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For all it's reputation, what has ISI done for Pakistan?

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Dear moderators/admins,

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For all it's reputation, what has ISI done for Pakistan?

Prevented secession of East Pakistan? No.

Took control of Srinagar side of Kashmir? No.

Prevented the harmful project of CPEC? No.

Won the Soviet-Afghan war? But that was for US.

For all it's reputation, what has ISI done for Pakistan?
I'm a critic of most arms, but the ISI has done Alot and lost a lot of brave young men over the past 70 years , yet those dead never received any funerals. Alot has been done which will never be known
Dear moderators/admins,

Please don't delete/close this thread. Address this criticism with valid arguments.

For all it's reputation, what has ISI done for Pakistan?

Prevented secession of East Pakistan? No.

Took control of Srinagar side of Kashmir? No.

Prevented the harmful project of CPEC? No.

Won the Soviet-Afghan war? But that was for US.

For all it's reputation, what has ISI done for Pakistan?

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You have 10 mins to answer. Your time starts now.
Dear moderators/admins,

Please don't delete/close this thread. Address this criticism with valid arguments.

For all it's reputation, what has ISI done for Pakistan?

Prevented secession of East Pakistan? No.

Took control of Srinagar side of Kashmir? No.

Prevented the harmful project of CPEC? No.

Won the Soviet-Afghan war? But that was for US.

For all it's reputation, what has ISI done for Pakistan?

You must asked these question to whom who rated ISI number 1, then have some method to measure that. But one thing is for sure ISI is not a govern body of Pakistan who decide law and order of the country, She is spy agency like any other and its work is also same as any other agency. CIA will not decide which development project to be run in US and it is the work of planning department. ISI main job is espionage and fight for Pakistan outside border.
Dear moderators/admins,

Please don't delete/close this thread. Address this criticism with valid arguments.

For all it's reputation, what has ISI done for Pakistan?

Prevented secession of East Pakistan? No.

Took control of Srinagar side of Kashmir? No.

Prevented the harmful project of CPEC? No.

Won the Soviet-Afghan war? But that was for US.

For all it's reputation, what has ISI done for Pakistan?

Despite all enemies, Pakistan is still here.

Is it a valid and strong argument for you ?
If You meant week then FYI Pakistan is an all week nation.We kick your Hairy A** 7 days around the clock here.but incase you said WEAK well then it has been 70+ years and we are still here.you wanna see which and how many of my muscles have strength just come here and try me.ISI and the rest of pakistan comes after.:big_boss:
I actually said that Pakistan was not a weak nation as your fellow member said. However you exist today but only half. You kick our @ss,? Great. One bomb blast takes place every week in your country every week . You zre unable to secure a small city quest and bluffing here big mouth.
Dear moderators/admins,

Please don't delete/close this thread. Address this criticism with valid arguments.

For all it's reputation, what has ISI done for Pakistan?

Prevented secession of East Pakistan? No.

Took control of Srinagar side of Kashmir? No.

Prevented the harmful project of CPEC? No.

Won the Soviet-Afghan war? But that was for US.

For all it's reputation, what has ISI done for Pakistan?
ISI exposed conspiracy of Bengal but politicians released the criminals.
ISI is daily doing surveillance on enemy spies and apprehend them daily without you even knowing them.
who is giving soldiers info about terrorists hideouts and who is leading those ops?
they didn't get Srinagar for you but they are making sure India don't get muzaffarabad too.
LOL what a stupid thread.

Let me explain, ISI is not hollywood/bollywood, the men/women of ISI will always be the unsung heros, when they miss something everyone knows about it, but no one ever knows of their successes.

The biggest achievement of ISI is kulbhushan jadhav.

And as for CPEC, go cry somewhere else.

Dear moderators/admins,

Please don't delete/close this thread. Address this criticism with valid arguments.

For all it's reputation, what has ISI done for Pakistan?

Prevented secession of East Pakistan? No.

