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For Indians - Have you made a conscious effort to avoid Chinese brands?

Indians : Are you making a conscious effort to avoid Chinese brands?

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Jan 20, 2010
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A lot of products are made in China and it is not possible to completely avoid Made in China products. But have any of you made a conscious effort to ban / avoid Chinese brands.
I've cancelled a couple of orders and recently bought someone a Samsung phone rather buy a Chinese brand. I use a OnePlus device but intend to switch to Samsung as well.
Its just political stunt. None in my friend circle or any of their circle is doing anything to avoid Chinese products. Its life as usual.
Don't give too much Importance to people on internet yelling . They few and loud slogan makers only. Common man who has some knowledge about China affairs. cares only 1 thing are the country's borders ok than everything is good.
He is speaking the true. Nobody is forcing u to stay.

But some are thick skinned. :enjoy:

Btw, 99% of Chinese products are essential goods and not luxury products. You buy Chinese becos its value for money.
Lol. Of course they are. But there are alternatives.

After accusing Twitter and FB of Indian bias, it is ridiculous of a Pakistani member to state something like this. As soon as the Pakistanis stop using pro India Twitter and Facebook, Indians will leave such a forum too.
I have stopped looking at Chinese girls. Boycott means boycott!
In extremely price sensitive India, there is NO boycott can't be defeated by 5% dicount. If there is, then 10%.
Realistically not possible. There is an Indian audio company called Zebrionics which has an R&D lab designing electronics speakers, computer peripherals and stuff but manufacture in China to be price competitive and yet IP is there.
Or some sticker companies like Micromax who manufacture in India with zero IP importing almost every component except for the cardboard box and plastics.

The choice is what you need to encourage. Indian IP or Indian manufacture? Our manufacturing is improving for sure, and I was pretty shocked to see some specialised RF cables and antennas were made in India but on price we need component makers here to be competitive and will take another 5 years.
Realistically not possible. There is an Indian audio company called Zebrionics which has an R&D lab designing electronics speakers, computer peripherals and stuff but manufacture in China to be price competitive and yet IP is there.
Or some sticker companies like Micromax who manufacture in India with zero IP importing almost every component except for the cardboard box and plastics.

The choice is what you need to encourage. Indian IP or Indian manufacture? Our manufacturing is improving for sure, and I was pretty shocked to see some specialised RF cables and antennas were made in India but on price we need component makers here to be competitive and will take another 5 years.
I realize that avoiding "Made in China" products is not possible. That's why my question was about Chinese brands.
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