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Former Army chief Gen VK Singh calls for immediate dissolution of Parliamen

Lacking comprehension skills??

Why drag Pakistan in this discussion?

Read my post again!

Because India is NOT Pakistan-a coup has not happened or even been close to happening in the entire history of modern India. The Indian military is expected to be completly apolitical and if he had made such remarks whilst serving there would have been outrage and he probably would have lost his job. It might be hard for a Pakistani to comprehend but India is a democracy where the military answers to the elected civlians.
Because India is NOT Pakistan-a coup has not happened or even been close to happening in the entire history of modern India.

MODERN India? The last time there was a military coup in non-Pakistani part of India was in 185 BC, when Brihadrata Maurya was assassinated by his army chief, Pusyamitra Sunga (thus ending the mauryan dynasty).

No military coup has happened before or since in ancient, medieval or modern India. It just does not resonate with our culture, which would never ever stomach a military that usurps the intelligentsia.
V.K sir has the full authority to criticize the government in power as a Citizen of India...

& like i read some silly statement from Abingdonboy that he cant criticize the government for which He was up until a few months ago charged with upholding the very parliament & government...

He as general was responsible for protecting the country & its people not the government & the politicians ...
he didnt ask to Bulldoze the Parliament or Dissolve the Indian Constitution ... He has just raised his voice against the Current UPA Saltanat ...

As a Ex-service men he has more rights then me , you or any citizen of this country to raise his voice against things that r going wrong in this country ... & UPA in power is the biggest Disrespect to Parliament , Democracy & Indian Constitution itself...

A person who was ready to give life for his country & given more then 45 years of his life to country can question some Stupid politicians if they r not running the country properly

Salute to u Sir... u have rightly proved that once a soldier always a soldier ...


wel said Nair Saab,
Every one who fights for the one who can not fight for themselves are real heroes and VK Signh is a Hero in that aspect.
Our nation needs a revolution in which a people friendly government should be given a chance and not the ones who work as proxies for Ambanis and other corporate and forigen nations interest.
Its a well known fact that MMS is a agent of USA and his goal along with the Italian ***** is to sell our nation to TOM, DICK and HARRY.
I do not think that the BJP would either do any good, the sollution is to give the chance to people like Arvind Kegriwal
First reddened statement is inaccurate, the second is plain wrong.

The armed forces swear to uphold the CONSTITUTION of India - and by extension, the democratic charter of the country, by virtue of which elected people make laws, courts implement them, police forces ensure that these work correctly, and armed forces prevent the collapse of the Indian state, whether through foreign aggression or domestic insurrection. The army in no way has any mandate to ask for the dissolution of an elected govt - only the electorate does. The army's job is to ensure that nothing can dismantle the Indian state. A private citizen (like VKS in this case) has every right to criticize the govt, but not with the weight of the army chief's office behind him.

The second statement is wrong, and horribly so. Armed forces people or ex servicepeople (or anybody else) don't have any MORE right than you or me to criticize the govt. That right is available IN FULL to every indian citizen. Nobody is special. Even the president is regarded, NOT as the first citizen of the country like in some countries, but as THE FIRST AMONG EQUALS.

Freedom of speech, expression, right to criticize the govt etc exists for everyone equally, whether to president or pauper, whether to rich or poor. It would be a sad day when people in powerful positions have more rights than others - no they don't. The very idea of a modern day nation state was to bring about this equality, where rights and liberties extend to everybody, and not just to those in power. These ideas formed over centuries, when people realized that kings didn't have divine rights, that aristocrats and nobles shouldn't have any more rights than serfs or peasants.
A few questions as food for thought,
Do you think that the above is happening as per what you have written,
second he is X Army and he is now a civilian as you and me and as a subject of this nation not bound to any Government job that mandates him not to speak against the Parliment/Constitution is over the moment he shed his uniform and has all the right to ask for a desolution of the parliment.
YOu guys are OK is an Opposition party leader, or any tom dick and harry calls for disulution of parliment and not an ex-army officer of distinguished stature.
A few questions as food for thought,
Do you think that the above is happening as per what you have written,
second he is X Army and he is now a civilian as you and me and as a subject of this nation not bound to any Government job that mandates him not to speak against the Parliment/Constitution is over the moment he shed his uniform and has all the right to ask for a desolution of the parliment.
YOu guys are OK is an Opposition party leader, or any tom dick and harry calls for disulution of parliment and not an ex-army officer of distinguished stature.

