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For indian interest Awami League imposing 4 times more on RLY Proj

What's else is left to be given away.

Which is other words translate into- India is trying to curtail BD's sovereignty with the help of a autocratic facist party like BAL. CHanakyan hegemons want to make BD a cannon fodder for Indian strategic ambitions. Naturally we BDs can't be lectured to accept this lunny logic of development & friendship. Its not necessary that our interest should always match, rather its the contrary that countries with such vast power disparity would have naturally different strategic & security concerns and interest. Let me put it more simply- Friendship with a certain political party doesn't ever translate to "friendship" with the country and neither is that sustainable.

Sorry to be blunt but beggers can't be choosers. We faced ignominy when we got loans from IMF and had to put up with their austerity measures. Every developing country goes through these growing pains.
This post shows that U are pretty ignorant about BD matters which is natural but then why go on spouting rubbish propaganda from Indian outlets.:omghaha: Elections are uncertain thanks to Hasina amending the constitution and abolishing the caretaker gov system that held all national elections since 1990. Why do U think all the hartals are for? BAL wants to stay in power eternally which is overtly and covertly backed by India off course.

My post shows that I have a life to take care of outside PDF and don't have much time to follow every little nuisance these two begams are creating.

And for Hasina, for heaven's sake get rid of her somehow, CANCEL ALL DEALS WITH INDIA, and SPARE US. I don't care whether you rout her, jail her, kill her, or whatever.

Rail lines, buses, flyovers, power plants, everything is Indian conspiracy in Bangladesh, my goodness!!
Railways itself is a luxury there! :P

They travel in their Murir Tin trains. :sarcastic:

leave it. self delete.
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Broad gauge is useless to us unless BCIM corridor is created.The only country we are linked to through railway is India...and its only one line between Kolkata and Dhaka....All other meter gauges in our country are serving us pretty well!
broad gauge improves capacity taking tiny amount of extra land. Are you sure your existing rail infra is good enough for bangladesh?
broad gauge improves capacity taking tiny amount of extra land. Are you sure your existing rail infra is good enough for bangladesh?

Didn't want to offend anybody by posting the images, but just google for images of "Bangladesh Railway" and check how horribly overcrowded the trains are, even we have overcrowded trains, but those pictures are beyond any imagination! And that's why they badly need modernization of their railways; not for some silly conspiracy to take away 400 crore Bangladeshi taka which is hardly any amount worth plotting conspiracies. Broad gauge lines do increase carrying capacity.
@ $1 a day rate millions and millions of indians live off looting from Bangladesh. India is getting more dependent on Awami aided looting from Bangladesh. We have seen how Awami League accepted indian "loan" to generate interest income for india. There was no need for that money as there are ample idle fund in Bangladesh already. Then we saw endless indian looting scheme with help of Awami League:

Multiple problems with newly imported indian buses, are grounded now


Indian oil tanker ridden with faults rendered useless even before use

Indian companies robbing millions from Bangladesh
@ $1 a day rate millions and millions of indians live off looting from Bangladesh. India is getting more dependent on Awami aided looting from Bangladesh. We have seen how Awami League accepted indian "loan" to generate interest income for india. There was no need for that money as there are ample idle fund in Bangladesh already. Then we saw endless indian looting scheme with help of Awami League:
Multiple problems with newly imported indian buses, are grounded now

Indian oil tanker ridden with faults rendered useless even before use

Indian companies robbing millions from Bangladesh

1. Bangladesh's per capita income is lower than India's, hope you are not mocking Indian poverty.

2. Regarding Indians living on interest income from Bangladesh; India gave $1 billion loan for 20 years to BD @1.75%, out of that India has already written off $200 million as grant, so you are not even paying the principal of $200 million, let alone interest. For rest of the $800 million, it will generate a total interest of $148 million @1.75% compounding interest rate for 20 years, which is less than the amount we have already written off. In short you won't even pay back $1 billion after 20 years, so much for interest income. I suggest you save these bedtime stories for your grand children.

3. Those buses and oil tankers and taxis work just fine for us, once BNP comes to power, simply return them and ask India to write off that money also, most of those were paid from the soft loan itself. And also ask BNP to return rest of the loan and grant once they come to power, Bangladesh is cash rich, you don't need it. I will keep reminding you once they come to power. In short, undo all the deals and spare us.
Bangladesh eventually plans on joining the intra country trade corridor right?
Then it would have to upgrade every line to broad gauge.
And its not a question of broad gauge's serving you very well. Its a question that any and every heavy density line must be made broad gauge because it gives better service, increases the carrying capacity of the line - both passenger and goods. There is a reason India is spending so much money in upgrading these lines.

