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Former Army chief Gen VK Singh calls for immediate dissolution of Parliamen


Jan 10, 2011
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MUMBAI: In a stinging attack on the government, former Army chief General VK Singh, who has joined Anna Hazare in his crusade against corruption, on Monday termed it "anti-people" and demanded immediate dissolution of parliament.

Gen (retd) Singh said the government is "bending to the corporates".

In a direct attack on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, VK Singh asked him why the government was "looting" people. Singh retired a few months ago.

Gen Singh was speaking to media persons alongside Hazare, who is expected soon to launch an anti-graft team after severing ties with Arvind Kejriwal and India Against Corruption (IAC) over their decision to form a political party.

Former Army chief Gen VK Singh calls for immediate dissolution of Parliament - The Times of India
Brrr...what if he was still the Army Chief and wanted to dissolve the parliament?:)

This would have been the scene on 10 Janpat roads -

A coup would have been implemented. How thrilling that would have been.
In a mature democracy like India, personally, i don't think its a good idea for a former Army chief to join politics. Anyway he was the most controversial Army chief ever in Indian military establishment.

Indian should discourage such initiative taken by former army chief even if its required or no one else can do the same what he can do. he has already discredited and dis-honored Army chief position during his last few months in office.
What an irresponsible statement to make! Dissolution of parliament by who, the army? Sorry, but army does not have such mandate in India, and won't do it. By the president? Whatever happened to the will of the people, democracy?
In a mature democracy like India, personally, i don't think its a good idea for a former Army chief to join politics. Anyway he was the most controversial Army chief ever in Indian military establishment.

Indian should discourage such initiative taken by former army chief even if its required or no one else can do the same what he can do. he has already discredited and dis-honored Army chief position during his last few months in office.

I agree with u, but India being largest democracy can't stop any of it's citizen to do whatever they want even if that means it's former army chief, the fact is that he is not a sitting chief, so nothing stops him to join politics or any anti-corruption movement.
General VK Singh should have avoided these comments, He is one of the most respected army generals, Most of the Indians supported him in his AGE Dispute, Joining Anna camp will only ruin his image, All his good name which he has gained between 30-40 years will vanish by congress political attacks.
Hmm, I don't know about this. I was with VK SINGH for a while but towards the end of his career when he started to make some questionable calls and remarks I couldn't wait to see the back if him. He straddled the line right up to his departure. Of course now he is not in active service he like any citizen is free to say what he likes in India but even still I'd have hoped a former officer of his rank would have a little more decorum and could have waited much liver before launching such attacks. He was up until a few months ago charged with upholding the very parliamen nd government he is now calling to be dissolved- very murky waters my friends. Politics and military affairs don't mix and it is a shame this has happened and sadly I doubt this will be the last such incident he will probably do more audacious things in the future.
Brrr...what if he was still the Army Chief and wanted to dissolve the parliament?:)

This would have been the scene on 10 Janpat roads -

A coup would have been implemented. How thrilling that would have been.

would be fun to see all the corrupt politicians running with their dhotis and tanks behind :lol:
Hmm, I don't know about this. I was with VK SINGH for a while but towards the end of his career when he started to make some questionable calls and remarks I couldn't wait to see the back if him. He straddled the line right up to his departure. Of course now he is not in active service he like any citizen is free to say what he likes in India but even still I'd have hoped a former officer of his rank would have a little more decorum and could have waited much liver before launching such attacks. He was up until a few months ago charged with upholding the very parliamen nd government he is now calling to be dissolved- very murky waters my friends. Politics and military affairs don't mix and it is a shame this has happened and sadly I doubt this will be the last such incident he will probably do more audacious things in the future.

What can you do? Its the Indian Politics which apparently brings out the 'beasts' even in honorable men! But the retd Gen, as a free man guaranteed by the Indian Constitution, has his rights and we need to respect that.

Btw, how is it any different from the calls for dissolution of Parliament given by disgruntled politicians, both regional and national, who dont get their 'pound of meat'.
Additionally it has to be considered what impact this will have on the serving IA soldiers. Whilst they are through and through professionals it has to be considered that up and till a few months ago this man was their leader whose authority was total and his words will surely carry significant weight with these men and woman. I have no doubt they will not let any personal opinions interfer wih their service- they have taken oaths after all and will defend these oaths with their lives but why has VK SINGH chosen to put them in this awkward position?
Additionally it has to be considered what impact this will have on the serving IA soldiers. Whilst they are through and through professionals it has to be considered that up and till a few months ago this man was their leader whose authority was total and his words will surely carry significant weight with these men and woman. I have no doubt they will not let any personal opinions interfer wih their service- they have taken oaths after all and will defend these oaths with their lives but why has VK SINGH chosen to put them in this awkward position?
They have a new chief. The currently serving IA servicemen (should and do) obey orders of the current chiefs, not the retired ones. No? Their allegiance is to the Chief's post, not the person. So the soundbites thrown around by a retired officer, effectively a civilian again, should NOT concern them.
What can you do? Its the Indian Politics which apparently brings out the 'beasts' even in honorable men! But the retd Gen, as a free man guaranteed by the Indian Constitution, has his rights and we need to respect that.

Btw, how is it any different from the calls for dissolution of Parliament given by disgruntled politicians, both regional and national, who dont get their 'pound of meat'.
No matter what their politic views a common factor in Indian pitics is how dirty it is. Now no one is perfect but when comparing Indian politics and politicians where you have MPs who are accused of the most barbaric of crimes including rape and murder being allowed to sit without question then there is something seriously wrong. Compared to here in get UK where MOs claiming for choate bars and train tickets on their expenses was enough to see them removed immedity from office and disowned by the parties it is sickening that in India politicians are literally allowed to get away with murder. And this is one of the few things that cuts across party borders and is shamefully true for almost every party.

I don't hear any calls to clean up politics as a whole just to elect in new guys who act exactly like their predecessors

These sorts of things need to fundamentally change otherwise the whole is compromised.

Brrr...what if he was still the Army Chief and wanted to dissolve the parliament?:)

This would have been the scene on 10 Janpat roads -

A coup would have been implemented. How thrilling that would have been.
And don't be silly mate- the IA has an oath to protec the government and elected officials- the question of a coup is proposterous in India.
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