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For first time in last 500 years, China is stronger then Russia, who is to blame?

Who is to blame?

  • Gorbachev reforms

  • Yeltsin failed capitalism

  • Putin economy dependency on natural resources

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After the USSR broke apart, Russians were hoping the West will come to aid the latest democracy in Moscow. They were cheated and remained stagnant militarily and broke economically, until Putin came into power, pulling Russia back up slowly and painfully.

The western democracy failed the hope of Russians, they need a strong man like Putin. Russian military has no reserve power, their hardware are dated. They still have those nukes which made them nuclear super power though not in conventional military power.

Those Russian who believe western democracies will save them are the ones to be blamed. Putin proved them wrong.
More likely China started to fall behind the Western world around 17th century, and totally got beaten by 19th cenutry. However China was still able to defeat European powers like Spain in 17th century. With that kind of manpower in China, European power would not able to defeat China until the industrial revolution. But what the point of this thread, all countries have their up and down. Even Japan with earlier industrial reformed can fight Russian Empire as euqal in 19th century.
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Certain military metrics yes, the Russian Navy is a joke except for those nuclear subs.

Its a 'joke' armed with Hypersonics,nuclear subs ,extremely effective jamming technologies,long range cruise missiles,diesel subs ,frigates,AD/anti ballistic systems and corvettes carrying ultra range missiles( Caliber is now 4,500 km range) proven in the Syrian theatre. Chinese military is unproven and could not even contain the US NGO sponsored mass protests in Hong Kong over extradition agreement(lol, That is hilarious this is the part of China and USA can prevent extradition to China,but USA can extradit anyone from Hong Kong) and cannot prevent US incursions around Spratly Islands. Compare that with Russian performance in suppressing hybrid attacks.

The USA keeps doubling down on threats to China ,but it does not do at the same level with Russia ? why? Russia has the firepower to decimate USA,something China does not have still. Xi backs down from Trump. But the Generals of Russia ,Shoigu and Gerasimov they forced bolton and Pompeo to back down from attacking Venezuela .
Its a 'joke' armed with Hypersonics,nuclear subs ,extremely effective jamming technologies,long range cruise missiles,diesel subs ,frigates,AD/anti ballistic systems and corvettes carrying ultra range missiles( Caliber is now 4,500 km range) proven in the Syrian theatre. Chinese military is unproven and could not even contain the US NGO sponsored mass protests in Hong Kong over extradition agreement(lol, That is hilarious this is the part of China and USA can prevent extradition to China,but USA can extradit anyone from Hong Kong) and cannot prevent US incursions around Spratly Islands. Compare that with Russian performance in suppressing hybrid attacks.

The USA keeps doubling down on threats to China ,but it does not do at the same level with Russia ? why? Russia has the firepower to decimate USA,something China does not have still. Xi backs down from Trump. But the Generals of Russia ,Shoigu and Gerasimov they forced bolton and Pompeo to back down from attacking Venezuela .
It is still a joke, your Navy is rusting. You had to friggin tow your aircraft carrier for God's sake. Your air force is I'll equiped and the maintenance is crap. Nobody is doubting those legacy weapons, but apart from subs, China is basically better than Russian tech. You want us to start massacring hongkies now? We promised autonomy and freedom, they have the freedom to demonstrate. Is HK still under our control? Who cares. In 20 years we remove their autonomy.

Ever wonder why your economy can't produce jack shit? That's wht happens when you concentrate all into weapons genius. Now you are nothing but our gas tank. That's all! And you think we can't make nukes and missiles?
It is still a joke, your Navy is rusting. You had to friggin tow your aircraft carrier for God's sake. Your air force is I'll equiped and the maintenance is crap. Nobody is doubting those legacy weapons, but apart from subs, China is basically better than Russian tech. You want us to start massacring hongkies now? We promised autonomy and freedom, they have the freedom to demonstrate. Is HK still under our control? Who cares. In 20 years we rice their autonomy.

Call me when guys can have an extradition agreement with Hong Kong which is technically your Land . USa has an extradition agreement with Hong Kong. American Hybrid war runs wild there. I wouldn't be surprised if USA landed forces in Hong Kong and China is forced to back down. American NGO's control the hearts and minds of Hong Kong people.

Even Kashmir is autonomous,but what happened in Hong Kong is treason ,I use to think that China is freedom lacking but it seems China has given too much freedom to treasonous political hackjobs.

Atleast in aircraft carrier,destroyers ,drones,supercomputers China is better than Russia. In the rest it still has to catch up. First build enough firepower to decimate USA else USA will do a new 'Hong Kong' in China and overthrow the official govt of China as Xi backs down to Pompeo,Bolton and Trump threats every time. You cannot even keep US forces from violating Chinese sovereignity of Spratly Islands .
Call me when guys can have an extradition agreement with Hong Kong which is technically your Land . USa has an extradition agreement with Hong Kong. American Hybrid war runs wild there. I wouldn't be surprised if USA landed forces in Hong Kong and China is forced to back down. American NGO's control the hearts and minds of Hong Kong people.

Even Kashmir is autonomous,but what happened in Hong Kong is treason ,I use to think that China is freedom lacking but it seems China has given too much freedom to treasonous political hackjobs.

