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Forgotten heroes- Sir Zafrullah Khan (rh)

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Nobody accused you of being anti-Pakistan.

What is the issue you also know but atleast its NOT about disloyalty.

Really? I can link you dozens of reports in Urdu media stating that ahmads are agents of the jews, US and God knows what else. Never has any Urdu media outlet had the guts to publish our community's stance on these vile accusations. Maybe you don't read Urdu news papers.

zafar ullah n co is long gone! Now the Ahmedis r nothing but Stooges and touts of west to undermine Pakistan and Pakistanis.........The fact is a Fact.

Is this a new tactic? When confronted with undeniable proof of ahmads sacrifices in the past, you choose to slander the current generations of ahmadis? based on what exactly? the ramblings of your local maualana sahib on the speakers in your locality?
Please, if you are going to state something is a fact, then present concrete evidence. Otherwise I can say that Umair Nawaz is actually a secret lizard creature sitting in Washington DC and pass it off as fact. See how easy it is to conjure up imaginary things?

State has a policy being a Muslim nation to identify the Muslims and Non Muslims. We have the only constitution which gives the definition of a person who claims to be a Muslim or non Muslim.

Anyways these Ahmedis r just western touts its been proved time and again. U will be blind to ignore that fact.

Please present this undeniable fact that you keep repeating. Facts or go take a hike.

West has a lot of influence......As a person whose with a military background i can assure u that! u will be surprised to know the hidden reality. While ISI is busy saving Pak, CIA is also busy in their strategies to achieve 'their desires.'

Please present the undeniable fact. Now.
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Muhammad Asad– The First Citizen of Pakistan
M. Ikram Chaghatai

"After going through the harrowing experiences of Partition (1947), Asad reached Lahore and settled here. Two months after Pakistan appeared on the map of the world, Nawab of Mamdot, the first Chief Minister of West Punjab, contacted Asad for establishing a special department to work out the ideological premises on which Pakistan should rest. Asad accepted this proposal and within a few days the scheme was set forth in a formal Memorandum, the budget estimate discussed and approved in conjunction with the Head of the Finance Department, and an official notification issued. The Department of Islamic Reconstruction– the first government institution with which the word `Islamic’ appeared– came into existence. Explaining the aims and objectives of this newly created Department in a radio talk on 18th October 1947, Asad proposed to make it a sort of “clearing-house” of ideas and endeavours aiming at religious and social uplift of the Muslim Ummah. Though it was his ‘baby’, he had to leave it under the pressure of Liaquat Ali Khan, the Prime Minister, and join the Foreign Service as Deputy Secretary in charge of the Middle East Division.

This Division comprised the whole Arab world, including North Africa, as well as Iran. Asad had very definite ideas as to the policies which Pakistan ought to pursue in that part of the world. Soon he prepared a long, explicit memorandum for the Foreign Minister, Sir Zafrullah Khan, outlining his policy proposals in some detail. On completion, this memorandum contained some outspoken criticism of the policies pursued by the Government until then. In this confidential document, Asad emphatically recommended immediate cooperation with the Arab States for creation of something like a League of Muslim Nations and having discussed it with the Prime Minister, he officially toured Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Syria with the very first passport marked “citizen of Pakistan”. At the end of this diplomatic mission, he received the news of Liaquat Ali Khan’s assassination (1951), which proved a full stop to his plans for uniting Muslim nations. On his return, he submitted a report on his Middle East tour to the Foreign Minister, Sir Zafrullah Khan, who read it through carefully and then put it aside. Thus, Asad’s enthusiasm for Muslim unity became a file in the archives of the Foreign Ministry."

Muhammad Asad– The First Citizen of Pakistan
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Shias can be controlled as their influence is largely by iran. As long as they r not influenced largely by west, we should be just fine.

Ahmadis are "Westen Bastards" in your words and Shias " influenced by Iran and can be controlled ".


Waah Nawaz miya waah ??

Who is next in your list who is a western bastard or needs to be controlled ?? Barelvis ?? Deobandis ?? Who ??
West has a lot of influence......As a person whose with a military background i can assure u that! u will be surprised to know the hidden reality. While ISI is busy saving Pak, CIA is also busy in their strategies to achieve 'their desires.'

western influence is not destructive its more productive unlike what these extremists are doing to this country ..proof :: there are no anti Pakistani sentiments in any of Pakistani city , esp in sindh , punjab and kpk rural areas ..! where as FATA where so called assets or extremists have influence are declared as Islamic emirates of Waziristan , technically they have declared independence also their is no writ since last 10 years
Really? I can link you dozens of reports in Urdu media stating that ahmads are agents of the jews, US and God knows what else. Never has any Urdu media outlet had the guts to publish our community's stance on these vile accusations. Maybe you don't read Urdu news papers.


urdu press is gutter press currently.

Why would you even take them seriously.

