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Former head of Pakistan's Special Forces Warns of US/Western sponsored Regime Change Conspiracy against Imran Khan

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle ﷺ said, "When honesty is lost, then wait for the Hour." It was asked, "How will honesty be lost, O Allah's Apostle?" He said, "When authority is given to those who do not deserve it, then wait for the Hour."
- Sahih Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 076, Hadith 503

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle ﷺ said, “There will come to the people years of treachery, when the liar will be regarded as honest, and the honest man will be regarded as a liar; the traitor will be regarded as faithful, and the faithful man will be regarded as a traitor; and the Ruwaibidah will decide matters.’ It was said: ‘Who are the Ruwaibidah?’ He said: ‘Vile and base men who control the affairs of the people.’”
- Sunan Ibn Majah 4036, Vol. 5, Book 36, Hadith 4036
The Sindh CM making several trips to US followed by Bilo during the height of Corona pandemic is all coming to light now.
These Haramkhoor will sell their Grandmothers for their vested interests.

Why can't all these haramkhoor's can't be put in a single boat and do the anti terrorism operation which is long over due from the 90's era. Just don't take any prisoners as courts will release them again.
One operation and all filth can be cleared as they are holding our country hostage from the freedom and the progression. They are no different then from the TTP, which costs us 80,000 lives and over $100 billions. Who will put estimates to the damage done by these traitors to our country?
We have put up with the establishment adventures for so long as we love our country and our security personal, as they are from the same land. Our establishment need to show which side they are on now. If IK goes then we are pushed back another 20 years by these cockroaches and only Allah can help us. :pakistan: .
It's not that easy this time! The Pak Deep State has weathered the worst. Now is the time to reap...

It's not that easy this time! The Pak Deep State has weathered the worst. Now is the time to reap...
A known enemy is better than unknown friend....

I am pretty sure the Pak Deep State knows how to control AZ, NS, PDM, PTM etc....
The people of Turkey came to the streets and stood by their leader. Will Pakistan do that? It really doesn't matter whether you like him or not, at least he's not corrupt or compromised. IF they try and remove him, we should take to the streets. Ultimately we will be the winners if we have Pakistan-centric leadership.
The people of Turkey came to the streets and stood by their leader. Will Pakistan do that? It really doesn't matter whether you like him or not, at least he's not corrupt or compromised. IF they try and remove him, we should take to the streets. Ultimately we will be the winners if we have Pakistan-centric leadership.
Pakistanis won’t. If our society wasn’t corrupt there would be no zardari or Nawaz in the first place. Our whole society is corrupt and not ready for change not ready to give up corruption. The people who do raise their voices against these corrupts will be squashed and there will be no trace of them. Already is there anyone in Pakistan who can question sindh police and all the extra judicial killing that did? Already is there anyone to question wadera gang ppp who steals peoples lands and kills them in sindh? Is there anyone to hold ppp accountable for them stealing peoples property in Karachi with the help of gangs like uzair baloch? Is there anyone to question sindh police killing political opponents? If we protest against mafias we get killed. If we fight to not get killed we get killed even worse and labelled a terrorist.

Our society is corrupt
Our Justice system is broken
Our police who are suppose to protect us are mafia gangsters
Our politicians who should work for us steal from us and use their gangs to kill anyone in opposition to them

We aren’t like turkey. Turkish Justice system, Turkish society, Turkish politicians are far better then ours
The people of Turkey came to the streets and stood by their leader. Will Pakistan do that? It really doesn't matter whether you like him or not, at least he's not corrupt or compromised. IF they try and remove him, we should take to the streets. Ultimately we will be the winners if we have Pakistan-centric leadership.
It's a matter of the future of Pakistan now, under no circumstances can PPP or PMLN be allowed to come to power, they set fire to everything. Forget corruption, this is about the survival of Pakistan, may Allah help us
The Sindh CM making several trips to US followed by Bilo during the height of Corona pandemic is all coming to light now.
These Haramkhoor will sell their Grandmothers for their vested interests.
As tweet in OP said, the deep state should act, do a pre-emptive strike against these frequenters.
Nip the evil in the bud.
Bajwa is not the problem. The whole system is compromised. Raheel Shareef despite his post-retirement misjudgements was an anomaly.
System is compromised or just totally broken whatever....
That is the reason establishment intervenes but they should do with people in mind not their interests.
Letting go of zardari corruption and forcing IK let go Nawaz on fabricated med reports is worsening everything making corrupts emboldened.
IK is paying the price for his political blunders. One of his biggest mistake was giving extension to Bajwa. This is Bajwa who didn't want accountability of this corrupt political tola in 6 years of his worthless tenure otherwise zardari would not have come Pak when Bajwa took the charge of army chief. Leave accountability aside, Bajwa regularly meets 1st and 2nd tier of political leadership and maintain good relationship with them.

Another IK's mistake was appointing and then keeping Buzdar as Punjab CM. There are other mistakes as well but giving extension to Bajwa and keeping Buzdar as CM are unpardonable.
Former head of Pakistan's Special Forces Warns of Regime Change Conspiracy against Imran Khan. Attached tweet with background of absolutely not to this day; one can connect dots easily.

It wouldn't be first time for foreign influencers to use that democratic wand for a Regime change. In-fact, current Pakistani leadership has maintained balanced approach, neutrality in armed conflicts and pursues Pakistan interest first policy.

An independent policy without being under political influence of west/US can lead to a risk having regime change by any means merely to create a divide within and weaken the independent stance. Here, I don't need to refer our appeasing leadership from the past, the fearing approach given the loss on power and luxuries they had and then working on assurance of their rule on Pakistan. This is not about to support a political party like PTI or anyone else but this is about Pakistan where one has to look at it from national prospect.

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This thread shall not be used for political commentary.
Did you choose this heading "Former head of Pakistan's Special Forces.."?

Don't you think this is a sinister way of presenting the views of one who is simply a retired Lt General turned current affairs analyst? :-)

The fact that "Special Forces" is added comes across as someone who knows something on the inside etc. which is patently not the case. Even Lt Gen Haroon himself would deny that.
Lolz as if major policy is ever in any political govt's hands. Nawaz or zardari or IK or any xyz political govt would have done exactly as its happening. U ppl think bonga nawaz had the guts to say no to saudi led coalition in yemen?
How else are opposition parties suddenly getting together and hitting streets.. Imran took on many fronts. Was bound to happen.
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