build same way. It's good for us.

Are you having your day dream on 20 million illegal immigrants!!! That is around 13% of the total population of Bangladesh n if it is really a fact then majority of the people would have aware of them as most of the people`s relative would have live in India... But it is not the case. I personally do not know any one who is living in India illegally... Like many other people. but we know a portion of hindus has been lured to go India with all their wealth from bangladesh with a dream of much better life but ironically they are now poorest of the poor. N why should people go to poorest region like NE India and WB then their own country. If any one go beyond Kolkata, They will find a backward region of WB. Bihar which is poorest then sub saharan africa. All these hoax of illegal Bangladeshi has been raised to discriminate against the bengali speaking muslim n to term them as illegal. It is quite common now muslim at least bengali speaking people are on its way to become majority in Assam where muslim made up around 35% n benagli speaking people made up 40-45%. This is quite common for the parties which has no chance of win to try to get some attention by raising this illegal immigrant fuss n this party is mainly BJP which has no chance of win in WB and NE india and run by radical extremist hindus.

This is quite unfortunate that all these bhartis has no brain to think logically what is truth and what can be reality ... when from 1971 population of Bangladesh increased exponentially and no where there were sign of decrease due to illegal migration.

Population of Bangladesh from 1971-2009:

World Development Indicators (subset) - Google Public Data Explorer

N those who cross border are mostly smugglers n farmers in the border area. In which case smugglers are rich enough n they do not go to India for money or better living but mainly to buy cows at a dirt cheap rate from the dirt poor people in the bordering area and bring the cows to bangladesh by giving bribe to the BSF.

If you still believe this hoax of 20 million illegal immigrants .. you should ban this worthless BSF for good for not able to stop crossing 20 million people means 1500 people per day illegally for the last 40 years.

Grow up bhartis do not remain naive and fall in to the trap of propaganda by the extremist hindu politicians...
Are you having your day dream on 20 million illegal immigrants!!! That is around 13% of the total population of Bangladesh n if it is really a fact then majority of the people would have aware of them as most of the people`s relative would have live in India... But it is not the case. I personally do not know any one who is living in India illegally... Like many other people. but we know a portion of hindus has been lured to go India with all their wealth from bangladesh with a dream of much better life but ironically they are now poorest of the poor. N why should people go to poorest region like NE India and WB then their own country. If any one go beyond Kolkata, They will find a backward region of WB. Bihar which is poorest then sub saharan africa. All these hoax of illegal Bangladeshi has been raised to discriminate against the bengali speaking muslim n to term them as illegal. It is quite common now muslim at least bengali speaking people are on its way to become majority in Assam where muslim made up around 35% n benagli speaking people made up 40-45%. This is quite common for the parties which has no chance of win to try to get some attention by raising this illegal immigrant fuss n this party is mainly BJP which has no chance of win in WB and NE india and run by radical extremist hindus.

This is quite unfortunate that all these bhartis has no brain to think logically what is truth and what can be reality ... when from 1971 population of Bangladesh increased exponentially and no where there were sign of decrease due to illegal migration.

Population of Bangladesh from 1971-2009:

World Development Indicators (subset) - Google Public Data Explorer

N those who cross border are mostly smugglers n farmers in the border area. In which case smugglers are rich enough n they do not go to India for money or better living but mainly to buy cows at a dirt cheap rate from the dirt poor people in the bordering area and bring the cows to bangladesh by giving bribe to the BSF.

If you still believe this hoax of 20 million illegal immigrants .. you should ban this worthless BSF for good for not able to stop crossing 20 million people means 1500 people per day illegally for the last 40 years.

Grow up bhartis do not remain naive and fall in to the trap of propaganda by the extremist hindu politicians...

Wow, what a rant!! And not a single mention of the topic of fencing the border? Phew
Wow, what a rant!! And not a single mention of the topic of fencing the border? Phew

Fencing border does not concern us... It will just bust the illegal smugglers and a certail portion of economy of Kolkata and bordering area of India as all these region`s economy depends to a certain extant on Bangladesh and smuggling on the border area.
Missing vital statistics

The staggering revelation was that the 'informal economy' talking of money transactions, business and trade that is not documented and therefore 'hidden' is as large as between 48% to 82% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP).
These are astounding figures. Simple math would put the size of this shadow economy at a staggering amount, considering the value of the GDP of Bangladesh at plus $100 billion. This size would suggest these are inclusive of un-regulated or undeclared industries (how industries can just hideaway is another question) plus the more obvious phenomenon of trade.

The informal trade along our borders has been rampant for years and no one has been able to do much about it; there's also an argument that no one seriously wants to do anything because of the fillip it provides to the border-area economies. There are certain markets in Kolkata in particular that would probably go bust without the Bangladesh market.
Fencing border does not concern us... It will just bust the illegal smugglers and a certail portion of economy of Kolkata and bordering area of India as all these region`s economy depends to a certain extant on Bangladesh and smuggling on the border area.

Well then you should be happy!! Why the long faces?

In fact, you guys should be asking India to hurry up with the process. Bangladesh should also fence up it's own side of the border lest we 'poor, hungry Indians' try to illegally immigrate to your heaven. Please convince your fellow B'deshis that this fence is in your own benefit ...

Now since you said. Let face the reply. No one is talking about Religion. Talking about religion shows only immaturity and nothing else. I don't think anyone said about Religion. So, Keep religion aside from this topic.

I already said 20 Million is the figure which comes from some sources. But Obviously, it's not accurate. Real Number could be anything. It will come by next year. So, have some patience.