Even Urdu website of Express Tribune publishes masala translation.
Ahmadis are "Westen Bastards" in your words and Shias " influenced by Iran and can be controlled ".


Waah Nawaz miya waah ??

Who is next in your list who is a western bastard or needs to be controlled ?? Barelvis ?? Deobandis ?? Who ??

When he means control. He means controlling the population of Shia Muslims. Regular genocides against Shia helps maintain healthy population of Shia so they don't out breed pure Sunni Muslims and make Pakistan Napakistan.

urdu press is gutter press currently.

Why would you even take them seriously.

Even Urdu website of Express Tribune publishes masala translation.

Urdu Press is for Semi-literate Pakistanis with poor English skills. Urdu press usually includes more conspiracy theories like Ahmadis have a underground nuclear reactor in Rabwah and that Jews are arming Ahmadis.
When he means control. He means controlling the population of Shia Muslims. Regular genocides against Shia helps maintain healthy population of Shia so they don't out breed pure Sunni Muslims and make Pakistan Napakistan.

I am disappointed that the Drivel is coming out from what it looks like, a well educated guy who can use internet .
I am disappointed that the Drivel is coming out from what it looks like, a well educated guy who can use internet .

What do you mean well educated? Ayman Al zawahiri is a doctor and yet hes gone commando.
What do you mean well educated? Ayman Al zawahiri is a doctor and yet hes gone commando.

I expect educated people to be least prone to radicalization . Ayman AL zawahiri is a doctors but hundreds of thousands following him are most likely not .
Urdu Press is for Semi-literate Pakistanis with poor English skills. Urdu press usually includes more conspiracy theories like Ahmadis have a underground nuclear reactor in Rabwah and that Jews are arming Ahmadis.

vernacular press was the best as far as literary work and its role in reforming society is concerned.

currently the urdu press is just a tool to sell things to wider readers/audience.

anyway it does not mean that those who can understand english and speak are educated or literate ones ;)
I expect educated people to be least prone to radicalization . Ayman AL zawahiri is a doctors but hundreds of thousands following him are most likely not .

I agree but mindset plays a big role too. Specially religious brainwashing works well on even educated people. Although they are less likely to go and blow themselves up (that job is usually reserved for young broken youths from religious and poor backgrounds).

In my opinion these educated people who support Al Qaida and other terrorist organisations tend to be used for furthering their propaganda and even as spies rather being sent to die.
Muhammad Asad– The First Citizen of Pakistan
M. Ikram Chaghatai

"After going through the harrowing experiences of Partition (1947), Asad reached Lahore and settled here. Two months after Pakistan appeared on the map of the world, Nawab of Mamdot, the first Chief Minister of West Punjab, contacted Asad for establishing a special department to work out the ideological premises on which Pakistan should rest. Asad accepted this proposal and within a few days the scheme was set forth in a formal Memorandum, the budget estimate discussed and approved in conjunction with the Head of the Finance Department, and an official notification issued. The Department of Islamic Reconstruction– the first government institution with which the word `Islamic’ appeared– came into existence. Explaining the aims and objectives of this newly created Department in a radio talk on 18th October 1947, Asad proposed to make it a sort of “clearing-house” of ideas and endeavours aiming at religious and social uplift of the Muslim Ummah. Though it was his ‘baby’, he had to leave it under the pressure of Liaquat Ali Khan, the Prime Minister, and join the Foreign Service as Deputy Secretary in charge of the Middle East Division.

This Division comprised the whole Arab world, including North Africa, as well as Iran. Asad had very definite ideas as to the policies which Pakistan ought to pursue in that part of the world. Soon he prepared a long, explicit memorandum for the Foreign Minister, Sir Zafrullah Khan, outlining his policy proposals in some detail. On completion, this memorandum contained some outspoken criticism of the policies pursued by the Government until then. In this confidential document, Asad emphatically recommended immediate cooperation with the Arab States for creation of something like a League of Muslim Nations and having discussed it with the Prime Minister, he officially toured Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Syria with the very first passport marked “citizen of Pakistan”. At the end of this diplomatic mission, he received the news of Liaquat Ali Khan’s assassination (1951), which proved a full stop to his plans for uniting Muslim nations. On his return, he submitted a report on his Middle East tour to the Foreign Minister, Sir Zafrullah Khan, who read it through carefully and then put it aside. Thus, Asad’s enthusiasm for Muslim unity became a file in the archives of the Foreign Ministry."

Muhammad Asad– The First Citizen of Pakistan

Well , Sir Zafarullah Khan can not be held responsible for that . There was a much deeper conspiracy .

