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For first time in last 500 years, China is stronger then Russia, who is to blame?

Who is to blame?

  • Gorbachev reforms

  • Yeltsin failed capitalism

  • Putin economy dependency on natural resources

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Yes I am talking living standards....that is the real economy.

That's why Russia clearly consumes a lot more than Tokyo.

Economic influence is a broader subject and its beyond the scope of just nominal GDP anyway....but yes as one off nominal GDP would be better for it since the USD is the dominant liquidity in the world by far (and rest that are in that tier are largely tied to it as well). But even then, the use for USD as direct valuation for rest of the consumption in a country (vast majority not done in USD) is quite flawed for developing or more insulated countries generally. It's not really an economic influence thing when you tabulate GDP that way.

Forex reserves, market cap valuation, trade, investment etc would all be better measure using USD valuation than GDP for economic influence measure, since those are broadly influential in the velocities needed for "Economic influence".

And we are talking about economic influence, not standard of living.

It is obvious that economic influence is 'beyond the scope' of just nominal GDP, but it is the best single broad-based measure of economic influence we have right now. Which is why media all over the world cite nominal GDP to compare which economy is the largest/influential, and Russia right now is less economically influential than Tokyo by that measure.

Talking about measuring economy in USD is a distraction. You can use the Euro or Yuan to measure and Tokyo will still come out larger.
Putin is making foundation for future rise of Russia. The government spends huge resources on training the future generation of highly professional leaders - Russia always had problems with manegment. Putin stopped the collapse of Russia and he is doing his best to end US dictatorship over the world. The true rise of Russia will start after Putin - and it will happen only thanks to Putin. You will see it soon.
Most of the western countries are frustrated that their attempts to completely dominate Russia has failed. Their frustration is understandable due to the fact Russia is the last country that stands between them and total domination in geopolitics.

Their scorn towards Putin is due to the fact he totally stemmed the rot that had seeped in and brought the country back on track. They have continuously claimed that Putin is undemocratic but have showed no proof whatsoever other than hosting a bunch of fugitives escaping from law. Worse thing is their open shameless support to terrorists in chechnya and other places.
And that comes from a British, which enslaved 1/4 of the world and steal other people heritage because it dont have its own (perfect example is British Museum with only 5% of English/British culture).

Im not the one creating a post complaining about others...people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
Communism. The fine idea behind misery in Russia, East Germany and Cuba.
To be very honest with you, i am not actually sure Communism was actually that bad..i suspect it became tyranical/autocratic in response to western capitalism effectively targeting/ negating/ neutralizing it. This to me is why so many socialist+ communist systems failed- less about how those countries messed themselves up, but more about how the West/US interfered successfully in them. Just wondering...

A more relevant question should be: Do Russia-China combined pose any threat to US hegemony?
IMO, 1000000% yes. China alone is already a problem in that regard...

. if he wasn't...Russia would be in a far better position.
This is an irrelevant point because its based on a hypothetical. The REALITY is that there is no one better for Russia so far...what you're suggesting is a coulda, woulda, shoulda situation, not actual reality on the ground. In the hypothetical world we are all right..
To be very honest with you, i am not actually sure Communism was actually that bad..i suspect it became tyranical/autocratic in response to western capitalism effectively targeting/ negating/ neutralizing it. This to me is why so many socialist+ communist systems failed- less about how those countries messed themselves up, but more about how the West/US interfered successfully in them. Just wondering...

IMO, 1000000% yes. China alone is already a problem in that regard...

This is an irrelevant point because its based on a hypothetical. The REALITY is that there is no one better for Russia so far...what you're suggesting is a coulda, woulda, shoulda situation, not actual reality on the ground. In the hypothetical world we are all right..

Ok, how about he donates 95% of his net worth to the Russian government coffers.
If Russia cant revive its power like it did in early 19th century or after WW2, then i will favor USA superpower status rather then Chinese. Dont believe them.

They torture their own citizens (Tiananmen massacre, mass labour camps) what will stop them from torturing other nations?
To be honest, China has never in their history really been an offensive sort of Power(outside their sphere of influence). They have never in their history even fought a war outside their immediate neighbourhood. Unlike we in the West, Russia, or even Iran/Turkey/Japan etc countries i will consider with a warrior culture, the Chinese are more a mercantilism/trading type of power(even if you look at their history).
So i don't think they have that kind of world dominant military history like the West/Russia etc

If Russia cant revive its power like it did in early 19th century or after WW2, then i will favor USA superpower status rather then Chinese. Dont believe them.