You didn't read the post fully, or weren't paying attention. In the post you have quoted, I have said clearly that he has every right to criticize the govt in his personal capacity. I was just pointing out that ex-soldiers do not have MORE rights than other people, because everyone has full rights to do so.

And another point - although everyone has the right to ASK for the dissolution of parliament, nobody has the right to ACTUALLY dissolve the parliament. I don't know what's the point of having the right to ask for something that one doesn't have the power to do.
Dunno why in India we don't have former military chaps becoming politicians like in US.

I'd certainly vote for them rather our political class, as long as they are democratically elected.

Probably so used to the practice of staying away from politcs in their military career that they chose to practice this outside of their service.
A few questions as food for thought,
Do you think that the above is happening as per what you have written,
second he is X Army and he is now a civilian as you and me and as a subject of this nation not bound to any Government job that mandates him not to speak against the Parliment/Constitution is over the moment he shed his uniform and has all the right to ask for a desolution of the parliment.
YOu guys are OK is an Opposition party leader, or any tom dick and harry calls for disulution of parliment and not an ex-army officer of distinguished stature.
LOL Bro i am very sure about V.K sir , Kalam sir, Baba Ramdev are all good among these Anti-Corruption people...

But Arvind Khujliwala is an Rascal... he gets lot of foreign from Anti-India & Anti-Hindu elements like Ford Foundation which is a Christian supporting organization as well as some Jehadi elements ... why did u think Kiren Bedi left IAC when he took the charge...

Anna is a Good Man but his thoughts r that of Gandi like Hindus should adjust everything ... he is Pseudo-Secular who like gandi says Ram Ram in front of every 1 but ready to stab Hindu from behind when Needed...

i have never said BJP is not Corrupt ... Yes there r corrupt elements in BJP... But these elements r very less then Kangress ...

I want BJP in power so that with the help Governmental & Administrative power we can every well Propagate our ideology of Hindu Nationalism ... to get Penetrate it in among Common man more easily...

Do u know Y is India not developing the reason is that the rulers of this Country never loved this country ... they Behaved like Us Hindus in Public but in person where not... every one knows ChaaChaa Nehru what kind of Characterless person was he... then the Current rulers Sonia all these people dont love our country then how do u think they will serve us well... for them India is war Booty...

Only Hindu Nationalism can bring Pride among Indians a feeling that this country is our ... she is my mother & serving her is my duty these Common Indians r my brothers & sisters whos responsibility is mine ... a foreigner or Indian with foreign Mentality will never feel that way...

for BJP victory or Defeat is not the question ... Our Main Goal is to propagate Hindu Nationalism through Political system to every common man in this country... Power is secondary Ideology of Hindutva is primary rest all can be compromised for it...

E.G Modi will never loose in Gujarat as he has very well used Administrative Power to spread Hindu Nationalism among Gujarati people so much that even minority votes for him...

Expect the Arvind Khujliwala part i accept all of your points ...
LOL Bro i am very sure about V.K sir , Kalam sir, Baba Ramdev are all good among these Anti-Corruption people...

But Arvind Khujliwala is an Rascal... he gets lot of foreign from Anti-India & Anti-Hindu elements like Ford Foundation which is a Christian supporting organization as well as some Jehadi elements ... why did u think Kiren Bedi left IAC when he took the charge...

Anna is a Good Man but his thoughts r that of Gandi like Hindus should adjust everything ... he is Pseudo-Secular who like gandi says Ram Ram in front of every 1 but ready to stab Hindu from behind when Needed...

i have never said BJP is not Corrupt ... Yes there r corrupt elements in BJP... But these elements r very less then Kangress ...

