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For 26 yrs, India overlooks squatter China


Nov 5, 2011
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The Chinese army occupied a strategically important slice of Indian territory in Arunachal Pradesh in 1986 and has remained entrenched in the area since then as successive governments in Delhi have denied the army permission to evict the intruders for what are being quoted as “pragmatic” reasons.:hitwall:

In late 1986, the Chinese army crossed the McMahon Line — the de facto boundary between India and China — and occupied a strategically critical 28 sq km area in the Wangdung region of Sumdorong Chu Valley, 68 km northeast of Tawang town, a senior army officer told HT on condition of anonymity as he is not authorised to speak to the media.

The Indian Army used to vacate the area during the harsh winter and return every summer.

This occupied territory, though small, is strategically important as it can, in the event of hostilities, provide the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) a launch pad for a thrust into Tawang and the Brahmaputra valley beyond. Beijing claims Tawang is a part of China.

“We could have easily ejected the Chinese soldiers, but were restrained by the government from doing so,” the officer said, adding: “This stance is demoralising the army.”:hitwall:

A senior official at army headquarters in Delhi confirmed that the PLA is, indeed, in illegal occupation of Indian territory but added that it didn’t matter as “the Indian Army holds the heights around the area”.

He added: “We’re being pragmatic as we don't want to escalate tensions.”

In an operation that bears startling similarities with Pakistan’s Kargil misadventure 12 years later, the PLA occupied the post and the surrounding area during winter of 1986, when it was unoccupied.

The PLA refused to leave when Special Services Bureau personnel, who manned the post, returned the following summer.

The PLA has, meanwhile, fortified the area and even built a helipad to fly in supplies.

Arunachal West MP Takam Sanjoy recently said the Chinese had penetrated deeper into Indian territory in the Tawang sector, but HT could not independently confirm this.

“We had met the Prime Minister and defence minister to apprise them of the fresh incursions a few weeks ago,” he said.

For 26 yrs, India overlooks squatter China - Hindustan Times

What is happening at our border areas.. grave concern...:tdown::disagree:
Stop posting same thing over different threads.....
What is so surprising ? :azn:

Haven't you read this ?

NEW DELHI: The area along Line of Actual Control with China has "shrunk" over a period of time and India has lost "substantial" amount of land in the last two decades, says an official report.
At a recent meeting held in Leh which was attended by officials from the Jammu and Kashmir government, Ministry of Home Affairs and Army, it was agreed that there was difference in the maps of various agencies and that there was lack of proper mapping of the area.
While the absence of proper map was agreed upon, the meeting all the same felt, "however, it is clear and be accepted that we are withdrawing from LAC and our area has shrunk over a period of time."
"Though this process if very slow but we have lost substantial amount of land in 20-25 years," it was said at the meeting held last month.

India has lost 'substantial' land to China: Official report - Times Of India
What is so surprising ? :azn:

Haven't you read this ?

NEW DELHI: The area along Line of Actual Control with China has "shrunk" over a period of time and India has lost "substantial" amount of land in the last two decades, says an official report.
At a recent meeting held in Leh which was attended by officials from the Jammu and Kashmir government, Ministry of Home Affairs and Army, it was agreed that there was difference in the maps of various agencies and that there was lack of proper mapping of the area.
While the absence of proper map was agreed upon, the meeting all the same felt, "however, it is clear and be accepted that we are withdrawing from LAC and our area has shrunk over a period of time."
"Though this process if very slow but we have lost substantial amount of land in 20-25 years," it was said at the meeting held last month.

India has lost 'substantial' land to China: Official report - Times Of India

And now suddenly you have started believing in TOI. Every thing goes as per your convenience.

---------- Post added at 06:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:26 PM ----------

LOL...... China is occupying "Arunchal Pradesh" now? Good to see india is working up its courage to do another forward policy. C'mon india, come provoke us. Our full military power is already based in Tibet and itching to be unleashed against New Delhi! See our recent satellite commanded exercises!


You are sick my Dear Hongwu............ Get well soon.