Took control of Srinagar side of Kashmir? No.

Prevented the harmful project of CPEC? No.

Won the Soviet-Afghan war? But that was for US.

For all it's reputation, what has ISI done for Pakistan?
Seriously? Write the word sex and this forum will get it's knickers in a twist, but this bakwas is open?

What does anyone know about what any intelligence agency does? Other than what they leak to the media for their own promotion or the media makes up for headlines.

  • ISI could claim to have defeated the soviet union in Afghanistan and armed jihad as far wide as Chechnya and Bosnia.
  • ISI could claim to have defeated US militarily in Afghanistan using the Americans own money and weapons.
  • ISI could claim to have started and kept up a 40 year insurgency in Kashmir.
At the same time 80,000 Pakistani's were killed by terrorists and their plots which the intelligence agencies did not stop.

The same could be said of any agency.

Mossad is considered the worlds best. Mossad hunts it's enemies in even Germany, Argentina and the Gulf Arab states. Mossad has infiltrated the PLO and Hamas as well as other Palestinian militant groups. Yet, Mossad couldn't even stop Hamas, Hizbollah rocket attacks. Mossad can't stop knife attacks.

CIA is the worlds biggest and best funded intelligence agency. They have their own private armies, huge black budgets, a fleet of killer drones, run opps all over the world, but couldn't stop 911, or any of the other terrorist attacks. They lost the war in Afghanistan. They've been outmanouvred by Iran in Syria and Iraq. Bay of pigs... the list goes on and on.

The truth is this world is secretive, there are successes and failures we will never know about 99% of what we know is speculation and media hype, BS from idiots trying to sell books.
As for CIA, + Vietnam + Korea + China...
They have failed when it comes to politics of Pakistan. How the hell
did they let corrupt traitors lead the Country? If it was Mossad they
would have knocked off all these traitors 1 by 1.
Your public selects them so janab please bother to ask public to go for for honest guys

Dear moderators/admins,

Please don't delete/close this thread. Address this criticism with valid arguments.

For all it's reputation, what has ISI done for Pakistan?

Prevented secession of East Pakistan? No.

Took control of Srinagar side of Kashmir? No.

Prevented the harmful project of CPEC? No.

Won the Soviet-Afghan war? But that was for US.

For all it's reputation, what has ISI done for Pakistan?
From breaking soviets to fighting TTP to taking on CIA and MOSSAD and MI6 and others at same time
ISI is just over glorified homeland security they have no power outside Pakistan heck they cant even control domestic media its not as much lethal as it used to be

what are success stories?

Getting IAF Group Capt. and IA Col. to give up your battle plans and secrets, i’d say ISI is very successful ;))

I Never Knew That Pakistan Was Such A Week Nation.
Actually its a 70’year old nation...
ISI has done many things for Pakistan and their victories to come to light as they r secrets :) Long Live ISI Long Live Pakistan Inshallah
Your public selects them so janab please bother to ask public to go for for honest guys

From breaking soviets to fighting TTP to taking on CIA and MOSSAD and MI6 and others at same time

Nawaz was promoted by Gen Zia and in 2013 he come in by rigging elections.
But the job of ISI is to knock off the traitors but in Pakistan they are getting
promoted. They have not learnt from Agartala in the 60's.
ISI exposed conspiracy of Bengal but politicians released the criminals.
ISI is daily doing surveillance on enemy spies and apprehend them daily without you even knowing them.
who is giving soldiers info about terrorists hideouts and who is leading those ops?
they didn't get Srinagar for you but they are making sure India don't get muzaffarabad too.
What about Pakistan losing Siachen in 1984? What about Khalistan strategy not reaching the fruition?

P.S.: I didn't state above the reason for ISI's failure. Stating it would be parroting the same old lines. The reason is, "Size does matter." Geographical size, population size etc. India is much bigger. So the ISI's failures are honourable after all.
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