Now you raised Economic condition which is again off-topic. BD will be last country to talk about Indian Economy as difference between India and BD is 20 Times as per international Data. Kolkatta is 4 time better than your Dacca and Delhi is 4 time better than Kolkatta and Mumbai is better than Delhi. Hence, It gives Glimpse of Economy and Location.

The number of Illegal immigrants in India specially North-East is large which is big threat for India. Ask any Assamese or Indian Bengali, they will say the same. They really hate Illegal BD people now due to various reasons. I can say as i know the ground realities. Back-Clash in N-E is not too far, Anger growing which will result in slow cross border in next few years. No matter, How much population is in our states irrespective of Religion. India is India due to Secularism. BJP or Congress, Both are Indian Political Parties and Not BD party. Isn't it ? You are Islamic Nation and we are Secular Nation. You should never talk about Religion. We will do what we want to do and you do what you want to do. It's not your business. Congress never raised the issue of BD immigrants due to Vote-Back politics which is creating serious problem today. But Don't worry, Thing will change in next few years and most of the Bangladeshi who living in India illegally will be deported.

BSF is improving now. These days cross border is not same like in 80's and 90's. Still, More strictness required which will come slowly and gradually. I personally don't want any relation with Bangladesh. The Status before 1971 was better, More Problem between India-BD, Less cross-border and more activeness in sending back Illegal Immigrants. If BD having some problem, Then Break all relation with India. Who is stopping ? No one. We have all the right to take various steps to stop and send back illegal immigrants as per Law and we will do at any cost. It's not only our Wish but it's necessity. :tup:
Well then you should be happy!! Why the long faces?

In fact, you guys should be asking India to hurry up with the process. Bangladesh should also fence up it's own side of the border lest we 'poor, hungry Indians' try to illegally immigrate to your heaven. Please convince your fellow B'deshis that this fence is in your own benefit ...

Nothing to convince, contrary to what PDF portrays people would be happy if the fence is done.
May be a national celebration of some sort could be arranged the day it is finished.
It'll be Bangladesh-India friendship fence.
Nothing to convince, contrary to what PDF portrays people would be happy if the fence is done.
May be a national celebration of some sort could be arranged the day it is finished.
It'll be Bangladesh-India friendship fence.

I wonder why Bangladeshi didn't take this action themselves...
I wonder why Bangladeshi didn't take this action themselves...

We are busy rebuilding our economy.

India is India due to Secularism. BJP or Congress, Both are Indian Political Parties and Not BD party. Isn't it ? You are Islamic Nation and we are Secular Nation. You should never talk about Religion. We will do what we want to do and you do what you want to do.

Sorry but Bangladesh after its creation did not see any riots
but in India there were atleast 4-5 state sanctioned riots.
Hipocrisy is not in our bloods, try something else.
I wonder why Bangladeshi didn't take this action themselves...

and Many opposing it. see who is Starting Thread and what they saying in various thread related with Fence. They always wanted Illegal Cross border now they feeling the pinch. :sick:
Now you raised Economic condition which is again off-topic. BD will be last country to talk about Indian Economy as difference between India and BD is 20 Times as per international Data. Kolkatta is 4 time better than your Dacca and Delhi is 4 time better than Kolkatta and Mumbai is better than Delhi. Hence, It gives Glimpse of Economy and Location.

From where you got your day dreaming figure... that Kolkata`s living standard is 4 times better then dhaka and delhi is 4 times better then Kolkata means 16 times better then dhaka... means people of delhi lives almost like the people of western world. Come out of your dilution.

Real economy of Bangladesh is much higher as a shadow or not documented economy has emerged in Bangladesh since the time of independence. It represents 48 to 82% of the economy.

Apart from that current economy measured in term of base year of 1995. Now government has taken initiative to make 2005 as the base year. If it is done the gdp figure will get a big boost.

All the NE India and WB in particular has a backward economy compared to bangladesh... In WB industrialization even does not account 10% where as it is 30.3% in Bangladesh. This is just an example. Even today there is a news that many bangladeshis from pakistan are returning to Bangladesh as Bangladesh is more lucrative now...then karachi...

Bangladesh luring back its migrant workers

Come out of your dilution...of heaven like life in the dirt poor India.
From where you got your day dreaming figure... that Kolkata`s living standard is 4 times better then dhaka and delhi is 4 times better then Kolkata means 16 times better then dhaka... means people of delhi lives almost like the people of western world. Come out of your dilution.

Real economy of Bangladesh is much higher as a shadow or not documented economy has emerged in Bangladesh since the time of independence. It represents 48 to 82% of the economy.

Apart from that current economy measured in term of base year of 1995. Now government has taken initiative to make 2005 as the base year. If it is done the gdp figure will get a big boost.

All the NE India and WB in particular has a backward economy compared to bangladesh... In WB industrialization even does not account 10% where as it is 30.3% in Bangladesh. This is just an example. Even today there is a news that many bangladeshis from pakistan are returning to Bangladesh as Bangladesh is more lucrative now...then karachi...

Bangladesh luring back its migrant workers

Come out of your dilution...of heaven like life in the dirt poor India.

Assumption without evidence. I will feel pity when i will compare with BD. The day will never come. If you think BD is good enough in economy then Good Luck. I don't have any problem with that. I hope BD economy Hits new high. Don't compare BD with any state of India be it Karnataka or Assam. We know what we are and i am sure, you aware of BD. That's it.

The topic was all about Fencing and everyone is unanimous on building fence and stopping illegal immigrants completely which ends any further point. 1-2 BD poster finally said " Fence is good" :coffee:
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