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For first time in last 500 years, China is stronger then Russia, who is to blame?

Who is to blame?

  • Gorbachev reforms

  • Yeltsin failed capitalism

  • Putin economy dependency on natural resources

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Rubbing in the Century of Humiliation eh? :whistle:
True. China got to this physical size (bigger than USA) by being meek and not conquering or assimilating anybody ;)

What you just mentioned here happens in western countries a lot more than China. Just look up how many western white man exploited poor females in Asia and used them as sex slaves, or mail brided wives from China a decade ago, and now Philippine and those women ended up being abused by their white husband in the west. Yeah, we are talking about non-communist countries here. There are bad apples in every country, incredible you use few bad apples to generalize entire Chinese. The men in China who are desperate to find wives elsewhere from poorer countries are most likely bottom barrel low ethic Chinese to begin with. And in the US today, massacre are so common, it literally happens on the weekly basis and urban gangs killing each other is literally everyday affair, people in the US are numb to it and think it's normal and part of American life now. Yet you here barking about how China treat some freaking animals badly. By the way 90% of chinese don't even kill animals themselves, they buy meat from stores, like rest of the world and most animals are killed in factories. And there are tons of animal protection groups in China as well whose mission is to protect the animals. Are you also going to accuse Canadians that mass kill seals on their beach every year, which literally turn entire beach red as well? BTW, what about some Muslims beheading people, or burn people alive when executing them, should Chinese generalize all all Muslims now? Or Indian kill women for dowries, rape and murder children, or beat and kill people of lesser caste, should Chinese generalize entire Indian now? You are a complete idiot, who buy into western media that constantly demonize the Chinese highlighting few examples not representative of entire population, we'd expect Pakistanis like you to know better.
No need to get emotional. He's just an Islamist nutjob who hates China. Kind of like a Xinjiang terrorist.
True. China got to this physical size (bigger than USA) by being meek and not conquering or assimilating anybody ;)

Yep, we’d give you a few bicycles and you’d be simply amazed. The Brits should have traded you a bunch for Hong Kong instead of fighting. I guess that’s better than a handful of shiny trinkets for Manhattan.
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Yep, we’d give you a few bicycles and you’d be simply amazed. The Brits should have traded you a bunch for Hong Kong instead of fighting. I guess that’s better than a handful of shiny trinkets for Manhattan.
Yes, if you gave us your gold in the first place, maybe we wouldn't have needed to rip you a new one in Korea.
Yes, if you gave us your gold in the first place, maybe we wouldn't have needed to rip you a new one in Korea.

Korea isn’t part of the US. Maybe we should have given you free bicycles as an incentive to stay on your side of the border...or a bunch of Zippo cigarette lighters.


See the pretty sparks!


It makes magic fire!
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Cause China has been sucking on American d*** for the last 40 years....after seeing sucking Soviet d*** din't get China anywhere .... :)

Ps: the russians still have better military.
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Cause China has been sucking on American d*** for the last 40 years....after seeing sucking Soviet d*** don't get China anywhere .... :)
Milking US is more like it, we are still milking US today, Trump finds there's not much milk left for US now so he is not very happy.
Cause China has been sucking on American d*** for the last 40 years....after seeing sucking Soviet d*** don't get China anywhere .... :)

Ps: the russians still have better military.
Since when does exporting and doing honest manufacturing becomes sucking dick. In that case Japan and SK must have been sucking alot of dcks?
Cause China has been sucking on American d*** for the last 40 years....after seeing sucking Soviet d*** din't get China anywhere .... :)

Ps: the russians still have better military.

lol, look at how Indian been suck on American and Soviet d**** and still can't get anywhere. And Americans are complaining how China is "raping" Americans.
lol, look at how Indian been suck on American and Soviet d**** and still can't get anywhere. And Americans are complaining how China is "raping" Ame

The Chinese are specialists in
what aboutism... Lol

Us : the Chinese army is a paper tiger....

Chinese reply :
"but but what about unicoorrrns ?"

Ps: I don't think you are Chinese at all...lolol....probably a pakistani...

The U.S. gave access to its markets ...which is the only reason China grew.....all our cheap shit in stores are..thanks to its slave labor .....

Most of your military technology is Russian back engineered...or stolen from the us...

the Chinese are not capable of innovation..they are like a parasite that needs a host to survive....

commercially most technology is back engineered...it straight up demands company source code or tech from foreign companies to have access to the Chinese market......has draconian laws against foreign companies....

Yeah good luck sustaining it...by going against the U.S. :) now that your one belt one road is leading it straight off a cliff
The Chinese are specialists in
what aboutism... Lol

Us : the Chinese army is a paper tiger....

Chinese reply :
"but but what about unicoorrrns ?"

Ps: I don't think you are Chinese at all...lolol....probably a pakistani...

The U.S. gave access to its markets ...which is the only reason China grew.....all our cheap shit in stores are..thanks to its slave labor .....

Most of your military technology is Russian back engineered...or stolen from the us...

the Chinese are not capable of innovation..they are like a parasite that needs a host to survive....

commercially most technology is back engineered...it straight up demands company source code or tech from foreign companies to have access to the Chinese market......has draconian laws against foreign companies....

Yeah good luck sustaining it...by going against the U.S. :) now that your one belt one road is leading it straight off a cliff

LOL, sorry to burst your bubble, but china is #2 INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGICAL PATENT HOLDER for 7 years in a row now, according WIPO, Spain based INTERNATIONAL PATENT office. While Indian like you can't even produce anything and cheap shit even with your slave labor wage 1/6 of Chinese wages. In Chinese eyes, Indian like you are basically slave labors who can't innovate on anything, Keep crying, LOL. Go suck your Russian and American d*** and watch you still being a slave.

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Since when does exporting and doing honest manufacturing becomes sucking dick. In that case Japan and SK must have been sucking alot of dcks?

Not so loud, if racist angry neo-nazi 'Murica figures that out, there will be many more incidents like this:

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