I want BJP in power so that with the help Governmental & Administrative power we can every well Propagate our ideology of Hindu Nationalism ... to get Penetrate it in among Common man more easily...

Do u know Y is India not developing the reason is that the rulers of this Country never loved this country ... they Behaved like Us Hindus in Public but in person where not... every one knows ChaaChaa Nehru what kind of Characterless person was he... then the Current rulers Sonia all these people dont love our country then how do u think they will serve us well... for them India is war Booty...

Only Hindu Nationalism can bring Pride among Indians a feeling that this country is our ... she is my mother & serving her is my duty these Common Indians r my brothers & sisters whos responsibility is mine ... a foreigner or Indian with foreign Mentality will never feel that way...

for BJP victory or Defeat is not the question ... Our Main Goal is to propagate Hindu Nationalism through Political system to every common man in this country... Power is secondary Ideology of Hindutva is primary rest all can be compromised for it...

E.G Modi will never loose in Gujarat as he has very well used Administrative Power to spread Hindu Nationalism among Gujarati people so much that even minority votes for him...

Expect the Arvind Khujliwala part i accept all of your points ...
and except that Hindu Nationalism part, i agree with your rest. I am here in the UK for an assignment for 1 year, The British might be racist underneath the skin, but when it comes to social life they get very well with any one from any community or race. Hindu, Muslim, Christian are all faith of an induvidual and that should not be part of the Constitution by any means or else we will end up like the torch bearer of the Muslim nations (Pakistan).
The problem that I see with BJP cadre I see is that you guys are not looking at your own faults, the moment Gadkari gets exposed, NCP leader Sharad Pawar comes to the rescue of the opposition leader.
These dick head politicians both in BJP and Congress will never join together when it comes to addressing peoples problem, but when their personal integrity is questioned, they join hands and come to the rescue of each other.

You might call Aravind Kegriwal what ever you want, but I see him and JP from Andhra are the people we should be giving chance.

Muslims and other faith are as much brothers as Hindus are. no need to propagate one faith and cause religious disharmoney
In INDIA;s unique case, Democracy cannot correct itself. In order to restart and save itself, it must rebuild. The top is too corrupt and the ppl cannot vote for ppl of caliber.......The same crooks in office haven;t even passed laws to ban criminals from running for such positions. So who are we going to depend on for change? At least Gen. Singh, took a position and stuck by it. Respect him for that. He is only publicly acknowledging what we all truly know.....how fuked up our system is. Is there any other way to change it quickly?
I do not think that the BJP would either do any good, the sollution is to give the chance to people like Arvind Kegriwal

You may as well give chance to Arundati Roy. This guy will destroy every economic progress achieved in the last 20 years.
And another point - although everyone has the right to ASK for the dissolution of parliament,.............

.......... I don't know what's the point of having the right to ask for something that one doesn't have the power to do.

Your post is self-contradictory.
Your post is self-contradictory.

It seems contradictory because you omitted a few words in between when you quoted me. With those omitted words inserted, my post makes perfect sense.

Please explain how my post (in its original form) is self contradictory.

The contradiction is not in my post, it is the system.

Everyone has the right to ASK for the dissolution of parliament - that's a fact.
Nobody has the right to dissolve parliament - that's also a fact.

Please correct my post, if you think it is self contradictory, with the ground reality in mind.
MODERN India? The last time there was a military coup in non-Pakistani part of India was in 185 BC, when Brihadrata Maurya was assassinated by his army chief, Pusyamitra Sunga (thus ending the mauryan dynasty).

No military coup has happened before or since in ancient, medieval or modern India. It just does not resonate with our culture, which would never ever stomach a military that usurps the intelligentsia.

On the other hand this demonstrates lack of ambition among military leaders which is not an admirable quality. The are not hounds held on a leash by a master. Kshatriya Dharma encompasses both administration and military science so it is very much against the Hindu tradition to separate military from the government. As a start, military should be reserved 25% of seats in parliament. On this count, the Pakistani military is keeping with the tradition of its pre Islamic Rajput past. and deserves to be praised.
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