They torture their own citizens (Tiananmen massacre, mass labour camps) what will stop them from torturing other nations?
Well, Russia is still a great power by all means. It's just that we tend to compare them to the U.S.S.R alot. so obviously they come as far less powerful. However, they are still a major power and also have some critical technological fields which they hold like one of the leaders in both civilian and military nuclear tech, a large and sophisticated arms industry, capable of designing and manufacturing cutting edge high-tech military equipment(fifth generation fighter jets, nuclear subs, ballistic missiles/air defence systems which even other emerging powers are running after etc) , massive land(worlds largest) and huge resources. Moreover Russia has a number of countries which are subservient to it for their defence(almost satellite states) in its neighbourhood and even up outside it's neighbourhood (Syria/Armenia). So all this ensures that it will still hold some importance in global affairs, though never ever again as during the Soviet era. So yes, they are a diminished power but still not completely done for.
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Well, you can also start topic "For the first time in 500 years China is stronger than Britain", "For the first time in 500 years China is stronger than Germany" or "For the first time in 500 years China is stronger than France" and in 5 years also "For the first time in 500 years China is stronger than USA". Russia is doing its best in today's conditions. When US finance monopoly ends Russia will do better, but defenitly it will not be stronger economically than China. Russia will be in top-5 world economies and No.1 European economy - and this will be fine enough.

Russia cannot rival Germany

I was going to open a thread on this in relation to the bride-prostitution trafficking of Pakistani women by Chinese "businessman" (the Visa status given out like candy to Chinese and other foreigners by our government), but I never did because of time constraints among other reasons.

But to address your point about the Chinese cold disregard for life of others, whether human or even animal (boiling dogs alive and laughing while the animal whimpers and screams from pain, for example, there's videos of this. A simple google search will help), I think this boils down to the Atheist Communist Materialist mentality that has been indoctrinated into every Chinese by the Communist party since day one (birth) to adulthood and onwards. Similar pattern was observed in every Communist experiment in history; mass deaths when there was no war. The Chinese, unlike their other Marxist predecessors from throughout history are however evolved in that they have reconciled two ostensibly "opposed" materialist political-economic models; Communism and Capitalism, into a highly rationalized, mechanized machine.

Even Chinese themselves as a people have become mechanized almost like an ant colony. In America they dominate the real-estate industry, besides a certain other group of people. In Africa they are exploiting local respurces & populations, their workers are impregnating African women and never returning to father the children, in Eastern Europe and Ukraine their millionaires are purchasing the local women, in America they are buying out all the properties and real estate, and they are doing all of this with a cohesive pro-Chinese group-mentality. This is a highly rationalized mentality without any regard for the suffering of the others; for example the the Sino-African babies that are being born as a result of Chinese "businessmen" and workers in Africa impregnating the local women and leaving them and the child to fend for themselves.

I mentioned animal torture earlier (boiling live animals). This trait was most commonly documented in serial killers during the early development period in their life (childhood, young adult). Granted serial killers are generally speaking a very small percentage of a given population, when we talk about countries like America for example where some notorious serial killer examples hail from.

But here we are talking about the normalization of torturing animals on a national scale, even during festivities, where it is believed the more painful the death of an animal the tastier and chewy the meat and the more supposed health benefits. This teaching is even contrary to Buddhism. The Communist mindset is a cold ruthless rationalized one. No empathy with the victims, nothing, because why would there be if we only live one life and we are only just evolved beasts?

This is why there is no compunction on the part of the Chinese "businessmen" who can come into Pakistan and see the already miserable poor and take advantage of them because all they see is a flock of sheep ripe for the slaughter.

@Psychic @Nilgiri @Taimur Khurram @vostok @OsmanAli98 @LeGenD

it is interesting generalization. some of the chinese indulge in the behavior. Not all do. The real issue is the opaque nature of the Chinese government
PPP is flawed metric actually, no true economist is sold to it.

Good explanation in this article: https://www.tradingfloor.com/posts/purchasing-power-parity-hype-is-misleading-and-dangerous-1942810

The PPP is a good metric if you are relatively self-sufficient
Not sure how Russia fares in that regard these days

Most of the time Russian economy was bigger then German's. Only last few decades became smaller.

Germany is technologically advanced. I would pick Germany over Russia to drive the European economy
Most of the western countries are frustrated that their attempts to completely dominate Russia has failed.

Russia has been beaten in every possible way by the West. The entire Russian population would migrate to Western Europe if only they could. There's nothing left of UdSSR culture, the Western culture is dominant now, Europe is Russia's biggest market, the West is providing Russia technology to exploit their natural resources, they're falling back in the aviation industry, their children and youth are heavily influenced by American culture, take away the income from the natural resources and Russia can't even match Turkey in terms of GDP, entire Eastern Europe is NATO land, the Orthodox church just broke apart again, Russia is bleeding out with hundreds of thousands leaving the country every year.

Sorry to say this but Russia is busted.
Russia has way cleaner air and water than China. Russia has far more coal than China does yet Russia hardly burn any coal.
Russia has way cleaner air and water than China. Russia has far more coal than China does yet Russia hardly burn any coal.

Only 15% for power. That's pretty good.
If Russia cant revive its power like it did in early 19th century or after WW2, then i will favor USA superpower status rather then Chinese. Dont believe them.

