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Former DG ISI My comments have been twisted

No contradiction at all.

If correct, it just establishes the fact the world speaks of - the ISI has always run with the hare & hunted with the hound.

Nothing new at all.

Small world of the bharatis.. Basically bharat only in this case. :lol:

---------- Post added at 01:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:54 PM ----------

OBL found in your army's lap do you have any thing like this ????

I am sorry, what??
Well, this guy has a grudge against Musharraf so, you cannot expect him to be not biased.

Secondly, the IB is under the Interior ministry, not the army, so Kayani has very little interference in it. Musharraf might have had influence on it.
Another Bullshit Crap article...........these western medias are continuesly publishing the propoganda articles without any reality or evidence....sometimes they Quote some person he even don't know..............same kind of Bullshit one person was doing when Musharaf was in India ("Interview of Musharraf on India Today") can be seen on Youtube..........that person was saying that Gen. Kayani said that Taliban's are Pakistans asset..........and When Musharraf said that i gave challenge right now in front of you and on media on record Kayani will never say this neither he would had said this......and when he grilled that person from where you got this news.....he said he read this in some western article..............same like of bullshit wester peoples are publishing things....they even don't know anything about ground reality.
OBL found in your army backyard that is more then enough to prove this thread

and for conspiracy theory about RAW terrorism do you have any thing like this ???

How is that proof?

Anyway, as far as my 'conspiracy theory' is concerned, well.. you asked for it.

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:lol::lol::lol: Worlds biggest terrorist enjoyed hospitality of your army for long time and that isnt a proof ????

any ways thanks for video :lol:

Please don't try to oversimplify the argument and then argue against the oversimplified argument.

He was living close to a military academy, yes, but in no way is that proof. I am guessing you're about 15 years old, which is why the concept of proof has really no logical meaning to you.

As far as the video is concerned, you should now agree that bharat is a terrorist state.
The Quality of international Analysts about WoT

Just came across a factually wrong and flawed piece from some terrorism analyst website.

It quotes a formar COAS of Pakistan army claiming that Pakistan army was hiding Binladen with the full knowledge of the leadership.

1. The quoted General was never accepted the COAS by the army.
2. He was appointed by Nawaz sherif after forcefully retiring Mushaaraf while he was out of the country.
3. His position of of COAS which was controversial anyway lasted for only few hours when he was arrested along with the PM when army retaliated.
4. He quotes IB as harbouring Bin Laden and thus decides that Pakistan army was involved.
5. IB or intelligence bureau is a civilian setup and doesn’t come under army.
6. On one hand he blames a civilan intelligence agency of harbouring Bin laden with full knowledge of army and president and on other hand he quotes ISI and CIA together launching an operation on 1 may to track and kill OBL.
7. The biggest joke is that Nawaz Sherif was willing to cooperate with USA to “trackdown” Bin Laden in 1999. Whereas in fact during that time USA very well knew that OBL was in Afghanistan and was caught on UAV footage but the then US president Clinton had more “pressing” engagements with Monica Lewinski and that chance was lost.

The article is written by Arif Jamal and is an interesting read. I wonder if Ziauddin Butt is aware of what is being attributed to him. The article gives away its pro Nawaz side and seems to be a swipe at Musharraf and Pakistan army because Nawaz league now has emerged as a Taliban sympathiser and doesn’t loose any chance to criticise the army. Its funny how this article totally contradicts the Nawaz league approach who openly supports the Punjabi Taliban and sectarian terrorists by inviting them in the political rallies.

Articles like these are a continuation of shabby efforts to blame Pakistan for the disastrous results and failure of American war on Afghanistan.


the story falls on it face in the last line of the above paragraph. Ijaz shah (IB head) is accused mainly for handling OBL but the all powerfull ISI is not mentioned and balmed this time. the other blindlingly obvious contradiction is that Zia Uddin Butt was himself ISI chief before he was appointed as COAS for 6 hours by Nawaz Sherif. if we believe the contents of this laughable piece and an excuse for an article then we should be blaming IB not ISI for all the ills in the world.

enjoy the read and have your say.
This statement is from former Chief of Pakistan Army General Ziauddin Butt.

No one can deny it.

You can't call it RAW/CIA/MOSAAD conspiracy too.
he was never ever chief of army staff. he was never recognised by the army as the chief and he was actually ISI head. the events he is quoted about are actually after his sacking. he was more worried about saving his own skin.
the writer and /or Zia- Uddin both seem to have a personal grudge with Mr Shah of Intel Bauru that’s why he is being maligned for a good length in this article.

he is actually confessing that he didnt know about OBL or confessing that he was part of that

IB is a civilian organisation and doesnt fall under military. the article is written by a pro Nawaz journalist and is self contradictory. this general has grudge against Musharraf because he was kicked out of the army after Nawaz govt was deposed.

Bharatis can declare a national day of mourning tomorrow at this development.

Bharatis can declare a national day of mourning tomorrow at this development.

what for?

that ISI assisted CIA in getting OBL?
or that Nawaz Sherif couldn’t "handover" OBL to Clinton during 99 when actually he was in Afghanistan?
or that Zia-uddin-Butt was never accepted as COAS by us, he is not in our records as COAS and the sham announcement of his appointment which was constitutionally wrong resulted in his early retirement along with Tiger boss being packed and sent to the Arabs?

As they say, Ishq aur Mushq kabhi nahin chupte.. Things coming out slowly but steadily

and if they are rubbish they go back in the nether regions never to be remembered again.

He was the ISI chief under Musharraf when he was the head of Pakistan Army...

Ziauddin Butt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

please dont make fool of your self by spinning a stupid story without knowing the fact.
he was ISI chief during Nawaz time and he was kicked out of the army when Army rejected the Nawaz conspiracy.
his army career ended the moment Nawaz Govt. was deposed

IB is not Pakistan army, every Pakistani knows that. I am not sure if that writer is even a Pakistani or not. the article claims that IB hid OBL and Musharraf and or Kyani might have known about that Because Zia-uddin Butt (who was no longer in amy) "believed" they did. but then says ISI helped CIA in getting OBL.

please read again if you are having difficulty in comprehension
This is not the first time a retired Military/ISI chief has come out with truths -- contrary to the 'official' versions in Pakistan.

Late.ACM Nur Khan, ACM Asghar Khan, acceptance of NLI role in Kargil are all examples of how truth comes out, but maybe a little late in Pakistan.
Dont you just love the indians getting so excited about conspiracy theories that are represented as fact, they are learning from western propoganda that facts are an optional extra lol
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