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Former Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi dies 'in court' – state TV

Growing economy

Which are the most successful? KSA and UAE or governmental Iran?
Being a puppet with a lot of oil and not a big population is not a succes. For some it might be considered "success", but in long term it will be devastating.
isnt uae extrimists government? or saudi arabia? maybe not for you but for others?

by the way this thread should not be pushed into a war zone lets leave it..

Being a puppet with a lot of oil and not a big population is not a succes. For some it might be considered "success", but in long term it will be devastating.
You want to say Iran have not oil? Difference is usage of money we pay money for own people but you pay your Oil money for wars

You want to say Iran have not oil? Difference is usage of money we pay money for own people but you pay your Oil money for wars
uhhmmm no. Saudi oil production per capita in 2017 was 7 times more than Iran..., that might explain your "success".
Irans military expenditure is actually very low.
انّا للہ و انّا الیہ راجعون
very sad
Mohammed mursi's career
  • He started his career as a lecturer at the California State University, Northridge, and served as an Assistant Professor from 1982 to 1985. Being an expert on precision metal surfaces, he also worked for NASA helping to develop Space Shuttle engines.

  • In 1985, he resigned from his job at CSUN and returned to Egypt and became a professor at ‘Zagazig University’, where he was appointed head of the engineering department, a post he served until 2010.

  • In 2000, he was first elected as a Member of Parliament, officially as an independent candidate because the Brotherhood was technically barred from running candidates for office under the regime of Mubarak.

  • From 2005, he served as a member of the Guidance Office of the Muslim Brotherhood until the founding of the ‘Freedom and Justice Party’ in 2011, at which point he was elected to be the first president of the new party.

  • He was arrested several times under Hosni Mubarak's regime for various protests; he spent seven months behind bars in 2006, and was detained for a brief period in 2011, along with several other Brotherhood leaders.

  • Initially nominated as a backup candidate of the party, he emerged as the new Muslim Brotherhood presidential candidate after Khairat El-Shater was disqualified from the 2012 presidential elections.

  • Following the first round of Egypt's first democratic presidential elections, he was officially announced as the president on June 24, 2012. Almost immediately afterward, he resigned from the presidency of the Freedom and Justice Party.

  • On June 30, 2012, he took oath as the first democratically elected president in Egypt's history
uhhmmm no. Saudi oil production per capita in 2017 was 7 times more than Iran..., that might explain your "success".
Irans military expenditure is actually very low.
So you should not have any problems with oil sanctions
By this massive organized corruption even you haven't money for simple expenses
The base supporters of Sisi is the CIA and the copts. Those two groups were key in Morsi's ouster.

the copts have Morsi's blood on their hands, they love their new dictator, Sisi.

The Army saw chaos and stepped in.

Without the copts, there would have been no CIA 'arab spring' in Egypt. The copts were responsible for all of this mess in Egypt.

Here is the copts friends in Greece doing what the Orthodox Christians do today:


Orthodox Christians are pawns of the CIA and zionists. I tried for years to get one single Orthodox Christian to be anti-zionist, none would respond, they love their fake religion and fale isreal
The base supporters of Sisi is the CIA and the copts. Those two groups were key in Morsi's ouster.

the copts have Morsi's blood on their hands, they love their new dictator, Sisi.

The Army saw chaos and stepped in.

Without the copts, there would have been no CIA 'arab spring' in Egypt. The copts were responsible for all of this mess in Egypt.

Here is the copts friends in Greece doing what the Orthodox Christians do today:


Orthodox Christians are pawns of the CIA and zionists. I tried for years to get one single Orthodox Christian to be anti-zionist, none would respond, they love their fake religion and fale isreal
Are you sure? most anti-american christians, as long as I know, were orthodox christians (Serbs, Greeks, Russians).. in Egypt it might be different.
Mohammed Morsi died today in court after years of medical negligence. He was the Egyptian President from 2012 until 2013, being deposed by the Army in a coup. He died after years in solitry confinement, and was not allowed to see his family, a lawyer or a doctor in prison.

May he rest in peace and may he be rewarded in the Hereafter.
View attachment 565663

Nawaz aur Zardari to jail main bhi nhn marta .

Not died rather killed
Please dear Pakistanis no theories. We would only believe official version.
And if you want to support democracy and its champions, there are many here in Pakistan. Nowadays worried about mehangai.
Pakistanis make erdogan a messiah .
Pakistanis make morsi an angel .
Pakistanis make Saudi Prince a great leader.
Pakistanis hail and give examples of Iran. How Pakistani aunties who have never done pardah ever give examples that everyone in Iran covers their head.
And how even some very educated Pakistanis hailed even the afghan taliban.
Without knowing the ground realities of other countries .
Mohammed Morsi died today in court after years of medical negligence. He was the Egyptian President from 2012 until 2013, being deposed by the Army in a coup. He died after years in solitry confinement, and was not allowed to see his family, a lawyer or a doctor in prison.

May he rest in peace and may he be rewarded in the Hereafter.
View attachment 565663


Brother I am sad to hear this tragic news ... his sacrifice and miseries will not be ignored. Those who were responsible will pay the price in this world and the world after. In-Shaa-Allah.
The base supporters of Sisi is the CIA and the copts. Those two groups were key in Morsi's ouster.

the copts have Morsi's blood on their hands, they love their new dictator, Sisi.

The Army saw chaos and stepped in.

Without the copts, there would have been no CIA 'arab spring' in Egypt. The copts were responsible for all of this mess in Egypt.

Here is the copts friends in Greece doing what the Orthodox Christians do today:


Orthodox Christians are pawns of the CIA and zionists. I tried for years to get one single Orthodox Christian to be anti-zionist, none would respond, they love their fake religion and fale isreal
Please don't bring Copts into this. The Copts are just as Egyptian as the Muslims in Egypt, and they are just as good as any other Egyptian. Those who are to be blamed are the dictators and the military, the SCAF and the supporters of Sisi who were easily bought out. And we must also blame those dictators on the other side of the Red Sea who bankrolled the massacres and the respression that has never been rivalled before, and continue to do so today. And most of all, the cowards who did not dare to protest, and the cowards who feigned their support for the dictatorship. Those people will continue to suffer like dogs for their inaction and for their lack of resolve.
may he rest in peace.

hoe many murders will these army butchers of egypt continue to push under the ground.
may he rest in peace.

hoe many murders will these army butchers of egypt continue to push under the ground.
They are doing practically the same thing to my country libya. They know that they cannot allow democracy to thrive, and so, will try their best to stamp it out. The only difference is that in Libya they are even more brutal.

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