Asad visited Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Turkey. Cairo was the only capital, which gave a cold shoulder to the idea of a League of Muslim nations. He was in Ankara when the news came that Liaquat Ali Khan had been assassinated. “I saw immediately that this was the end of my Middle East tour and a full stop to our plans for a League of Muslim Nations,” Asad noted. He flew back to Karachi but was late for the funeral. “On my return I learned that before he had set out on his last tragic journey, Liaquat had made some notes for a public speech which he intended to deliver the next morning. Those notes were found on his desk. They consisted of only a few words, all of them heavily underlined in red: ‘League of Muslim Nations’ and ‘Constitution – apparently relating to the speech that was never delivered. Since then I have often asked myself: Was there a connection between Liaquat Ali’s death and the purport of those notes? Was I, thus, indirectly responsible for his death? I do not know,” writes a mournful Asad. His tour report was submitted to the Foreign Minister, who Asad notes, “read it through carefully and then put it aside. My search after Muslim unity became a file in the archives of the Foreign Ministry.”

Liaquat Ali Khan was the man responsible for giving Pakistan the conservative "blessing" (against jinnah`s vision of a progressive state) . Liquat Ali consumed alcohol and was a known womanizer . obviously he tried to use religion as a political tool . Liaquat was not liked by Jinnah (as Fatima Jinnah records in her book , "My Brother") , and many believe that he was a part of conspiracy , hatched against Jinnah . So if we touch this topic , a whole new pandora box may get opened .

And do you know that following Nehru`s visit , the government of KSA received him with slogans of "Rasul us Salam" (The messenger of peace) and did not allow Pakistan to open a consulate in KSA (for over four years) , so why cry about "league of Muslim Nations" and other Ummah related stuff when no body cared about us ??

Sir Zafarullah Khan as a foreign minister had always been good to Asad , when Muhammad Asad drafted along a controversial memorandum for the Foreign Minister outlining his policy proposals , He was called by the Foreign Secretary Ikramullah who said, “I have read your memorandum, and I am shocked! Asad, you simply cannot criticize the Foreign Minister and, yes, the Prime Minister in this way!..... If you want me to sign it , On your head be it, then.” After a couple of days, Asad came to know that the Foreign Minister was not in the least offended and sent the memorandum on to the Prime Minister who called Asad to discuss his policy proposals.

Also Zafarullah Khan was the one who cancelled his transfer orders to Argentina . Upon receiving his transfer orders . Asad protested to the Foreign Secretary, “But Ikramullah Sahib, I am a Middle East man – my field is the Arab world, or at least the Muslim world! What have I got to do with South America?” He was directed to see the Foreign Minister, who insisted on compliance with the posting order. “In that case, sir, I am now going straight back to my office to write out my resignation from the Foreign Service,” was Asad’s response, at which Zafarullah Khan said, “Don’t be too hasty, Asad. I will think it over.” The posting order was cancelled

The real disagreement between Zafarullah Khan and Muhammad Asad arose when Muhammad Asad fell in love with a polish married lady !!

In New York, Asad met and fell in love with the unhappily married Pola, an American Muslim of Polish origin, who then worked at Voice of America. She accepted his marriage proposal. Asad wrote a letter to inform and ask Munira and Talal to persuade his mother to accept his father’s decision to re-marry. In accordance with the regulations of the Foreign Service of Pakistan, Asad applied for Karachi’s permission to marry, and with the request also appended a letter of resignation. It would then be up to the government of Pakistan to accept either of the two letters. Asad writes, “Since recently a very junior member of our Foreign Service had been granted permission to marry a German girl, I was sure that I would be accorded the same treatment. To make doubly sure, I requested Zafarullah Khan – who had known Pola for well over a year before I made my appearance on the scene and had often lunched with her during his many visits to New York – to put in a word with the Governor-General, which he promised to do.” Asad and Pola planned to fly to Mexico where Pola could get a quick divorce.

Asad’s letter sent Munira into a rage and she complained to Pakistan’s High Commissioner in London that her husband was going to abandon her. Asad writes, “She raised such a scandal that the High commissioner not only saw fit to address me a highly offensive letter of ‘admonition’, but also – quite unwarrantably – wrote to the Governor-General Khwaja Nazimuddin asking him to intervene directly in the matter. It goes without saying that all this proved highly damaging to my position in the Foreign Service, to the delight not only of Ahmad Shah Bukhari but many other envious or ambitious people. And then there appeared the ‘fine Italian hand’ of Zafarullah Khan, who had his own particular interests in mind.” His marriage was denied and resignation accepted. That was the end of the year 1952. This is where Asad left his memoir, which after his death in Spain in 1992, was filled in by Pola .

So brother before judging someone on basis of what someone else said about him , we should try to understand the reason behind dislike . Sir Zafarullah Khan was a great man , and we should not disown him on the basis that he did not follow the popular version of Islam !!

I don't think anywhere in my opening post is it asserted that which is being disputed by the author of this article. Although personally I do believe it to be the case, my only question is, what on earth was the point of posting this huge wall of text on a post which didn't even mention this particular topic. I saw your previous comment as well, seems you're just desperate to post anything that you think hurts the credibility of Hazrat Zafrullah Khan sahibs. I can only laugh at your childish attempts.
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