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Former Army chief Gen VK Singh calls for immediate dissolution of Parliamen

I know from experience how the army recruiters filter out potential ambitious ones from selection in the SSB. The ones who are selected are bound to be servile to the political masters. No wonder there won't be a coup in India. But Gen V.K.Singh deserves thanks from every citizen of India. Had he said this while in service, it would have been quite a spectacle.

Which brings us to the logical question; Would the General have acted in the same manner that he did had the government chosen to buy his version of the story and extended his service? Anybody who's not blinded by government hatred can safely deduce that personal vendetta and political ambitions of Mr. Singh were solely responsible for the meltdown and not honor and dignity as the chief wanted to portray.
In a mature democracy like India, personally, i don't think its a good idea for a former Army chief to join politics. Anyway he was the most controversial Army chief ever in Indian military establishment.

Indian should discourage such initiative taken by former army chief even if its required or no one else can do the same what he can do. he has already discredited and dis-honored Army chief position during his last few months in office.
That's a lot of uninformed and unmitigated blabber!

Firstly, India is a democracy and every citizen has the right to join politics except those currently serving in the Armed Forces. And every man in uniform is allowed to vote.

Secondly, what was so controversial about him except for the age row? You don't seem to be aware of the behind-the-scenes political intrigues that were being played out to ensure that Gen VK Singh does NOT get an extension. Why? Because he wanted to put a halt to corruption and take head-on the vested interests especially when thousands of crores were involved in kick backs by the MoD and middlemen.

What were the other controversies? A coup, that was the brain fart of that clown Shekar Gupta? Or reporting corruption to the defence minister? Or the secret letter written by him to the PM which was leaked to the press, which actually was another conspiracy against him by vested interests ii the MoD who wanted to get him out of the way?

Your silly comment that he dis-honored the Army chief's position is just nonsensical tripe and unacceptable. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Get your facts straight otherwise you will be prone to spew baloney like you have just done.
He has a valid reason. What's the use of a parliament that cannot come to any concrete decisions but always is stuck in a time warp when it comes to making development-related or strategic decisions?
You may as well give chance to Arundati Roy. This guy will destroy every economic progress achieved in the last 20 years.
so you mean to say that status quo and the corrupt are the reason that we achieved economic progress.
I see it differently, its individual interest to earn more that has given the economic boom and not the perfect planning of the governments in the last 20 years. Because Kagriwal is exposing the nexus between corporate owners and politicians in looting the nation you fear that the economic progress is going to stop?
Any growth should be sustainable, the path we have taken to reach this height is not sustaiable if we do not give some thing to the future generation and when i mean some thing, i do not mean money rather fresh air, water and land free of pollution.
what we have done is polluted the land we live in to achive export, etc at the cost of the next generations livelyhood. may be you'll setle in the US and your kid will grow there, but those who are in INDIA will perish is a desert if we go by the growth that we are growing thinking about infinite resource.
so you mean to say that status quo and the corrupt are the reason that we achieved economic progress.
I see it differently, its individual interest to earn more that has given the economic boom and not the perfect planning of the governments in the last 20 years. Because Kagriwal is exposing the nexus between corporate owners and politicians in looting the nation you fear that the economic progress is going to stop?
Any growth should be sustainable, the path we have taken to reach this height is not sustaiable if we do not give some thing to the future generation and when i mean some thing, i do not mean money rather fresh air, water and land free of pollution.
what we have done is polluted the land we live in to achive export, etc at the cost of the next generations livelyhood. may be you'll setle in the US and your kid will grow there, but those who are in INDIA will perish is a desert if we go by the growth that we are growing thinking about infinite resource.

Just read his economic vision and please tell me you are not getting nightmares. And please enough with this Oh-you-settled-in-US-yuppies rhetoric. We did not come here for a tour or something. We have come here to work/study hard, off our parents hard earned money with a notion to be something in life. Yes, I am also a kudiyanavan only and no going back to the pre-90s license era is not the solution for anything. And Kejriwal or kujliwal is doing exactly that. He may be a good agitationist, but he is not one bit of the administrator. These one-day-CMs may look good on TV and solver screen, but dont wwork out in real life.

Remember there is no short cut to anything. Kujliwal wants to take the shortcut and he will not get success. Rather he will split the anti-congress votes and give this nation an Italian Raj once more. Be happy with that. And look at his comrades, Prashant Bhushan et al..far leftists, anarchists who will take the nation to its doom.
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