Atleast in aircraft carrier,destroyers ,drones,supercomputers China is better than Russia. In the rest it still has to catch up. First build enough firepower to decimate USA else USA will do a new 'Hong Kong' in China and overthrow the official govt of China as Xi backs down to Pompeo,Bolton and Trump threats every time. You cannot even keep US forces from violating Chinese sovereignity of Spratly Islands .
What has extradition law got to do with military economic and scientific capability? We chose to give them freedom, it was agreed this will be until 2047. We stick by it. Whatever agreement HK had between other countries would remain for 50 years. We were patient enough not to invade HK for almost 50 years. Kashmir? You want us to rape and kill like Indians? How can you even compare? You don't see people killing 40 soldiers there right? Are you indian? Btw?

Russian is behind or on par on almost everything except subs when compared to China.
What has extradition law got to do with military economic and scientific capability? We chose to give them freedom, it was agreed this will be until 2047. We stick by it. Whatever agreement HK had between other countries would remain for 50 years. We were patient enough not to invade HK for almost 50 years. Kashmir? You want us to rape and kill like Indians? How can you even compare? You don't see people killing 40 soldiers there right? Are you indian? Btw?

Russian is behind or on par on almost everything except subs when compared to China.

Atleast India is not stupid like China . Not a wonder Neocons blackmail China and China bends everytime.Be ready for a new opium war on china ,Unless Xi grows a set of balls . 800 billion$ of money illegally exited China via Hong Kong money laundering and China is not able to extradite those responsible. Yes, USA NGO's and the hong Kong billionaires connected to triads and the CIA drug trafficking networks are doing everything to frustrate Chinese attempts to stop this via extradition agreements.But protests and China backs down. If 800 billion was stolen from India via Kashmir, Prime minister Modi would double down to catch those responsible in Kashmirr . But China lol, backed down.

And Russia is still ahead according to Global firepower index .Maybe 10 years ,it will change in favor of china .But not now.

Atleast India is not stupid like China . Not a wonder Neocons blackmail China and China bends everytime.Be ready for a new opium war on china ,Unless Xi grows a set of balls . 800 billion$ of money illegally exited China via Hong Kong money laundering and China is not able to extradite those responsible. Yes, USA NGO's and the hong Kong billionaires connected to triads and the CIA drug trafficking networks are doing everything to frustrate Chinese attempts to stop this via extradition agreements.But protests and China backs down. If 800 billion was stolen from India via Kashmir, Prime minister Modi would double down to catch those responsible in Kashmirr . But China lol, backed down.

And Russia is still ahead according to Global firepower index .Maybe 10 years ,it will change in favor of china .But not now.

India is not stupid? Is being being a coward is considered smart?you can't even feed nor provide water to her people. Your people are drinking pee water as we speak. Lol. Blackmailed? India was the first to bend whenever US flicks his finger, China just resist. If we bend over then there wouldn't be a trade war nor would there be buying oil from Iran. Common sense Bhai. We have been under sanctions and containment for the past 30 years, funny is how we are the second most powerful nation on Earth.

Money going out from HK is private and yet we still have 3.1 trillion of reserve. India? The west just need to take out some money from your stock exchange and your country collapses. Who is the bitch bending over now?
India is not stupid? Is being being a coward is considered smart?you can't even feed nor provide water to her people. Your people are drinking pee water as we speak. Lol. Blackmailed? India was the first to bend whenever US flicks his finger, China just resist. If we bend over then there wouldn't be a trade war nor would there be buying oil from Iran. Common sense Bhai. We have been under sanctions and containment for the past 30 years, funny is how we are the second most powerful nation on Earth.

Money going out from HK is private and yet we still have 3.1 trillion of reserve. India? The west just need to take out some money from your stock exchange and your country collapses. Who is the bitch bending over now?

India is not giving in to S-400 sanctions or other Russian sanctions. India is purchasing sanctioned venesuelan and Iranian oil via Russia i.e. Rosneft. We are being Smart and using sly hidden methods that is why Trump is threatening us with tariffs.
We call it Chanakya Neti.

China just resist.

Like how it forced its ally North Korea to denuclearise at the feet of Trump for sake of averting tariffs. Or like how it panics and gives in to Trump's trade war threats. or like how it cancelled the hong kong extradition bill because of American sponsored protestors .Now those protestors are asking US embassy to come liberate Hong Kong and take Hong Kong into the US empire.

As the world shifts its attention to the G-20 summit in Osaka, a small but dedicated group of protesters in Hong Kong have delivered petitions to the consulates of G-20 members asking the countries to defy China at their meeting this week and insist on discussing the anti-extradition bill protests that have rocked Hong Kong over the past few weeks.

Beijing said last week that it wouldn't permit the issue to be raised at the meeting. Yet, that hasn't stopped demonstrators wearing shirts bearing slogans like "Liberate Hong Kong". The group started their march at the US consulate in Hong Kong, where they delivered a letter asking for American support.

We have been under sanctions and containment for the past 30 years

China has had a lot of benefits from USA Democrat politicans and Major Corporations and the way China milked them was commendable.But since Trump and Pompeo came to power ,China has been behaving like sissies. Always giving in to threats.

Money going out from HK is private and yet we still have 3.1 trillion of reserve

Done by Soros and US empire forces and their minion oiligarchs.
we are the second most powerful nation on Earth.

Doubt. Else you would not buckle to American Pompeo and Trump threats. American violate sovereignity of Spratly islands and threaten China with nuclear attack .China don't send forces to Syria,iran and venesuela. Russia sent forces to Syria and venesuala and prevented overthrow of the respective regimes by USA. China tried to tell Pompeo to be peaceful. Pompeo laughed on China and doubled down on threats.
If China has guts and faith in its weapons it would send forces to protect Iran . It does not . That speaks volume.

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