And pls............. don't take so much of chinese "On-High Drugs".:lol:
With WCC constantly poking India to fight the Chinese this a good move by PLA. The people of Arunachol have always owed allegiance to Tibet. Culturally, ethnically and geographically too this is Tibetan territory. The local people will welcome this as also the harassed peoples of NE and BD.

Welcome China!
With WCC constantly poking India to fight the Chinese this a good move by PLA. The people of Arunachol have always owed allegiance to Tibet. Culturally, ethnically and geographically too this is Tibetan territory. The local people will welcome this as also the harassed peoples of NE and BD.

Welcome China!

---------- Post added at 08:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:10 PM ----------

With WCC constantly poking India to fight the Chinese this a good move by PLA. The people of Arunachol have always owed allegiance to Tibet. Culturally, ethnically and geographically too this is Tibetan territory. The local people will welcome this as also the harassed peoples of NE and BD.

Welcome China!

Asad71...... No matter how much you jumb, roll, rofl (like your avatar). Nothing is going to change.

And CCP knows this very well. Cannot blame innocent chinese ppl as they are feeded by CCP propaganda machine and they only know what is told by the Ruler.
In 1986, India does not have the military capacity to confront China but now, with US, Israeli and Western supports, it could raise all the unsolved issues. In case of military conflict, India could make use of all the latest US, Israeli and EU wepaonry in addition to the traditional western military and logistical supports.
^^the question is not about capability ...but about political will
Makes my blood boil by the gov't inaction....both BJp and CONgress Suck.....Indians who vote such parties are idiots......you deserve the sad state of affairs for voting for such BS
yeps thanks to Gandhinistic nehruvian morons we are still forced to respect the same doggs (Gandhi/Nehru and the political insects they produced)that forced India to donate 1/3 of its territory to Islam, the entire region of Tibet to china, and now after loosing the aksai chin.. have been stating lies about Arunachal Pradesh.

India is better off with a Hindu dictatorship then a destructive Gandhinistic/Nehruvian pseudo democracy.

You didn't donate Tibet to us. We took it back from the British. You are the continuation of the British Empire in South Asia.
and what psychoses made you think Tibet belonged or belongs to china?...dont tell me your walt disney vieuw of the world and its history came from one of the little girls Mao slept with.

The same Psychosis that makes India think Kashmir, the 6 sister states, and pretty much the eastern half of its country belongs to it.
Make sure you don't live in a walt disney word yourself before you accuse others of living in it.
You didn't donate Tibet to us. We took it back from the British. You are the continuation of the British Empire in South Asia.

you need to brush up your history about India. India is not a continuation of the british empire. It existed even prior to that.
Read about emperor chandragupt maurya, emperor Bindusara, emperor Ashoka. Earlier India was known as Bharat as well as Arya vart different parts of which were ruled by different kings but all of them regarded their kingdoms to be part of Bharat.
chandragupt had unified India during his rule and it remained unified till the death of his grandson ashoka. Read about Rama and Krishna. Later on when mughals came to India they too regarded it as one country and named it Hindustan. so in course of time only the name changed from Bharat to Hindustan to India. Now that does not mean that India did not exist as a country prior to the British rule.
The same Psychosis that makes India think Kashmir, the 6 sister states, and pretty much the eastern half of its country belongs to it.
Make sure you don't live in a walt disney word yourself before you accuse others of living in it.

ofcourse it belongs to India. we have no doubt about it. if you support that psychosis and believe that tibet is a part of china then going by your logic you should believe that kashmir is a part of India. Give up your claim on kashmir
ofcourse it belongs to India. we have no doubt about it. if you support that psychosis and believe that tibet is a part of china then going by your logic you should believe that kashmir is a part of India. Give up your claim on kashmir

And China had no problems in accepting McMahon line as a border with myanmar. TBH, China was/is not sincere in solving the problems. We have no option but to be ready.

---------- Post added at 11:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:51 AM ----------

ofcourse it belongs to India. we have no doubt about it. if you support that psychosis and believe that tibet is a part of china then going by your logic you should believe that kashmir is a part of India. Give up your claim on kashmir

And China had no problems in accepting McMahon line as a border with myanmar. TBH, China was/is not sincere in solving the problems. We have no option but to be ready.

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