Apart from that since broad gauge is the international standard, the bogies are cheaper to source, cheaper to maintain.

Thirdly, in a dense country like Bangladesh where land is scarce, it is a wonder your governments did not start broad gauging two decades back.
Some 30 years back, India took a decision to wind up5% non-BG every year. That left the Indian manufacturers related to MG lines worried. Through RITES, IRCON and Indians posted in ADB and WB, and by influencing BD officials India ensured BR remained a dumping ground for surplus/used Indian MG eqpt. Reports of old Indian locomotives and other eqpt supplied to us as new have been appearing in our media. Many inquiries were held resulting in nothing.
Some 30 years back, India took a decision to wind up5% non-BG every year. That left the Indian manufacturers related to MG lines worried. Through RITES, IRCON and Indians posted in ADB and WB, and by influencing BD officials India ensured BR remained a dumping ground for surplus/used Indian MG eqpt. Reports of old Indian locomotives and other eqpt supplied to us as new have been appearing in our media. Many inquiries were held resulting in nothing.

Where you read that crap. :omghaha::omghaha:
Sorry to be blunt but beggers can't be choosers. We faced ignominy when we got loans from IMF and had to put up with their austerity measures. Every developing country goes through these growing pains.

I don't get why U spend your time arguing about things U have naturally no idea off. Admitting your ignorance about some foreign country is nothing to be ashamed off. Just like the other Indians U also go on spouting non-sense assuming things based on fantasies and living in self made grandeur of a imaginary world centred around India. May be its an Indian thing.

If I get your post correctly- U are asuming India's 1 bn $$ loan was desperately needed by BD and India is IMF. Seriously? It can't get any funnier than that. Beggars can't be choosers?We BDs are begging U? Its your beggar gov that has been begging for access through BD for over 40 years. The shitty loan was pushed down our throat as your have managed to implant your slaves in BD's throne. SO the the billion $$ shit is not measuring up to expectations as most project envisioned under the plan got cancelled due to variety of reasons. And if we needed loan we have excellent donor-recieper relations with IMF/WB/JICA/Japan/UK etc until the current regime ruined it by corruption scams. And another question- when U took aid from IMF I am pretty sure GOI presented the details of the agreement in the parliament as they are accountable to the Indian public. But guess what AL never presented any of the agreement signed with India in the parliament as the whole country is still in dark about what's its all about. They even passed a law/amendment annuling the any need for such accountability. That's should explain a lot why we BDs are opposed to any such indo-awami schemes bound to be based on fraudulence and devious violation of our sovereignty and interest.
I don't get why U spend your time arguing about things U have naturally no idea off. Admitting your ignorance about some foreign country is nothing to be ashamed off. Just like the other Indians U also go on spouting non-sense assuming things based on fantasies and living in self made grandeur of a imaginary world centred around India. May be its an Indian thing.

If I get your post correctly- U are asuming India's 1 bn $$ loan was desperately needed by BD and India is IMF. Seriously? It can't get any funnier than that. Beggars can't be choosers?We BDs are begging U? Its your beggar gov that has been begging for access through BD for over 40 years. The shitty loan was pushed down our throat as your have managed to implant your slaves in BD's throne. SO the the billion $$ shit is not measuring up to expectations as most project envisioned under the plan got cancelled due to variety of reasons. And if we needed loan we have excellent donor-recieper relations with IMF/WB/JICA/Japan/UK etc until the current regime ruined it by corruption scams. And another question- when U took aid from IMF I am pretty sure GOI presented the details of the agreement in the parliament as they are accountable to the Indian public. But guess what AL never presented any of the agreement signed with India in the parliament as the whole country is still in dark about what's its all about. They even passed a law/amendment annuling the any need for such accountability. That's should explain a lot why we BDs are opposed to any such indo-awami schemes bound to be based on fraudulence and devious violation of our sovereignty and interest.

Bangladesh is the only country in the world that first takes grants and soft loans, and then blame the donator & lender for their kindness. We don't care which party is ruling, it is the Govt. of Bangladesh elected by the people of Bangladesh who took it. And if you guys have problem with that, then make it a point to return the money promptly as soon as BNP comes to power, I will keep reminding you along with Idune.
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