They torture their own citizens (Tiananmen massacre, mass labour camps) what will stop them from torturing other nations?

torture their own citizens? as oppose to US government enable its own citizens committing massacres on the weekly basis and bomb the crap out of countries around the world, resulting in millions of the innocent death to date through its incessant wars since WWII? I mean seriously? When talking about destruction and death, no one holds candle to the US. US threatens it's own backyard countries with "regime change" if they don't toe US line, those are well documented. While you based on your opinion upon some unfounded western made up so called "mass labor camp" and a single massacre from 1/3 of century ago.

Idiot, 80% of Russian dont want to leave Russia.

That 20% want to emigrate to the Western Europe, USA, Canada and Australia, THERE IS ONLY 75.000 RUSSIANS IN CHINA.

No one want to migrate to China,thats why half of 50 CENT army here lives in Western world. Even peacefull muslim uygyrs are killed in thousends every day. CPC is literary 21th century Hitler.

Brother, Russia deserves the best. Dont deserve to be 10th largest economy behind f*cking Italy. Our ancestors changed this world. In any aspect. I deeply doubt Putin ability to make Russia science, military or economicaly powerful again. Maybe for first time.

Serbian man is ranked on number 3 on the most beautiful nations in the world. Serbian women on 7th place. We are only nation in the world along Spain that have both man and women on top 10.

"Even peacefull muslim uygyrs are killed in thousends every day", that alone tells you are a complete idiot. Care to cite evidence and link?

I was going to open a thread on this in relation to the bride-prostitution trafficking of Pakistani women by Chinese "businessman" (the Visa status given out like candy to Chinese and other foreigners by our government), but I never did because of time constraints among other reasons.

But to address your point about the Chinese cold disregard for life of others, whether human or even animal (boiling dogs alive and laughing while the animal whimpers and screams from pain, for example, there's videos of this. A simple google search will help), I think this boils down to the Atheist Communist Materialist mentality that has been indoctrinated into every Chinese by the Communist party since day one (birth) to adulthood and onwards. Similar pattern was observed in every Communist experiment in history; mass deaths when there was no war. The Chinese, unlike their other Marxist predecessors from throughout history are however evolved in that they have reconciled two ostensibly "opposed" materialist political-economic models; Communism and Capitalism, into a highly rationalized, mechanized machine.

Even Chinese themselves as a people have become mechanized almost like an ant colony. In America they dominate the real-estate industry, besides a certain other group of people. In Africa they are exploiting local respurces & populations, their workers are impregnating African women and never returning to father the children, in Eastern Europe and Ukraine their millionaires are purchasing the local women, in America they are buying out all the properties and real estate, and they are doing all of this with a cohesive pro-Chinese group-mentality. This is a highly rationalized mentality without any regard for the suffering of the others; for example the the Sino-African babies that are being born as a result of Chinese "businessmen" and workers in Africa impregnating the local women and leaving them and the child to fend for themselves.

I mentioned animal torture earlier (boiling live animals). This trait was most commonly documented in serial killers during the early development period in their life (childhood, young adult). Granted serial killers are generally speaking a very small percentage of a given population, when we talk about countries like America for example where some notorious serial killer examples hail from.

But here we are talking about the normalization of torturing animals on a national scale, even during festivities, where it is believed the more painful the death of an animal the tastier and chewy the meat and the more supposed health benefits. This teaching is even contrary to Buddhism. The Communist mindset is a cold ruthless rationalized one. No empathy with the victims, nothing, because why would there be if we only live one life and we are only just evolved beasts?

This is why there is no compunction on the part of the Chinese "businessmen" who can come into Pakistan and see the already miserable poor and take advantage of them because all they see is a flock of sheep ripe for the slaughter.

@Psychic @Nilgiri @Taimur Khurram @vostok @OsmanAli98 @LeGenD

What you just mentioned here happens in western countries a lot more than China. Just look up how many western white man exploited poor females in Asia and used them as sex slaves, or mail brided wives from China a decade ago, and now Philippine and those women ended up being abused by their white husband in the west. Yeah, we are talking about non-communist countries here. There are bad apples in every country, incredible you use few bad apples to generalize entire Chinese. The men in China who are desperate to find wives elsewhere from poorer countries are most likely bottom barrel low ethic Chinese to begin with. And in the US today, massacre are so common, it literally happens on the weekly basis and urban gangs killing each other is literally everyday affair, people in the US are numb to it and think it's normal and part of American life now. Yet you here barking about how China treat some freaking animals badly. By the way 90% of chinese don't even kill animals themselves, they buy meat from stores, like rest of the world and most animals are killed in factories. And there are tons of animal protection groups in China as well whose mission is to protect the animals. Are you also going to accuse Canadians that mass kill seals on their beach every year, which literally turn entire beach red as well? BTW, what about some Muslims beheading people, or burn people alive when executing them, should Chinese generalize all all Muslims now? Or Indian kill women for dowries, rape and murder children, or beat and kill people of lesser caste, should Chinese generalize entire Indian now? You are a complete idiot, who buy into western media that constantly demonize the Chinese highlighting few examples not representative of entire population, we'd expect Pakistanis like you to know better.
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