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For Indians - Have you made a conscious effort to avoid Chinese brands?

Indians : Are you making a conscious effort to avoid Chinese brands?

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Let's be honest ... basically all of these Indian posters in this thread are typing from a Chinese phone (e.g. Xiaomi, Vivo) or using a Made In China phone like the iPhone lmao. This thread is beyond stupid.
Actually even a lot of Chinese brands Make in India. But that's a different topic.
Once the import duty increases on Chinese products ,it will be automatically become costly and substandard thus significantly reducing sales in India.

Besides Indians have started recognising Chinese brands and have started finding alternatives ,it will take time but it will happen.
By observing India's boycot movement, I'm very happy that Chinese is far far less interested to play such boycot games nowadays.

I consider this is a maturity or progress of a society.

Normal consumers have the right to spend their hard-earned money on whatever they want.
Whoever pressure them are unethical not the other way around.

I will appreciate the conscientious effort that you have done however i frankly detest such fed patriotism especially when there exists no alternative of the product you are boycott. Most consumer thoughts will always revolve around the 'The best thing for The best Price' and this is a vast concept because the best thing could be an old model for the best price in the mind of the consumer which is formed from his financial ability.

Let me give you an example. When i wanted to buy a mobile, 4-5 years ago, i had about 15k max to buy a good smartphone which could be stretched to 18k. So the best price for me was approx 15k. In that amount, i could not purchase any top brand mobile thus i was forced to search for alternatives that matched that product for my price. I was able to get a Lenovo mobile which has served me well in all things to this day and is serving me even now. Now lets say that for some reason, Pakistan was boycotting China and i was being looked at with patriotic eyes. I would be left with no mobile and that would be unfair to me and an infringement of my Fundamental Right. Similarly the people should not be forced to feel guilty that they purchased a made in China product when you dont offer an equivalent alternative that is minimum at the same level both in terms of product and price.
When i go for weekly or monthly shopping, my idea is still the same to buy a good product for a good price and if its Chinese, then the consumer has the right to buy it. To guilt trip him or question his patriotism is extremely unfair. I am not saying you are doing this, so dont get me wrong however i am making a point that for me, controlling the consumption of a consumer is highly flawed. Frankly its an infringement of a some Fundamental Rights but in our region we like to feed patriotism as a means to serve the country rather than actually serve the country.
Its just political stunt. None in my friend circle or any of their circle is doing anything to avoid Chinese products. Its life as usual.
Don't give too much Importance to people on internet yelling . They few and loud slogan makers only. Common man who has some knowledge about China affairs. cares only 1 thing are the country's borders ok than everything is good.
I had a complete opposite experience,I wanted to buy a led tv 2 months ago and back of my head I had a thought of not buying a Chinese product ,everyone I spoke with told me not to buy Chinese brand and when I looked up there are non Chinese alternatives and it is true most of the cases Chinese brands are cheaper by few hundred or thousand rupees.i bought a non Chinese brand tv who's led panel was made in Japan ,I am happy with the product .
Samsung has a quite a few million phones made in China. It is about make in China than about made in China the reason world brands has shifted their production to China, cost arbitration, China being the 'world's factory' the manufacturing giant the, reason.

The recent news coming that Samsung is shifting some of the production away from China on US pressure.

not because of US pressure, but because Samsung phones can't sell in China anymore. They are not competitive.
Lol I come here for entertainment plus I'm always curious about pakistan . some rare occasions there are some members who has useful insight to share.
I had a complete opposite experience,I wanted to buy a led tv 2 months ago and back of my head I had a thought of not buying a Chinese product ,everyone I spoke with told me not to buy Chinese brand and when I looked up there are non Chinese alternatives and it is true most of the cases Chinese brands are cheaper by few hundred or thousand rupees.i bought a non Chinese brand tv who's led panel was made in Japan ,I am happy with the product .

Of course there will be different opinions India is a diverse country. But practically, as Chinese phones/ tvs are selling the same number, its not a very large number of people.
Lol. Of course they are. But there are alternatives.

After accusing Twitter and FB of Indian bias, it is ridiculous of a Pakistani member to state something like this. As soon as the Pakistanis stop using pro India Twitter and Facebook, Indians will leave such a forum too.
You're an indiot!
I realize that avoiding "Made in China" products is not possible. That's why my question was about Chinese brands.

Avoiding Made in China is possible in other sectors but not electronics. Let's say tyres!, Hell even cutlery, some plastics, engineering goods (we are very good in that), Toys etc. Even some brands of pressure cookers made in china.
The thing is their Chinese govt through state owned banks give really good terms of loans. It's simply not possible to swarm the market with goods which nobody buys. In that way they reduce the price.
After some months people start looking for cheapest starts to buy that stuff. Since the loan terms are very very liberal they are ok feeling initial losses. And that's how they achieve manufacturing scale. And that's completely illegal. But that's how their manufacturing developed. Their internet companies were copycats of western IP and were nurtured in an environment without competition. Can India do these? Illegally we can do. But our banks care about ratings from Western conpamies, go through audit and be clean. But we don't have the willpower and imagine the scandal of how the such a loan is distributed.
He is speaking the true. Nobody is forcing u to stay.

But some are thick skinned. :enjoy:

Btw, 99% of Chinese products are essential goods and not luxury products. You buy Chinese becos its value for money.
This forum is a gold mine for Indians like myself. Provides insight into the mind of an educated worldly wise Pakistani. Nothing can be more valuable.
Banning products is against free market principles, of which I am a strong prominent, but seems to be a good tactic for now as beyond denying access to a juicy market, India has little else to offer in terms of a counter economic move.
I always look up to China for how they have progressed up the value chain in terms of scaling their industrial output and innovation.
We should learn from them in the long run
The ground reality is that most of the Indian or even the world could never boycott China at all.
Chinese goods are more necessity than luxury.

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