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For an India-led security architecture in South Asia

thanks for point out that India was not a country before British invasion and the Brits clearly occupied India for almost 200 years. and they created India.

what are you doing in America if your first allegiance is to india

By that logic imperial china is different than ccp china of today and regions like Tibet, Xingxang and some other territories which are oppressed needs to be liberated.
thanks for point out that India was not a country before British invasion and the Brits clearly occupied India for almost 200 years. and they created India.

what are you doing in America if your first allegiance is to india

Am I seriiously expected to reply to every dumbf.uck comment out here?

And I could ask you the same question, what makes you serve the white masters who made you eat opium :pop:
Hence, the expectation that smaller neighbours should keep India informed and updated about their concerns and arrangements on the geo-strategic front. The ideal, of course, would be for these countries to resist the temptation of inviting extra-territorial players into the region and providing them with political and strategic space.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...ty-architecture-south-asia.html#ixzz2HQrWDKVz

This is really crack me up...wtf what this Indian dude think India is? you got not respect from the neighbors but and expect them to be your vessal state? without fire a single shot:rofl: what a bollywood, pretentious & fantazy dreamer.

Even Maldive is look down on India...and a self proclaimation is nothing but brain fart.
For Americans and pseudo-americans,heres a read from Sec-Def Robert Gates:

U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, speaking at West Point, said last week that "Any future defense secretary who advises the president to again send a big American land army into Asia or into the Middle East or Africa should have his head examined." In saying this, Gates was repeating a dictum laid down by Douglas MacArthur after the Korean War, who urged the United States to avoid land wars in Asia. Given that the United States has fought four major land wars in Asia since World War II -- Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq -- none of which had ideal outcomesRead more: Never Fight a Land War in Asia | Stratfor

India is simply too big to pushover :pop:. they can only push around basket cases like Iraq and Pakistan

Lol, since when Indians dare to defy western beside begging from the English Men for independant with Gandhi non-violence, you have never fought on your own against western but serve yourself to them as canon folder, so please don't add insult to injury by taking credit of eastern asians bravery who fought western army as your own, they were proven warriors you're not.

I give India 24 hrs if U.S decide to overrun it...than you will surrender pacifically ...of course with Gandhi style of non-violence once again :rolleyes:.
^the comebacks are stale. try harder please.
remind me when was hong kong "donated" to the illiterate mainlanders.

so much for the brave chinese :lol: running away from water cannons
^the comebacks are stale. try harder please.
remind me when was hong kong "donated" to the illiterate mainlanders.

so much for the brave chinese :lol: running away from water cannons

You forgot to mention how we fought in Korea :lol:, as Hong Kong, we honored the treaty we signed as Ching empire lost the war we dont need to deny as those try to comfort themself with thousand excuses as 1962 war..."supposely if we used airforce...we could have won the war" from the statement of your official...LMAO

Lol Water canons, taiwan again:rofl:...that how you got credit for all your 4677 posts
Ok enough of this BS.

India already has some sort of understanding with Nepal & Bhutan where an attack on any of the two will mean an attack on India. Indian forces enter there territories literally at WILL.

Apart from these two, India is the regional power that can intervene militarily in it's SA neighborhood when the situation demands.


Lol India just think big on themself, expect to scare us with that???:rofl:, we don't need this kind of understanding to scare the sh1t out on India, send few chinese diplomates to meet Bhuthanese and Nepaleses offcials will give Indians sleepless nights...LMAO

Nepal: India fears China, Khurshid admits 12 point was India making

India frets as Bhutan falls in China Teacup - Analysis - DNA
Agreed that post NATO Afghanistan will be a mess but from an SCO perspective Afghanistan is vital (Central Asia) and the group they back will have an edge on other groups/ warlords (but you never know..).

I would like to hear your opinion on Taliban. Some have opined that USA might be trying to come to an understanding with them to counter SCO influence in near future and in CA (many militant operating there too, which will likely join Taliban). Any merit to these rumors?

Taliban are scum they kill innocent people in the name of Islam which goes against that religion's moral code. If you ask me i say we get the hell out of Afghanistan ASAP we don't need to be there Afghanistan has been burning for 40 years and is likely to continue that way why should we (American taxpayers) spend our god damn money to support a corrupt government/disfunctional military which improperly uses the funds to their own personal wealth?

There's so many different warlords/thugs/militants in Afghanistan some are loyal to the Taliban some are just looking out for their own interests its hard to tell what can happen between the factions and the Afghan gov't whether the military will stay loyal to the government or defect to the Taliban is another risk possibility. My prediction is that once the foreign forces leave Afghanistan it will either function as a failed/semi-failed state or collapse completely if the Taliban manage to overwhelm Kabul like they did before, we have seen the so called "Success" of Afghan democracy by the next decade who knows who will be controlling that place?
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